pictures of bruising after sclerotherapy
I never had them until my pregnancy last year. {{activeImage.indexKey+1}}/{{totalItems}}. Dr. Michael Tomeo answered Dermatology 39 years experience Bump bang or scratch: Ant trauma to the skin can cause bruising especially in the elderly or those on blood thinners. In general, longer is better. Bruising after sclero therapy for facial veins is common, but it should not be confused with hyper-pigmentation or other complications. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. This results in a more comfortable procedure, faster cosmetic results, and faster healing time. medications, . The V-Beam, manufactured by Candela Medical is a very successful device for clearing these unwanted vessels. I had a sclerotherapy procedure for spider veins on lateral upper thigh just over two weeks ago at derm dr. Walk as much as possible, preferably at least 30 minutes per day for six weeks. I'm currently on Accutane too. Sclerotherapy successfully and safely treats varicose veins and spider veins. Sclerotherapy is a nonsurgical method of removing varicose veins from the legs and thighs without undergoing any surgical techniques to address the issue. Sclerotherapy is a procedure that safely and effectively treats spider and varicose veins in your legs without the weeks of recovery necessary for surgical procedures. Much of the treatments were injecting "feeders". Would I see the results right away after Sclerotherapy treatment? dance? Hello, Thank you for your question. Type I is diffuse and results from vessel wall lysis after sclerotherapy. Preparation for laser treatment and sclerotherapy. Apply compression over area. The plant extract arnica can be used to help speed up the absorption of bruising. Sclerotherapy. This resolves in a few hours. run? Here's how bruises and veins are related. Are spider veins more prevalent during pregnancy? Would that defeat the purpose? Topical creams such as Dermaka may help as well as arnica. You have to decide if you want to start with someone new. Spider veins will disappear in around 3-6 weeks, and larger veins will respond in about 3-4 months. Broken Capillaries and Spider Veins Around the Nose. : It is very common to get bruising post sclerotherapy and it can take several weeks to resolve. Ice: Apply ice to tender areas. The overall frequency of neurological complications of sclerotherapy is around 0% to 2%,<28,29 and they include transient events, such as visual disturbances and migraine, and ischemic events, such as transient ischemic attacks and stroke, which is an event with a lower frequency that can result either from a paradoxical clot or a gas embolism. Your healthcare provider injects a chemical solution into your vein to close it off. Sclerotherapy is a nonsurgical . There is little that needs to be done after sclero. In rare circumstances, you may also experience blistering. What is the definition or description of: sclerotherapy? Brusing and some discoloration of the treated areas is not unusual after sclerotherapy. Sorry, there are currently no images available for this procedure. This can be caused by inadequate compression, walking, or a failure to treat blue feeder veins, which . Exercise after sclerotherapy, the primary goal is to assist persons with spider or varicose veins in reducing symptoms and improving the appearance of the skin of the areas affected. If the veins are just bruised and inflamed, give it time for the veins to go away. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. The concept of treating varicose veins at an early stage. Web. Trapped fluid within a treated vein can occur due to inadequate compression, walking, or failure to identify and treat those blue veins which flow into the spider veins. Your surgeon can look at this. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. Some patients also develop hard knots at the site of injection that resolve on their own. Post sclerotherapy. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Bruising can be quite significant after a varicose vein operation. After surgery, bruising will usually be dark black, purple, or blue for three to four days. One variation of sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, suspends the chemical in foam to provide greater adhesion to the vein walls. Varicose Veins before and after patient photos from Los Angeles Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Raffi Dishakjian. 1" wide area of tons of tiny new vessels just distal to injection sites. After sclerotherapy, there is a small section that is lumpy and discolored. Depending on the cause, blue "feeder" veins need to be treated with sclerotherapy. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. Unique to sclerotherapy at The Vein Treatment Center is cooling cryotherapy to numb the skin before you are injected. This in-office treatment works well for many people, especially on smaller varicose veins. One treatment will rarely resolve your spider veins. Yes. There are a variety of different risk factors that increase the chances of a person getting spider veins and varicose veins.Risk factors include advanced age, prolonged sitting/standing, obesity, pregnancy, hormone therapy (HT), birth control pills, injury, prior vein surgery, a history of blood clots, and a family history. The are lasers that exist that target only the blood vessels and spares all of the surrounding tissue. During this time you should also expect brown lines to appear that follow the course of the treated veins - these lines, almost always, fade spontaneously and there is little that you can do to expedite the process. The average area of veins can take 3-5 treatments. You need to re-evaluate after 6 months. Bruising us very bad. It inducescoagulation andinflammation, ultimately causing the vein tocollapse so blood supply can reroute to healthier veins. I have a lot of green veins on my legs, calves, even my arms and other parts of my body. If you live in the Spring Hill, Florida area, and if you are suffering from enlarged varicose veins, then our Board Certified Spring Hill Vascular Surgeons can quickly, painlessly, and safely remove your varicose veins. Depending on the number of veins to be treated, a sclerotherapy session usually takes less than 30 minutes. rt. Did/do you use a bruise/healing cream such as Dermaka? Quick Facts- 60% of all men and women suffer from some kind of disorder in the vein- about 25% of those are men- Duplex ultrasound allows you to get a better look at the circulatory system in the leg- Newer techniques Internist, Board Certified in Venous and Lymphatic Medicine, Broken Capillaries and Spider Veins Around the Nose. IPL is not the best device for vascular irregularities, it does well on pigment, but minimal on vascular. Using compression stockings and bruise cream. Bruises evolve as they heal. Minor liquid or foam sclerotherapy complications can range from temporary injection site pain and irritation to staining and permanent bruising after sclerotherapy. The EVLT treatment was followed by only one sclerotherapy session in June. Bruising and pigmentation may occur after the sclerotherapy session. Can I continue running and moderate workouts after sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy involves a doctor injecting a solution into blood vessels or lymph vessels that causes them to shrink. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. can you go in a hot tub after sclerotherapy and how long do you have to wear the stocking for? Hyper pigmentation can occur secondary to trapped fluid. It generally takes about 6 weeks for it to completely heal. Should my legs ache 4 weeks after sclerotherapy? Pain or irritation: You may experience temporary pain, swelling or itchiness at the injection site. What happened? I suggest to see the doctor who did the sclerotherapy, for clarification and further management. Before & After Sclerotherapy photos personally taken by Dr. Raffi Dishakjian before starting a sclerotherapy treatment and several months after the completion of the treatment. In both of these instances, the veins ALWAYS look worse and more prominent that pre-treatment. I just had the sclerotherapy procedure today. How long does it take for Sclerotherapy to work? I recommend Scleovase topical cream and Scler-X.H Karamanoukian MDFACS Her symptoms have greatly improved. 76 male diabetic with aching, throbbing, and swelling of both legs. The bruising will eventually clear up and it may take several weeks to disappear. Can I cut the feet off of my compression stockings? Please advise what to do and should I be worry. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. Patients usually need to wear the stockings for one to two weeks. You do have a lot of bruising but I would give it time to resolve which may take 2 to 6 weeks. I would recommend continuing to wear your compression hose as instructed. How long does it take to see spider veins vanish after Sclerotherapy? . I feel like it would be much more comfortable. Scarring and other complications are rare. Sclerotherapy entails injecting a fluid (usually a salt solution) intravenous infusion. When seen again later in the year, for evaluation, the . After sclerotherapy the treated veins often times look worse before they look better. How long after Sclerotherapy can you get in the sun? Before & After Photos. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). The pigmentation will usually fade, although slowly, continuing for up to, but not necessarily requiring, two years. Had Sclerotherapy to both upper thighs 5 days ago. Remember the treated areas will always look ugly before its get better. Following this initial period, you only need to use them during the day. Sorry, there are no matching doctors in your area, Sorry no questions were found related to this procedure. Bruising is caused by a buildup of trapped fluid within the treated veins. Is there any hope the veins will disappear after more time has gone by? It's been over 2 months since my first treatment and my veins look worse. It is common for our patients to stop in over their lunch hour for a session of sclerotherapy. Now their legs look and feel great, with minimal to no scars. The are lasers that exist that target only the blood vessels and spares all of the surrounding tissue. After TKR there are multiple areas that have the potential to bruise. How long does it take to see spider veins vanish after Sclerotherapy? If there is continued bruising after this time I would first look for trapped blood within the treated veins which can be easily evacuated. This team makes you feel like family. If this is not the case then staining may need to be considered. Are the green veins that I have throughout my body normal? How to reduce bruising after vein surgery? Chemicals in your body are relased during the bruising process. If the bruising does not improve over the next couple of weeks then I would recommend getting an appointment for an in person evaluation. In a small percentage of patients however, darker brown marks can develop on the skin after sclerotherapy and can persist for a number of months. Homeopathic agents like arnica can help reduce inflammation and bruising. Compression: Compression stockings have been shown to reduce bruising after vein stripping surgery in studies. The doctor put some arnica gel before I put the compression stockings and ordered to have them for the next 48 hours. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Ihave never seen sclerotherapy without them. Continue with compression until the bruising subsides. Recovery is quick, but it can take weeks or months to see results. It has been 8 weeks since I had spider and 1 surface blue vein injected by vein surgeon. Small veins will usually disappear more quickly than larger ones. If this is the case, staining will fade, but will take several months. certified vein specialist from ABVLM, I would start Omega Vein Cream to help with the bruising followed by Venasmart compression stockings. In any case, the trapped fluid should improve after the veins are aspirated and the fluid expressed. How soon after sclerotherapy can I play tennis, run, and dance? In addition to. This can be the case after sclerotherapy it generally resolves with time. I have delivered 1 year ago. While pregnant with my first child I've developed a large number of spider veins on my legs/thighs. Give us a call now at (352) 505-1737 to schedule a Vein . One should check pictures bruising after dermal fillers before the procedure. I hade sclerotherapy yesterday, but I can still see a few of the veins that were treated. Sclerotherapy Vein Recovery Time. Get answers from our experienced doctors. Your vein bruises can occur due to injury, due to varicose veins and even from medical care, like Cincinnati vein treatment. The V-Beam, manufactured by Candela Medical is a very successful device for clearing these unwanted vessels. Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure whereby a chemical, the sclerosant, is injected into a vein to entirely obliterate it. Sclerotherapy After Care. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call our office today at 816-792-3400. How long before this goes away? I've heard that occasionally, small lumps of clotted blood can be felt after sclerotherapy. Hello, Thank you for your question. After five and six days of bruising, it should begin to lighten and turn yellow, green, or brown. It generally takes about 6 weeks for it to completely heal. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. We explain to patients that these are abnormal veins in the first place and they invariably leak a little blood, which is what those bruises are. Best of luck to you! Most of what is recommended to patients after sclerotherapy is based on tradition and not science Dr. Lawrence Presant and another doctor agree. Once treated with sclerotherapy, varicose veins do not come back. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. ok or concern? Your veins are part of the system of blood vessels running throughout your body, and every bruise you get involves blood vessels. You will be instructed to sleep in your compression stockings for the first night and possibly a few nights after. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. what are the side effects if any. There could be bruising on the thigh, around the knee, down the shin, and even as far as your toes. It is not uncommon to have bruising after sclerotherapy. Thank you for your question and pictures. Sclerotherapy is a spider veinand average-sized varicose vein treatment that injectsachemical into the troublesome veins. The V-Beam Perfectas 595 nm wavelength perfectly blends depth of penetration into tissue and h 5 Minute Medical Chat: Varicose Veins are Easier to Treat with Today's Options Sounds like an extravastion or leaking of blood products from the injected veins into the sub dermal surrounding tissues. How long will it take for me to recover from Sclerotherapy? Arnica can help to speed up recovery of the bruising, so if you don't have any, you canget some over the counter. BROADLY speaking, abnormal bleeding or bruising is due to (1) abnormality of soluble clotting factors (e.g., Von Willebrand's disease), (2) abnormalit issues, Will running short distances, say 2-4 miles three times per week, be of detriment to sclerotherapy procedures? The overall frequency of neurological complications of sclerotherapy is around 0% to 2% 30,31; the complication include transient events, such as visual disturbances and migraine, as well as ischemic events, such as transient ischemic attacks and stroke, which is an event occurring at a much lower frequency. It is very common to get bruising post sclerotherapy and it can take several weeks to resolve. Can I get sclerotherapy while I'm pregnant? You can also use our online appointment request form. with your physician to see they think, but would avoid further treatments with that sclerosing agent. Soon after the treatment you should walk for at least 30 minutes. A 10 minute walk immediately afterwards is advisable for patients who have an hour or more to travel. It involves injecting chemicals, known as sclerosing agents, into damaged veins. You should see improvement over the next several weeks. The concept of treating varicose veins at an early stage. The vascular surgeon examines the outer thigh where the varicose veins are present. The sclerosant damages the innermost lining of the vessel (the endothelium), resulting in a clot that blocks the blood circulation in the vein beyond. If you are still concerned please go back and see your provider. It is normal for the area to look red, slightly inflamed, and itchy after sclerotherapy. Board Certifications include Botox, NewTox, Dysport, Restylane fillers, Sculptra, LaserHair Removal Fractional Laser Treatment, Skin Tightening Laser, TruSculptID, Sclerotherapy, Photo-facials, Chemical Peels, SkinPen, Skin Classic, and SecretRF microneedling . The bruising should go away. Should my legs look worse after Sclerotherapy? what will the experience be like. Is it normal to still see all my treated veins after 10 days? It is a relatively simple procedure that usually takes about 45 minutes to complete under local anaesthesia or light sedation. The goal of sclerotherapy is to eliminate the varicose and spider veins and reduce other symptoms that the veins can cause, such as burning, swelling, leg cramps, and achiness. Bruising us very bad. After a dermal filler treatment, bruising usually goes away within a week. My treating pysician does not drain these, is there any way to speed up the healing/fading of pigmentation? By clicking the "Subscribe" button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The amount of bruising post sclerotherapy treatment varies from patient to patient. However, if it persists for a longer period, you should avoid strenuous activities and alcohol for 48 hours. The cryotherapy machine delivers short bursts of super-cooled air to numb the skin and reduce inflammation during the injections. This is the place to be. It can also occur depending on several factors including skin characteristics, concentration of sclerosant solution, and technique. I also recommend avoidance of direct sun exposure to minimize risk of discoloration. How long after the Sclerotherapy treatment will I see the results? If you have more concerns, make sure to follow up with your treating physician. They are working thru 17 veins I needed done. Ice can reduce swelling and bruising. How long until all the veins disappear? Many of the local problems after sclerotherapy are self correcting. We perform sclerotherapy using a variety of solutions such as foam liquid and ultrasound. Why is it necessary to wear Compression Stockings after Sclerotherapy? Have you been checked for trapped blood in the larger vein? Definition of a Bruise. After sclerotherapy, expect there to be some mild itching, bruising or swelling within the first 24 hours. You need to re-evaluate after 6 months. Omar M. Browse 187 varicose vein stock photos and images available, or search for spider veins or veins to find more great stock photos and pictures. Try Arnicare ointment; it will help. Also a combination of the above can exist. There is red cell extravasation to the reticular dermis and iron pigment remains after red cell lysis. How long should this last? If you are still concerned please go back and see your provider. This type of bruising will likely result in hyperpigmentation. How long does it take for telangiectatic matting to resolve following a sclerotherapy session? The way we treat vessels on the face is with laser. ic. Aren't blood clots quite dangerous? Can you go in a hot tub after sclerotherapy and how long do you have to wear the stocking for? True bruising, color of released blood between the skin cells, does not last more than 3 weeks. I have new quite dark veins that have popped up. It induces coagulation and inflammation, ultimately causing the vein to collapse so blood supply can reroute to healthier veins. Sclerotherapy Before and After Photos - Sclerotherapy is a spider vein and average-sized varicose vein treatment that injects a chemical into the troublesome veins. I have bruising from Sclerotherapy injections that I had 8 weeks ago is this normal. Is the bandage just as effective as compression stockings? Without seeing the areas, it is difficult to say. Using compression stockings and bruise cream. If not, when wil the bruises go away? Helpful 2 people found this helpful Shaun Patel, MD Physician ( 169) Book a consultation If you're unhappy with how your legs look due to bulging, ropy veins, this type of treatment may be the perfect choice for you. The most common side effect post-procedure is a color change in the skin along the treated vein. Post sclerotherapy bruising is normal, however should be expected to resolve by 2-3 weeks. FaceTite uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to ultimately tighten the skin on the face. Figure 1. Need history, family history, exam, and. Discoloration can take anywhere between 6 to 12 months to disappear, though for some it could be permanent. So if there is a mark left 8 weeks after sclerotherapy, it should be something else, such as hyperpigmentation (light or dark brownish/rusty skin discoloration. call for your appointment 818.832.4500 11200 Corbin Ave., Suite 104 Porter Ranch, CA 91326 . Our team has an excellent reputation of providing consistent, reliable results. Web. sclerotherapy stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Since that time, have noticed an approx. I had 6 treatments of sclerotherappy one week apart. Had sclerotherapy on tues- behind both knees. What is in the saline solution they use in Sclerotherapy? I have been using Dermaka topically with very good results. You should also avoid applying cold . This is a discoloration of the skin related to the sclerosing agent. I still have black blue spots and the surface vein looks worse, will this correct itself or do i need more treatments/ new doc?? Sclerotherapy results in few serious complications. Remember the treated areas will always look ugly before its get better. Of course Bruising can occur and lasts a few days to a few weeks. About Compression Stockings Pictures Bruising After Dermal Fillers. I would advise following up with the physician that treated you. You may have some trapped blood in the vein that you say looks worse, and your physician could drain it which may make it look and feel better. My suggestion is that you f/u This bruising typically changes in colour from an initial purple discoloration to a brown colour before disappearing over one to two weeks in the same way a bruise from a knock to the leg might resolve. Sclerotherapy: Before and After Care for Leg Veins - Smooth Synergy Medical Spa & Laser Center About About Smooth Synergy Message from the Owner | Nicole Contos, CEO & Founder About The Owner | Nicole Contos About Dr. George Liakeas, Medical Director Privacy Policy Cancellation Policy Treatments ULTHERAPY Ultherapy Face Ultherapy Lower Face How soon after sclerotherapy can I play tennis? Do they go away after delivery? Discoloration persisting beyond this period is most likely not bruising. 11 Pictures of Anaphylaxis Symptoms Pictures of Anaphylaxis Symptoms Causes Feeling of doom Visible symptoms Swelling Trouble breathing Stomach ache Cardiovascular symptoms Neurologic symptoms. What chemicals are in the saline solution and does it have mercury in it and if not what is in it? I had sclerotherapy almost 4 weeks ago. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. Bruising after sclerotherapy. Bruising can be easily confused with either or both Hyper-pigmentation and trapped fluid within the treated veins. What about medium distance hikes of 5-10 miles that include hills? The way we treat vessels on the face is with laser. Bruising will be slightly different for each individual. 64 year old female suffering from swelling, restless legs, heaviness, and cramping in both legs. Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose veins and spider veins. Even though the procedure is primarily painless and entirely bloodless, side effects might happen due to the body adjusting to the sclerotherapy solution injected in the treated areas. leg is very bruised and i feel pain/pinch a few inches under 1 bruise on inside calf. I recently just noticed that all of my veins are visible all over my body, including a few in the chest this normal? The target of the laser is the vessel, the Hello, thank you for your question. It can help with varicose veins or spider veins. I would love to cut off the feet of my compression stockings. Did you wear hose? Specialties: Not Just Faces Medical Aesthetics specializes in medical cosmetic services, in a clean, safe and professional environment. IPL is not the best device for vascular irregularities, it does well on pigment, but minimal on vascular. Sclerotherapy is a surgical process used to get rid of spider and varicose veins. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. The target of the laser is the vessel, the Hello, thank you for your question. Sclerotherapy of veins in the leg is a very simple, office based procedure that involves the injection of a solution that "scleroses" or irritates the Dr. Thomas Wright and another doctor agree. Will the length of time be longer then two weeks? It usually takes two weeks for the bleeding to completely stop after surgery. Although some marks might take some tome to fade away after sclerotherapy, eight weeks is already a long time and you should have seen some improvement. FaceTite can be viewed as a sort of minimally invasive treatment that falls between the thread lift and a facelift. It's much more aggressive than a thread lift, with some downtime to be expected but it's not surgery. What can I do about a small clot of trapped blood after sclerotherapy? Answer: Bruising Bruising after sclerotherapy is not uncommon. After sclerotherapy, it usually takes months for the treated veins to be removed by the body. If the veins are hard and dark and tender, Iwould recommend seeing your physician back to possibly drain the blood out of the veins so that they do not discolor. Are those on my legs reticular veins, or could they be normal veins? Staining after sclerotherapy By Peggy Bush There are two types of staining that can occur when treating telangiectasia. After the procedure, the treatment site is wrapped in a bandage which applies pressure to control any post-operational bleeding and promote healing. If your veins respond to treatment, they won't reappear. Many use compression hose following scleraotherapy for varying times, and listen to your doctor on his method. If such symptoms persist or cause more than minimal pain, see your doctor. consistent scratching of treated area, can induce more fresh bruising, if that is the case. Without actually seeing the leg, it is difficult to give advice. If bruising occurs, it usually disappears within one to two weeks. Bruising after sclerotherapy is not uncommon. The treatment can be done in a doctor's office and afterwards, it's recommended you rest and relax at home. What to Expect After Sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy is a quick procedure that is performed right in your doctor's office and takes around 45 minutes to complete. She has undergone radio-frequency ablation of both great saphenous veins and follow-up injection sclerotherapy. There are several possible complications or side effects from sclerotherapy. 5 Exercises To Avoid After Sclerotherapy For Best Results | Vein Envy PH: (623) 233-1050 Locations About Symptoms Services Testimonials Forms Education Locations CONTACT "This is the place to be" Doctor and staff amazing! Related searches: spider veins veins legs leg veins varicose vein treatment. Note that the treatment of superficial veins by this treatment requires several sessions, weeks apart, until your vein doctor achieves the results you desire. Other sensations you may observe include itching, bruising, pain, and blistering. This process takes 3 to 4 weeks. During this time you should also expect brown lines to appear that follow the course of the treated veins - these lines, almost always, fade spontaneously and there is little that you can do to expedite the process. By clicking the "Subscribe" button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Is it OK to use an elastic bandage instead of compression stockings following sclerotherapy? Although pigmentation almost always fades, it can last for several months. Learn how we can help 5.6k views Reviewed >2 years ago Thank Dr. Scott Keith agrees 4 thanks My legs now ache and feel heavy as soon as I get up in the morning. 5 photos Answers ( 8) ASK A DOCTOR From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals Sort by Recommended MOST RECENT July 18, 2017 Answer: Extensive bruising after sclerotherapy This type of bruising will likely result in hyperpigmentation. Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and spider veins. I'm scared of sclerotherapy ! Make sure to continue to use your compression stocking as instructed. Injection of veins can make the veins look worse before they look better It is common for the veins to look darker or more inflamed after sclerotherapy injections. My concern that it is permanent and I will have some pigment. There are several things that you can due to decrease bruising including wearing compression hose, applying wet heat to the bruised areas and applying a topical cream. Temporary side effects Some side effects that may occur at the site of the injection include: Bruising Raised red areas Small skin sores Darkened skin in the form of lines or spots Multiple tiny red blood vessels These side effects usually go away within a few days to several weeks. To learn more, please visit our. I would recommend following up with your treating physician before going to someone new. I have done a first sclerotherapy treatment 2 days ago and have bruises in the injected area, also I had bleeding right after the injection which took some time for the bleeding to stop so I had to wait at the doctor office until it stopped. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Typically at 8 weeks you should be pretty well healed. The stockings will help you make sure this treatment works. After sclerotherapy, it usually takes months for the treated veins to be removed by the body. It is common for patients to require several treatments before obtaining the results they are looking for. Very bad bruising after sclerotherapy when will it fade? As the days pass, the skin should heal normally. Best,Dr. KaramanoukianLos Angeles. I have been wearing support knee highs. It is difficult to make a diagnosis without seeing the area, but what you are describing may be "staining." Walking reduces the pressure in the superficial veins and keeps the risk . While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. I had a sclerotherapy treatment, but instead of being prescribed compression stockings, my doctor advised me to use an elastic bandage. Skin color change is normal! Legs didn't feel this way before sclerotherapy. They are very obvious. 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