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I recall reading that the death rate within 1 year of a Covid infection is significally higher. The actual voting choices are listed on the ballot in both barcode and printed format. I remember smoking sections in airports. Of course, Im just a layperson; Id be interested to know what our Brain Trust thinks. To the extent these factors matter, our best guess is that they end up imposing some limitations on the size of GOP gains this year. It will be interesting to see what the stats are when all is said and done. There is certainly the possibility that DeSantis becomes a favorite of white-collar Republicans and professional conservatives looking to move on from Trump, but that rural voters say, not so fast! Then you have environmental issues, how much natural Vit D are people exposed to yearly. PersonB Today at 10:55 AM And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clintons wars created bright shiny objects by comparison. His RATs came up negative. From Angie Neer: Angie Neer writes: Due to a quirk of local topography, direct sun hits this tree at times when others fore and aft of it are in shadow. Wow! I was in my hometown last year and saw a creepy flyer about a local Republican meeting that was very, very heavy on the combatting the scourge of Socialism rhetoric and then, one hears of these Libertarians moving to NH to establish a free market paradise. Note: Availability for store pickup may vary. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. There are several Dem incumbents in local races that may very well get the flush. The question I have that I dont see discussed properly anywhere is: Are the high number of excess deaths attributed to not directly related to covid caused by, Lake Eola Park is located in the heart of Downtown Orlando, with a sidewalk that circles the lake 0.9 miles in length, making it easy for visitors to keep track of their walking or running distances. That polish is in large part thanks to Casey. 12.4% v. 11.3% here. And now the flu is coming right up behind. The deck: Sensitive touch screens arent always user friendly and make it easy for voters to accidentally select the wrong candidate. 2022. The piece hasnt really changed much from when it was listed in the Links back in October, actually. Doctors not better paid than average workers. Car buyers who purchase an SUV or truck to protect themselves are turning safety into a zero-sum game, with pedestrians and cyclists paying the price. I dont know the answer to your question but one of the worst things about the vaccines is the misrepresentations regarding them that have been cynically and criminally used to support policies and personal behaviors that continue to fuel the pandemic. Lucky for her, her employer gave her 17 (mild) days off and two courses of (mild) Paxlovid). Vegetables are fine! Guessing, county, precinct thing. With the barcode machines, you can only confirm that possibly erroneously printed barcodes tabulate correctly. The book isnt closed on COVID but perhaps we shouldnt be funding GOF research just in case an incompetent technician goes out clubbing after spraying his lab with an uncharacterized virus. But Floridas first lady is more than a convenient helpmate to her husbands ambitions. Achoice about a way to live presented itself to Berger shortly after he made Ways of Seeing. Im seeing this kind of thing at work as well. There are various locations around the park available for rent. And generally no one ever thinks it might be COVID. CaliforniaHeartBavariaHome (@lgoshen) November 8, 2022. Hes clearly not a negligible figure, and clearly not a crank. Voters should carefully review their ballots before submitting them. Sounds ideal! Not implausible at all. I do think the paragraph that follows is on point all the way back to 2016, if not before: The Democrat Party is the political expression of the class power of PMC, their base (lucidly explained by Thomas Frank in Listen, Liberal!). The Nutcracker springs to life and, summoning the toy soldiers, defends her. Its nice that for deaths I have a simple, daily chart that just keeps chugging along, unlike everything else CDC and the White House are screwing up or letting go dark, good job. They give themselves away. Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. As you say, there is a universe of confounding variables and issues. This metric is superior than Health Department-Official Covid deaths by nation, due to many nations having inadequate data collection/accuracy. These have apparently been restocked. She was expecting a crowd after 5pm once people got off work. But the NH I knew was mostly mildly blue, older hippies and such, with little in the way of revanchism. WebShop at Amazon Fashion for a wide selection of clothing, shoes, jewelry and watches for both men and women at I think that we can see the beginnings a major surge in Influenza, even if Covid is uncertain. Went to the doctor yesterday morning and I have a upper respiratory infection rather than a sinus infection. Dec And of course not a peep about ventilation or masking. At the office my govt boss guy today pulled up in huge truck. Concluding paragraphs: When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, several of the women who had been key leaders at Times Up emerged in an ad hoc group holding weekly Zoom calls around the issue of abortion rights, including McGrath, Shaw and Rebecca Goldman, the former Times Up COO, who is now a co-founder of the impact firm Acora Partners. The Nutcracker springs to life and, summoning the toy soldiers, defends her. Giving Reputation Points is a great way to show your appreciation for their work. Their effectiveness depends on being interlaced with the other trees in the forest. Now, the Washington Times does tend to lean Trump so Ill believe some of this when I see it then again, the Ds are lately particularly adept at self-owning so it will not be a surprise, either. 16 Those are mostly if not entirely gone now, too. Mantenha-se ao corrente das ltimas notcias da poltica europeia, da economia e do desporto na euronews I wouldnt be surprised if Soros has used his influence in the Democratic Party over the years to ensure that people like Madeleine Albright (parents fled Czechoslovakia) and Vicky Nuland (parents fled Ukraine) were placed in high places. Not on a messed up immune system. Republicans Are Planning an All-Out Assault on the Working Class If They Win Next Week [Jacobin]. I am doing everything I can to make sure that is the America that they inherit. 6, Downtown Development Board/CRA Advisory Board Meeting, Downtown South Neighborhood Improvement Dist. Poor, nave, well meaning Dems just wanted to help us all, but didnt realize they were getting played by the big bad Republicans, and aw shucks it just happened that we destroyed the industrial base, instituted catastrophic welfare and criminal reform, played politics with healthcare and abortion, started, supported and continued vicious pointless wars of aggression, and continued to lead us to climate and civilizational death. Variant data, national (Walgreens), October 24: Lambert here: BQ.1* moving along quite briskly. And the influence of the ultra-rich is even more widely felt. One of the branches came off about a decade ago and rests with what was a 20 foot tall treelet now grounded. Find seasonal fresh produce and more. November 28, 2022 Environment Bike-share programs have been quietly polluting for years. DeSantis isnt stupidif 30% favors Trump over party, theres no room for a challenge. Im not sure how one disentangles all this. IM Doc, if you ever come to Tucson, I am buying you a meal and at least one round of your favorite beverage. Photographing the live swans and other birds inhabiting the park. To be fair, parts of this video are funny, but also very, very dark. I ahve heard that the SS classifies umbrellas are weapons. This leads to something we dont do well. I thought the Tyee article was impressive, particularly the part about Leonardis track record. In the past year, membership dipped from a peak of 94,000 and plateaued around 91,000 activistsonly a small fraction of whom are regularly involved in organizing work. Thats why biology is so interesting. Im also in NC, my area uses paper ballots. His election was viewed as simply another step forward. All Rights Reserved. These have had glitches. One by one cars were driving by and dropping ballots in the box. walgreens pharmacy 24 hours near me Price. If work was not distracting me, I might have paid closer attention. Patient readers, it seems that people are actually reading the back-dated post! 4 Presumably E captures not only deaths from the immediate acute Covid phase, but seemingly unrelated Covid deaths of those who suffer from cancer/stroke/etc that may have been exacerbated by Covid damaging organs, reducing T-Cells, etc. And I have doubled down on this with my own cohort. Wonder if there will be any accountability within Democratic circles for just kidding! Each country would need to be sorted by age. > Just as the institution of slavery in the U.S. was in the process of losing its economic viability for lack of new territories with still fertile soils to cultivate by means of territorial expansion. It is not full of jargon and medicalese. Our community has rated this post as helpful. Im not seeing a positive change of course here any time soon absent a great social upheaval within the hegemonic state. The epitome of a Closed Society was the USSR (when Poppers book was published in the 70s). Contact information for plants: Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, to (a) find out how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal and (b) to find out how to send me images of plants. Eugenics is a rather specific term; I think its sloppy to apply it in this case. If all things were equal, and all individuals were recording data/stats reliably and this was all done in advance with a clear protocol, you could then compare apples to apples. What happens when that grandchild encounters a plush environment complete with every nutrient available? This is only the midterms being held, not the main 2024 Presidential elections. Yet another confounder. US Senate: At least 19 of 35 Republican candidates have tried to overturn, rejected, questioned or declined to affirm the 2020 results. I do think or questioned is doing a lot of work, there. This is the significance behind the act of vandalism that opens Ways of Seeing. The Leonardi Effect may well explain a surge in bacterial, viral and fungal infections after waves of COVID. However, D-dimer is a product of breaking down a clot. Voted in my precinct in NYC (Midtown/UES), very much the PMC crowd, trending younger these days, along with the well off older (the substantially wealthy vote in districts north of me, or in FL). No, Texas voting machines arent switching your votes [Texas Tribune]. Look around you. 9 As long as Covid is endemic in the world, even in high-wage nations like the US/Japan/etc, workers that can avoid or minimize Covid infections to where their physical and cerebral skills are maintained without significant Covid-damage, may enjoy near-Full Employment. Watching the scene, I cant help but think Shapiro my old Junior Jewish Basketball League buddy from the Philly suburbs may have found the recipe Ive spent a quarter century hunting for: the one that channels working-class rage away from culture wars and into populist economics, rather than insisting the rage is deplorable or pretending it doesnt exist. Hmm. That doesnt mean they know nothing, but it does call into question their critical thinking skills. Was able to properly catch up to the breaking news, so Ill drop a link here below. And all of it will be made more likely by the sizable Democratic factions likely to collaborate with them on key issues. Thanks to Staff Member DLS4U for finding this deal.. Star Wars Men's Holiday Grogu Sleep Pants $7; Stitch Men's ' What the heck is an impact firm? Its either Bad Blood or we are never ever getting back together. Especially combined with tone policing in defense of eugenicists. I ask very tough questions in conferences. The guy said they break the seal at the end of the night and take out the ballots. Again this election continues to surprise. I can only wonder the pressure liberal sites like NC are under to not stray too far from the allowable story lines on certain politically volatile topics. But Im wondering it seems like Lieven would have read one of these documents before or be relatively familiar with how the US portrays foreign policy. [I]ts worth taking stock of the polling picture one last time. Governor: At least 22 of 36 Republican candidates have tried to overturn, rejected, questioned or declined to affirm the 2020 results. Maricopa County sees widespread problems with ballot tabulators on Election Day. The affected vote-counting machines are rejecting about one ballot out of every five ballots inserted, Maricopa County Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates said at a news conference on Election Day, about three hours after polls opened. The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components of a computer system are those that arent there. Jon Benteley, Programming Pearls. I heard in case of a wipeout, Donkey Show true believers in show business will be making an exodus to Caada, er La Caada. The New York Times Magazine suggested he might be the future of the Republican Party; the Financial Times labeled him Trump without the drama; and The New Yorker posited he could displace the 45th president as the combatant-in-chief. Casey, on the other hand, is often mentioned in passing, framed as a political wife and mother. Was implied is in the passive voice. But much of Proposal 2 is driven by a separate goal: to protect Michigans election systems from the shockwaves of the Big Lie. For it is people who do those things who really seem to have better COVID outcomes before my very own eyes. A defibrillator suggests he has a ventricular arrhythmia or he has an enlarged/weakened heart. Even if they carried all the seats that Biden won by five points or less, theyd still only have a majority of 224 (R+11) hardly a comfortable outcome for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) Several of the states [Oregon, Illinois, Nevada] in which Democrats controlled the redistricting process could end up becoming dummymanders a term describing an attempted gerrymander that backfires., The Bias (@thebias_news) November 6, 2022. It turns out that defining the Democrat Party is, in fact, a hard problem. Sigh. Lots of horribly bad takes in the Time piece, as are required once the words Ukraine and/or Russia are uttered. Web15 Most Expensive Things in the World for 2022 By Dawn Allcot 11 Signs That Its Time To Get a New Job Even her stories of raising three small children in the governors mansion, anecdotes about their coloring on the walls of the state dining room and singing into the security guards microphones before dawn, are told with a practiced bemused expression. Coming soon on your favourite streaming service! Its the first time in modern history that the tribes, which often have unique or competing interests, have weighed in on a governors race in such a public way. The Squishmallows craze from the Kelly Toy company is all the rage, except its bigger, softer, and definitely squishier. An excellent comment. I would not depict China as having a terribly healthy population. Free shipping and free returns on eligible items. An ultra liberal physician in my ultra liberal zoom church she is in New England let us know this evening that she had just gotten over covid and that she fortunately does not have any lingering problems from it. Whats interesting about these machines is that you can actually confirm the counts by hand counts. 17 Welcome back., Daniel McCarthy (@ToryAnarchist) November 8, 2022. It goes into a sealed box on the machine. Thirty-three percent of owners reported that inflation was the most important issue in operating their business, up three points from September. Without Casey, he would not be the same person.'. The results confirm the special relationship between bass and dance, which has never been scientifically proven., This School Took Away Smartphones. Voted September 23rd. For decades, roadway safety efforts have focused on a single, dominant mission: Protect the people inside cars. PersonB Today at 10:42 AM Harlequin with violin, 1918 #pablopicasso #cubism, Pablo Picasso (@pablocubist) November 7, 2022, Judging by the hostility Ive encountered in the real world to the whole idea of Twittercreative class elites talking ironically amongst themselvesif Musk torches the whole thing, his fans will think thats $44 billion well spent. Therapeutic research paid attention to larger clots, but microclotting wasnt well understood (see thrombotic storm as a rare condition). If it were my choice Id file this under Guillotine Watch, RE: Graphic showing Soros as biggest donor by far to Democrats. There will likely be tens of thousands of undated and wrongly dated ballots rejected statewide under that ruling. First all these stats would need to be sorted there. I was the 31st voter today in tiny town, and heres a portrayal of how the deal went down, Join us for this classic holiday ballet! The first two by far and away the problems. As I said back in January, this is the most dangerous phase of the Pandemic yet. 8 Although correlation is not causation, the claims of physician Dr Kory and the flccc dot net organization of prophalyctic I-vitamin in reducing Covid risk seem plausible. Ohio, here. Lots of entire families of blue collar workers, and lots of minorities were in the line. The invitations started coming in. Orlando, Florida 32801 See NC here on Pango. You'll find the Orlando Farmer's Market is much more than just your average farmers market. 3) lockdowns, etc., or This could possibly be precipitated by yet another military defeat abroad coupled with growing economic hardship. Take away the other trees, much as they have taken away the churches, the unions, the social clubs, functioning famies, the various parts that make up a functioning, cohesive society, they, just like the political parties of today, do not have the deep, strong roots needed to stay up right. Eola House is a great place for meetings, small conferences, bridal showers, baby showers, board meetings, parties, retreats and more. (DARPA and BARDA.) Bring back IRC.). If hes right, this pandemic poses a greater threat than widely assumed. More: [W]hat if COVID wears down T cells in people who get it, and does so increasingly with each reinfection? What the final pre-election polls tell us about how the midterms will turn out [Vox]. They complete the political element that is Ron DeSantis. Lets wait and see how it actually turns out. they died with Covid, not because of Covid Orlando, FL32801. Independent voters, however, break decisively for Republicans (say by 10-12 points). Desperate refugees from Castigating Central take ship to a New World of Promise and Infinite Pronouns. Years of research have realized that a large component of this problem has to do with an exhausted immune system. Nothing important will change anyway. So if you see a link you especially like, or an item you wouldnt see anywhere else, please do not hesitate to express your appreciation in tangible form. Reinfections have been associated with worrisome outcomes in a highly touted study. In this scenario, Republicans would win at least 30 House seats and 3-4 Senate seats. Because why would it be? Therefore, my home precinct and the others around us are ensconced in the middle of this and are very much purple. My daughter-in-law caught it in August, only five days feeling ill, but every day was different symptoms. The confounding factor is the vaccinated were aggressively urged to go be reckless: go to restaurants, bars, travel, etc. Analogy China is like a person driving a car with a seatbelt. In other words it will be an All Hands On Deck case for the remaining smaller pool of non-disabled workers, globally. In-store shopping only Unavailable for store pickup. 2) vaccinations, Multiple judges have ruled over the past two years that mail ballots returned on time by eligible Pennsylvania voters should be counted even if they lack a date on the outer envelope. What are you doing to respond to people that may show up at your office and want to see you ballot counting, how are you handling that? [Neal Kelley the former registrar of voters in Orange County, Calif, who is now the chair of of the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections] said. $30.99. The deck: Dr. Were the grandfathers under Mao starved? Instead of breaking decisively for Republicans, independent voters give Republicans a small advantage. The current across-the-board rapid increases dont partake of that. With all kinds of questions. The final pre-midterms NBC poll found just 30 percent of GOP voters calling themselves more supporters of Donald Trump than supporters of the Republican Party, a new low. Hounded my 89 year old dad until he got a PCR test for his bad cold. He had COVID. What If COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity? [The Tyee]. As the US has already been looted down to the floor boards, finance capitalism must look for new horizons to loot. Brian Kemp leading his Democratic rival Stacey Abrams by distinct margins, while Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) has maintained a narrow edge over Herschel Walker, the Republican Senate nominee. One week ago: 58 (Greed). Your vote will help the community find the best deals. And the bullying tactics that Washington has used this year to try to force countries to sanction Russia has made them few friends and already this is having effects from economic relations through to UN votes. I have many that are now on infection #4 or 5. So theres that. The article that Lambert has referenced is something I think we should all read and contemplate. The era of big government was over, said Bill Clinton. Our polls just closed everywhere cept the Panhandle as they are on CST. And masking/ventilation practices of the individual, which may prevent some cases. I have heard this line of thinking debated in academic conferences for the past 2 years many times. $20.00. These reforms would remove the possibility of any forensic audit funded of the sort that Trump supporters tried to push for in 2021. Well If they think increasing the attack surface with drop boxes and mail-in ballots is going help with fraud charges, I think they should reconsider. WebRepublicans are winning Latino votes because we want American Dream, not some Marxist, Latinx dream that delivers equal misery. The difference extended to the very mode of aesthetic response appreciation or critique? It was Covid, and our inept response to it. it is just a scam so that Trump/Rs wont get reelected Not Everything Revolves Around USA Rs Covid is effecting nearly every nation. At the threshold where the campaigning had to stop, there was a group from both sides. Is there a single lab that does this work, and everybody gets the results from them? Hours are limited. Let me briefly explain them. My problem with the piece, and considering Thomas Frank is one of the founders it makes sense, is that for all the insight into pointing out the things that the Democrats have done it still insists on acting like those things were done accidently. 1M people die yearly of perfectly preventable diarrhea and not a single solitary person is enraged about that fact and that all it would take is 1B USD to increase sanitation in a couple 3rd world countries to cut that by 90%. But as was pointed out to me just a few weeks ago by one of my elder professors critical thinking has been quashed. He explained the restaurants difficulties in acquiring lettuce through a seemingly exaggerated account of CARBs diesel truck fleet upgrade initiative, a conversation which became spirited toward the end. Senior White House Official Involved in Undisclosed Talks With Top Putin Aides [Wall Street Journal]. I undervoted all neoliberal parties (R, D, L, US Taxpayers), only voting Working Class Party (whoever the hell they are, though it barely matters), and the odd Green where no WCP option was available. I have had ME/CFS since experiencing a serious respiratory infection in 2006. Many of the 39 tribes based in Oklahoma have played roles in state politics for decades, often behind the scenes. Sounds like the plot for a Woke Founding Narrative. I also decline being considered a part of any brain trust as putting trust in others requires something much deeper than an online communication can afford. The vast majority of my own patients who have had a very negative outcome have been folks who have been overweight, out of control diabetics, gravely ill in some other way, or immunocompromised. 2. Whether you're shopping for a kids toy as a Christmas gift, birthday present, or just because, the Disney Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas 16-inch Jack Skellington Plush makes a wonderful surprise! Gotta check the cellar, see if theres enough whiskey. But he says parents are getting interested in Light Phones for their kids. The machines that tabulate ballots at Maricopa County vote centers are having widespread issues, with about 20% of locations affected. Lake Eola is a popular destination for festivals, concerts, fundraising walks and even weddings. This year, in their most forceful political move yet, they are wielding their considerable influence to oppose a second term for Republican Gov. Seasons greetings from Grogu and the Mandalorian! $6.99 shipping. But its sure all the coverage of Twitter. There are so many possible permutations of individual vax history and timing, then throw in individual history of infections before, during or after vaccines. Slickdeals, LLC. Can DSA Go the Distance? [Sam Adler-Bell, Dissent]. For instance, there has been a huge rise in formerly obscure cancers. 7 Chinas Zero Covid approach provides significant harm reduction. 1 big thing: The limitations of gerrymandering [Axios]. The slaveholders where the 1850s version of The Blob! Voted all incumbents on the non-partisan section hoping to slow their ambitions. 11 The article is written for all to understand. July, 2022. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Beyond that the data is so suspect that you might as well argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. When their plans for an exotic vacation fall apart, Brad and Kate must spend Christmas Day trudging around to a quartet of family get-togethers. On the positive side, he accused me, where do I get my news from, and of course I dropped NCs name. still ruminating darkly about Mr Hudsons latest, as well as the Limits to Growth. The missile gap was a matter of generated fear, the domino theory, etc. Lt. Im not a conspiracist, and wont say that Soros caused all of these things; but in the absence of a countervailing $18 billion force, I think he surely made a difference by lubricating and tipping the balance in many ways. The Verified Voting map shows types of election day equipment by county. If the LivingWith metric keeps chugging along like this, I may just have to decide this is what the powers-that-be consider mission accomplished for this particular tranche of death and disease. Eyes on the prize! See Matt Karps This Vast Southern Empire (review at NC here). Six days after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court invalidated thousands of mail-in ballots in response to a Republican lawsuit, citizens in Philadelphia and other parts of this battleground state scrambled to cast replacements so their votes will be counted on Election Day. When I voted in person on Super Tuesday, the machine was squirrely. PersonA Today at 10:44 AM The machinery supporting both parties has very shallow roots. IOW, the vaccinated are very quickly becoming more likely to be infected. What is the effect of that starvation + smoking? It will merely mean that the repressive measures for control will face equally, if not greater, blow back against them by the majority of the American people. Over at Counterpunch Ralph Nader wrote a column that implores all of us to vote. OTOH if a new harm X killed an incremental 47/100K persons in under 3 years, that itself would be a significant public health concern. I grant some aspects of Chinese medicine seem to be effective but infectious diseases and diabetes is not one of its strengths. I remember being told to finish my plate due to starving kids in China. Last updated Nov 8 at 2:41 PM EST. An iron octagon? God Bless Us All I hope we get through this next few days and the sun is still shining. The parking lot was full. WebOpportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. Draconian is doing way more work than a poor little classical tag should be expected to do.). Every Friday, a stately, academic pace utterly incompatible with protecting yourself against a variant exhibiting doubling behavior. I have never seen so much RSV in my life. Im really curious to see what happens with the, ahem, progressives. As the clock strikes midnight, strange things begin to happen. If you agree, why not thank. The Democrats are inevitably going to just roll over and and vote in support of these Republican measures whether they are the majority party or not, so the only thing that changes is the excuse the Democratic Party gives as to why it supports Republican policies. The literature says that slaveholders were fervent agriculturalists. In this scenario, Democrats lose the House by a very small margin (maybe 8-12 seats) and Democrats keep the Senate. Since this is the stupidest timeline, and Red Ripple is the stupidest outcome because it would leave the Democrat leadership mostly in place my entirely random, dont care, theres-no-data-anyhow-so-WTF dart gets thrown at Red Ripple.. Are there no grants? fwd Serious question. Ive said this in previous posts to this site, but Ill say it again: Soros, an emigre from Hungary after WW II, is very keen on Eastern European democracy and (according to his Open Society Foundation website) spent $18 billion on projects around the world since its founding around 1980. etc. Election Day drinking game rules from Matt Taibbi. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. 3 This data shows inanity of US regular Rs (both everyday persons and politician) Covid-downplaying talking point of Our final Senate pick is 51-49 Republican, or a net Republican gain of 1 seat. The human brain seeks to see simplicity in complex scenarios where it is poorly tuned due to our short generational lifespan (2-4), and this is a problem that compounds our systemic inability to fund basic science to the degree that it should be. 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