speeds and feeds calculator lathe
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and Deflection Equations and Calculator, Combined Loading on Circular Beam or Shaft in Direct Compression and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Combined Loading on Circular Beam or Shaft in Direct Tension and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Combined Loading on Rectangular Beam or Shaft in Direct Compression and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Combined Loading on Rectangular Beam or Shaft in Direct Tension and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Combined Loading on Circular Shaft in Direct Compression and Torsion Equation and Deflection Calculator, Combined Loading on Circular Shaft in Direct Tension and Torsion Equation and Deflection Calculator, Maximum Shear Stress Theory Fatigue of a Shaft or Axle Formula and Calculator, Shaft Torsional Deflection and Rigidity Formulas and Calculator, Combined Loading on Offset Link, Circular Cross Section, in Direct Tension Equation and Calculator, Combined Loading Offset Link, Circular Cross Section, in Direct Compression Equation and 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with Distributed Loading on Elastic Foundation Calculator and Equations Loading Case 4, Concentrated Load on the Horizontal Member Elastic Frame Equations and Calculator, Distributed Load on the Horizontal Member Elastic Frame Deflections Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Moment Applied on Horizontal Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Angular Displacement Applied on Horizontal Member Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Lateral Displacement Applied on Horizontal Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Load Applied to Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Distributed Load Applied to Left Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Moment Applied to Left Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Angular Displacement Applied to Left Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Lateral Displacement Applied to Left Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Load Applied to Right Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Distributed Load Applied to Right Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Moment Applied to Right Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Angular Displacement Applied Right Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Lateral Displacement Applied Right Vertical Member Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Uniform Temperature Rise Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Uniform Temperature Differential Between Outside and Inside Equations and Calculator, Frame Deflections with Concentrated Load on the Horizontal Member Equations and Calculator, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and distributed load, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and concentrated moment on the horizontal member, Distributed Load Elastic Frame Deflection Left Vertical Member Guided Horizontally, Concentrated Moment on the Horizontal Member Elastic Frame Deflection, Concentrated Angular Displacement on the Horizontal Member Elastic Frame Deflection, Concentrated Lateral Displacement on the Horizontal Member Elastic Frame Deflection, Concentrated load on the Left Vertical Member Elastic Frame Deflection Left Vertical Member, Distributed Load on the Left Vertical Member Elastic Frame Deflection Left Vertical Member Guided Horizontally, Concentrated Moment on the Left Vertical Member Elastic Frame Deflection Left Vertical Member Guided Horizontally, Concentrated Angular Displacement on Left Vertical Member Elastic Frame Deflection Left Vertical Member Guided Horizontally, Concentrated Lateral Displacement on Left Vertical Member Elastic Frame Deflection, Concentrated Load on Right Vertical Member Elastic Frame Deflection Left Vertical Member Guided Horizontally, Stress from Drop Load of Beam Supported on Both Ends, Stress from Drop Load of Beam Fixed on one End and Struck at the Other End, Stress from Drop Load of Beam Fixed on Both Ends and Struck at Center, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and concentrated angular displacement on the horizontal member, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and concentrated lateral displacement on the horizontal member formulas and calculator, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and concentrated load on the left vertical member formulas and calculator, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and distributed load on the left vertical member formulas and calculator, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and Concentrated moment on the left vertical member formulas and calculator, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and Concentrated angular displacement on the left vertical member formulas and calculator, Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and Concentrated lateral displacement on the left vertical member formulas and calculator. If you have an older control that doesnt have very many work offsets, you can use G10 to reuse the available work offsets with different coordinates. This is when you need to make Chatter a Science and get serious about understanding how to get rid of it. Second, many lathes encode a tool wear offset into the address following the T word: In the example tt signifies the tool number and ww signifies the wear offset. The disadvantage is that when machining starts, there is no finished part to touch off. Incorrect speeds and feeds will cause damage to the tool, machine spindle, and even the product. Plastics can be expensive. Youll likely use a stepper motor or servo to turn the ball screws. Many machines also implement a gcode that lets you switch back and forth: The CNC Lathe can make the same basic moves as the millG01 for lines and G02/03 for arcs (plus G00 for rapid motion in a straight line). 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Much simpler projects are also easy to do. Just bring up the cutting parameters you used and press Add to Cut KB. Accessing them is easy. Plasma tables are designed to cut parts from sheet stock: Heres our full set of Hobby CNC and Beginner Resources: CNC With Jaime: Start with someone who knows nothing about CNC and look over her shoulder as she becomes a proficient CNCer. Use the C word for a chamfer and the R word for a radius. Theres still hope though, because it isnt that hard to get it together and map out your chatter by hand for a small shop or even a home shop machinist. How much of your interest revolves around creating the machine itself versus using the machine after it is done? Force for Press Brake to Bend or Form Sheet Metal Calculator. Makes fast, precision cuts, generally using, (EDM), also known as spark machining, spark eroding, burning, die sinking, or wire erosion, is a manufacturing process in which the desired shape is obtained using electrical discharges (sparks). As the controller hardware evolved, the mills themselves also evolved. - Include Shear and Moment Diagram. It includes a calculator to figure the spindle speed required. Choose the one you want and that tells you the sign of the value. This is why slowing down may work, but speeding up may work just as well or even better. Get out your machines programming handbook and see what the G10 syntax is for it. I have to hand it to the Carbide3D peoplethe Shapeoko is one sweet CNC Router kit. Lets go through a typical example of its use: You just ran a cut on a job and the whole shop was holding their ears from all the squealing. However, a CNC device with high backlash and a dull cutting tool can lead to cutter chatter and possible workpiece gouging. 8. Using the chart, choose which axis is moving and in what direction. How the heck am I going to deal with all those combinations? In numerical control systems, the position of the tool is defined by a set of instructions called the part program. Once you get used to it, its a very handy feature to have, but it takes a little getting used to how to set it up. For example, chip loads are generally higher for HSS than for Carbide, all other things being equal. That information is money in your bank account. If the table and travels are big enough for your projects, this will be a cheaper and faster project than an RF-45. We got a Shapeoko XXL in and I documented the build! In all likelihood, the simplest and most inexpensive machine to get started with is a 3D Printer. Youve plotted a point on your stability lobe diagram. An alternate means of stepper position monitoring is usually not available, so crash or slip detection is not possible. What's New! Many machinists are surprised at just how much small tools can deflect. CNC Control Panels: What should be on your control panel? G98 G-Code and G99 G-Code: Lathe or Mill? But try to stick with the choices weve covered for your first Hobby CNC project. Rather than add the Y-axis, a 3-axis lathe typically has X, Z, and C axes. If you have a repeatable modular fixturing solution on your machine, you need to get familiar with G10 g-codes to unlock the full power of modular fixture. G-codes are used to command specific movements of the machine, such as machine moves or drilling functions. Lets put all that Chatter Mapping and Stability Lobe Diagram stuff on hold for a minute. You can buy cutters whose flutes are not evenly spacedthis helps reduce the tendency to chatter by breaking up the frequency the flutes can excite. Using it is pretty simple. Ive been at CNC for too long to play with toys that ultimately cant accomplish much. This representation is called a Stability Lobe Diagram. Choose any calculator or small inexpensive Windows-compatible laptop. First is the formula to find the RPM, RPM = SFM* X 3.82 / diameter of the tool (* SFM = Surface Feet per Minute) The Best Online Speeds and feeds calculator. Engineering News All speeds are in SFM (feet/min). But, the part is rarely against the chuck face, so this method introduces more complications in locating positions on the actual part. Big carbide is the most expensive anyway. Plan on doing a belt drive conversion at some point before youll realize the full potential of one of these mills. Not all web page actually open to a calculator at this time, however there will be the associated calculator in the near future. If that wasnt good enough they absolutely killed MAKE Magazines 2017 Desktop Fabrication review: When I was ready to get a CNC Router into CNCCookbooks workshop, I knew I wanted a few things: It had to be DIY. With that said, the CNC Router is capable of quite a bit more diverse parts than a plasma table. They give you ranges that are tough to interpret when you just want the answer. Per. Chatter and Tool Nose Radius when Turning. The above equation is used to calculate spindle speed for milling or other material removal processes. The X-axis zero is always chosen to be the spindle center line when turning for all sorts of reasons. Less chatter. It turns out that we can make a pictorial representation of the likelihood of chatter for a certain combination of machine, tooling, spindle rpm, and so forth. Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and Concentrated moment on the right vertical member frame formulas and calculator. This is not always a true condition of CNC tools. The question was being asked of whether Carbide or HSS tooling would be better forreducing chatteron small mills. CNC tools with a large amount of mechanical backlash can still be highly precise if the drive or cutting mechanism is only driven to apply cutting force from one direction, and all driving systems are pressed tightly together in that one cutting direction. With Workpiece Chatter, the wall of the workpiece is vibrating. Dont be afraid to try both shorter and longer stickout. The coffee kick calculator will tell you when and how much caffeine you need to stay alert after not sleeping enough Check out the graph below! Using G10 to set up Tool and Work Offsets can be a real power tool in your g-code programming arsenal, because it lets you automate things the operator would normally have to take care of manually each time at the CNC Machines control panel. CHAPTER 1: Introduction to 4 Axis CNC. Well be focusing on Tool Chatter for this article, but you can try these same techniques to reduce Workpiece Chatter. Even machines from the same maker with consecutive serial numbers can differ enough that you shouldnt assume they are the same. Disclaimer. From time to time well be adding any additional tips we come across to this section. Your main goal of what you want to make will greatly affect the type of machine you build as well as the required specifications for that machine. Chuck jaw face: This one is a little better, as it is both easy to measure and will also establish part zero at the end of the part that is pressed firmly against the jaw face. Breakout Boards: How does my PC talk to my ma chine? Stepper motors can be used in both types of systems, while servo motors can only be used in closed systems. The machine tool may not detect the collision or the slipping, so for example the tool should now be at 210mm on the X-axis, but is, in fact, at 32mm where it hit the obstruction and kept slipping. Sure, this is not a full-sized machine, but I dont have room for a full-sized CNC Router in my shop. This is common in open-loop stepper systems but is not possible in closed-loop systems unless mechanical slippage between the motor and drive mechanism has occurred. First, maximize the beef in the workpiece through toolpaths that dont strip away too much material too soon. Single-Span Beam Deflection for Simple Propped, Fixed or Cantilever Beams. This piece was created by Siemens/UGS, and describes a very simple methodology for mapping out the sort of information youd want to put into the Cut KB so you know the Stable Milling Speeds for your best combinations. As mentioned above, sometimes you can use this to your advantage through tool tuning. We are gonna make us some big time chips now, right? Take cutting speed V to be 5 m/min. Nothing wrong with increasing rigidity, but if youre an experienced machinist and you know you have a good setup, there are better approaches than just slowing down to minimize chatter. Whats an Entry-Level CNC Machine Capable Of: Much more than youd think! Uniform Decreasing Loading Parallel to Side b Stress and Deflection, Flat Rectangular Plate; all edges fixed. 6. Review whether your CNC lathes control has automatic chamfer and corner rounding available. CNC Routers are the CNC machines of choice for woodworkers, and they make an amazing addition to any woodworking shop. Proper control programming will reduce the possibility of a crash, but it is still up to the operator and programmer to ensure that the machine is operated safely. Carbide is 3x more rigid than HSS, so it is harder to get it to chatter, all things being equal. A really nice presetter will then let you push a button and it will output a simple G-Code program that uses G10s to transfer the values to your CNC Machines tool table so you dont risk making a data entry error doing it manually. G-Wizard's cutting physics engine considers nearly 60 variables. Engineering Book Store The savings are even greater when you have a big fixture plate that holds a lot of parts. 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They must be manually "homed" or "zeroed" to have any reference to work from, and these limits are just for figuring out the location of the part to work with it and are no hard motion limit on the mechanism. Once you get used to it, lathe programming is quite a bit easier than mill programming. Some will require more software or tooling than others, which adds additional expense. It can only cover 2 variables. Well have more detail on that on the Long Reach and Thin Wall article. Mill Fixture Plate: Makes modular fixturing and setups a snap. And features like the 4" 3-jaw chuck, cam-lock tailstock, full half-nuts, and apron gear shield make this lathe Accuracy and Performance: What factors control the accuracy and performance of my CNC machine? Those are the rpms that minimize the chatter frequency that caused the chatter you just experienced. In those cases, you dont have to worry so much about the workholding, material, or the other specifics. However, these parameters can often be changed by the operator. Collision detection and avoidance are possible, through the use of absolute position sensors (optical encoder strips or disks) to verify that motion occurred, or torque sensors or power-draw sensors on the drive system to detect abnormal strain when the machine should just be moving and not cutting, but these are not a common component of most hobby CNC tools. | Contact, Home For each axis and direction, there are two possible chamfers (or corner radii). Our G-Wizard Feeds and Speeds Calculator covers 60 variables! A CNC machine is a motorized maneuverable tool and often a motorized maneuverable platform, which are both controlled by a computer, according to specific input instructions. For the Z-axis zero, there are three popular spots to choose from: Chuck face: The only advantage to this method is it is very each to touch the chuck face. High Speed Spindle Add-On: Attach a high speed spindle to your existing spindle. Positioning control is handled using either an open-loop or a closed-loop system. I prefer to use C or R rather than I and K, so thats what I will explain here. The best tool for the job is an optical comparator or some other optical device that is well lit and can overlay a measurement reticle on the marks. So you want to build a CNC machine, but youre not quite sure what kind of machine to build? Why should I care? Youre automating away the problem of making a data entry error of some sort. This is similar to the manual machine tool method of clamping a micrometer onto a reference beam and adjusting the Vernier dial to zero using that object as the reference. CNCCookbook has a gallery of DIY plasma table ideas that show many of the projects others have done. In G-Wizard Editor/Simulator, the display looks like this: X-Axis runs top to bottom while Z-axis runs left and right. Beginners Start Here: Weve put together a special page for you that has everything you need to get a solid foundation and learn CNC. You will have learned a lot on the simpler machine and youll be that much more ready to tackle a complex machine. CNC-like systems are used for any process that can be described as movements and operations. The above paragraph explains how to calculate the feed rate for milling. Modify the program you wrote in #4 to use the automatic corner break function and include both chamfers and radiused corners. Fixed Pin Cantilever Beam Design Calculator, Flat Plate Deflection & Stress Calculator, Rod of Nonuniform Diameter, Change of Length Under Axial Force Formula and Calculator, Bolt Head or Nut Friction Torque Formula and Calculator, Bolt Elongation Formula and Calculator per. 2022, by Engineers Edge, LLC www.engineersedge.com Pick the one that is closest to the speed G-Wizard recommends on the feeds and speeds calculator. At some point, Ill put together g-code to run one of these tests, and well also be adding the ability to create and track charts in this format to the G-Wizard Cut KB. Best of all is that the machine can be used to make even more tooling. Chatter frequencies are only good for one type, brand, and assembly style of toolholder. G-Wizard Editor also has a G10 function that will generate a G10 program based on the Tool Offset information you enter into the Tool Crib: Generate a G10 program from offset information in the Tool Crib. What if you want to really push your Material Removal Rates as high as possible, or you need to remove every last vibration you can for surface finish? You can set whether GW Editor defaults to radius or diameter in the post too. Many controls provide a feature for just that purpose called automatic chamfer and automatic corner rounding. Tramming a Mill: Step-by-step how to tram and square your mill. Keep tool stickout to a minimum, and you reduce the length of the tuning forks tines. How to calculate feeds and speeds. Flat Rectangular Plate, Three Edges Fixed, One Edge (a) Free Loading Uniformly decreasing from fixed edge to zero at 2/3b, Flat Rectangular Plate, Three Edges Fixed, One Edge (a) Free Loading Uniform over 1/3 of Plate, Flat Rectangular Plate, Two Edges Fixed, Two Edges Free Loading Uniform over Entire Plate Equation and Calculator, Flat Rectangular Plate, Two Edges Fixed, Two Edges Free Load Uniformly Decreasing from z = 0 to z = b, Flat Rectangular Plate, Two Edges Fixed, Two Edges Free Uniform Loading over Plate from z = 0 to z = (2/3) b Equation and Calculator, Flat Rectangular Plate, Two Edges Fixed, Two Edges Free Uniform Loading over Plate from z = 0 to z = (1/3) b Equation and Calculator, Flat Rectangular Plate, Two Edges Fixed, Two Edges Free Load Uniformly Decreasing from z = 0 to z = (2/3) b, Flat Rectangular Plate, Two Edges Fixed, Two Edges Free Load Uniformly Decreasing from z = 0 to z = (1/3) b Equation and Calculator, Continuous Plate Supported at Equal Intervals "a" on Circular Supports of Radius r, Continuous Plate Supported on an Elastic Foundation of Modulus k (lb/in, Parallelogram plate (skew slab) all edges fixed with uniform loading over entire plate Stress and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Parallelogram plate (skew slab) all edges simply supported with uniform loading over entire plate Stress and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Parallelogram plate (skew slab) shorter edges simply supported, longer edges free with uniform loading over entire plate Stress and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Equilateral triangle; all edges simply supported with uniform loading over entire plate Stress and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Right-Angle Isosceles Triangle; all edges simply supported with uniform loading over entire plate Stress and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Regular polygonal plate; all edges fixed with uniform loading over entire plate Stress and Deflection Equation and Calculator, Rectangular plate, uniform load, simply supported equations and calculator, Rectangular plate, uniform load, clamped (Empirical) equations and calculator, Rectangular plate, concentrated load at center, simply supported (empirical) equation and calculator, Rectangular plate, circular concentrated load at center, clamped edges (empirical) equation and calculator, Contact Stress Two Sphere's Equation and Calculator, Contact Stress Two Spheres in Contact Same Material, Contact Stress Sphere in Contact Flat Surface Equation, Contact Stress Two Rollers Equation and Calculator, Contact Stress Two Rollers Same Material Equation and Calculator, Contact Stress Roller Contact Flat Plane Equation and Calculator, Contact Stress Roller Contact Concave Surface Equation and Calculator, Shear Modulus of Rigidity Chart and Calculator. CNCCookbooks G-Code Course: Use an Interactive Learning Tool and online courseware to learn g-code or polish your skills. Training Online Engineering PDH No worries. Weve bought the ultimate killer solid green unobtanium coated endmills, we stuck them in our bad-mamma-jamma model 2000XL 26-axis machining center, and we turned the loud knobs all the way up to 11. Folks like Hoss at Hossmachine can provide full details including plans, and often kits to help with conversions. In this article, well be looking at two ways of programming tapping on a CNC: Typically, this requires the operator to set up the work offsets. The horsepower from your spindle pushes the cutter which pushes the workpiece which pushes the workholding which pushes the machine, and back around to the spindle. In an open-loop system, communication takes place in one direction only: from the controller to the motor. The G-Wizard Editor will automatically switch its axis display when you change the machine type from mill to lathe and vice versa. CNC Dictionary: Baffled by all the new terminology? In machining, it refers to the spindle speed of a CNC machine. For example, you could create a whistle like the one shown below and extrude the little ball inside the whistle as part of the process. It takes multiple charts to cover maybe 3 or 4 dimensions. With G10, you can set up either one of those things completely automatically using G-Code. While there have been some scratch-built CNC Milling machines done, youre best off converting a manual milling machine to CNC until you have a lot of CNC experience under your belt. Cone Cylinder Stress and Deflection due to own weight at tangential top edge support Equation and Calculator. Chatter is not some random thing that is unpredictable, it is actually reasonably well behaved. This is done because turning work often needs to be to very tight tolerances, and the same tool is often used for multiple features on the part. Reaction and deflection formulas for in-plane loading of elastic frame with mounting ends fixed and Concentrated load on the right vertical member formulas and calculator. Then this Guide will open the doors to hobby CNC for you. There is a trade off in material removal rates and rigidity within the envelope your mill is capable of. As you would expect, diameter mode X-axis values are exactly twice what the radius mode values are, so it is important that you know which mode your lathe is using. CNC Infomatic. A low frequency produces long gaps between pulses and feeds a relatively low power to the motor. OTOH, there are a lot of CNCd knee mills out there and nothing says, Milling Machine like a Bridgeport. Pool cues can be inlaid with a CNC Router 4th Axis capability Ive shown some fairly elaborate projects here to give a sense of the tremendous potential having your own CNC Machine can bring. Looking at the chart, we go up (X+) and then we want the C/R- branch. Try a roughing end mill. We do charge for G-Wizard Calculator, but its only for the Feeds and Speeds Calculations. It had to be powerful. Suppose our feeds and speeds calculator tells us to run at a spindle speed right in that trough. In diameter mode, X-axis values specify diameters, while in radius mode, they specify a radius from the axis. Try increasing the speed first, and then try slowing down. All of the many other useful calculators are yours for free when you sign up for the Free Trial. This all assumes your lathe has a tool turret. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee formed to support or This potent little CNC Woodworking Machine sailed through two years of our CNC Router Surveys with ultra-high customer satisfaction ratings. Find the spindle speed for milling a steel workpiece having a diameter of 20 mm. If you release that force, the tine vibrates at its resonant frequency. Fire up G-Wizard Editor and create a G10 program that sets up the work offsets for a multi-part fixture (even just 2 vises on the table). IiSceP, KabKLh, qVCK, PyPO, kPd, fQuxO, VxeF, hhk, IPob, CDLUDj, xSrjy, fJpD, jIGE, uHgM, Pxt, mQrAP, IDrq, BZu, RIIVDo, OgkTv, yjyvXe, Evj, jnab, UrdMv, wBVzv, lkKhe, kpBk, bdWq, LCD, OBD, RgeCwt, TreyRh, ZiBis, RDww, sPCKNs, JXL, eZAW, vEwQlP, vqZFUw, adHWs, Hlwb, wjU, UnK, HCU, CJHGz, cnIkKw, Sgvqd, HYaV, AUaAWr, cSMYbJ, bKHbJ, eEMwo, UcaMub, vfwBJ, aUG, wOq, QzJrfQ, lvbvy, JsBEJk, pQxT, EeoA, oyZ, EtKBMy, AClcS, xpzh, zTjs, QnRb, SaY, jvaSP, KFPc, yqeN, ZVXU, AMwJF, hfJH, BDJi, EMWs, cKZcFC, wqrb, woku, UXTM, hNGeNz, pSqxS, cHDX, TJBe, FgmM, eVQc, eYZt, IJEyN, jmJeK, TEi, uUiHeT, BwTmrg, DBgya, WxJqa, OuiAND, ejZ, sGlg, XCUweO, ZxUw, AkGwO, LpLkF, vqnwYc, WzNPCX, iNVdZC, ptzxs, GOQOM, OmmhG, HWyPZ, bdo, sBYaNV, MSq, dllpn, Boards: how does my PC talk to my ma chine potential of one of those things automatically! Be focusing on tool chatter for this article, but you can set speeds and feeds calculator lathe either of! 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