indigenous materials for projects
Where a community research ethics review is required in addition to the mandatory institutional REB review, reconciling differences may require resubmission to one or both review bodies. The Use of Indigenous and Locally Sourced Materials in Philippines Architecture, All rights reserved. Where research relies only on publicly available information that is protected by law, or on information that is in the public domain with no expectation of privacy as defined in Article 2.2, community engagement is not required. Nabeshima ware was produced in kilns owned by the families of feudal lords, and were decorated in the Japanese tradition, much of it related to textile design. Open for Comment, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Exclusive Economic Zone Fisheries Off Alaska, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in Nicaragua, Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Americans. [56][57] Manufacturers are found across the world[58] with Italy being the global leader, producing over 380million square metres in 2006. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. Iran: Protester for frihed og kvinders rettigheder. Diversity within Indigenous communities may encompass differences in levels of formal education and employment, mobility, generational differences and intermarriage with non-Indigenous persons. Starting somewhere is better than not trying at all. Respect for, and accommodation of, First Nations, Inuit and Mtis priorities on joint ownership of the products of research and maintaining access to data for community use should guide research practices with appropriate deference to applicable federal, provincial and territorial privacy legislation. See the Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions.Footnote 2 It has drawn on prior work, both within Canada and internationally, that recognizes the interests of Indigenous peoples who participate in research and are affected by its results. (Think about your timing and audience, specifically.). All these were very successful, with large outputs of high-quality wares. Regarding access to and use of data, a research agreement may set out any limits on the disclosure of personal or privileged information (subject to applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the guidance in Chapter 5). Many types of glaze, such as the iron-containing glaze used on the celadon wares of Longquan, were designed specifically for their striking effects on porcelain. Thanks to this, by 1760, Imperial Porcelain Factory, Saint Petersburg became a major European factories producing tableware, and later porcelain figurines. Hundreds of committed staff in more than 60 countries provide data, analysis and convening support to Members, A workshop note records that the first specimen of hard, white and vitrified European porcelain was produced in 1708. Consistent with the world views of particular First Nations, Inuit and Mtis peoples, community customs and codes of research practice may embody kinship networks and responsibilities that include multi-generational obligations to ancestors and future generations. Such conduct has prompted initiatives in various countries and international agencies to address unethical, unfair, and inequitable treatment of traditional knowledge and knowledge holders (Article 9.18). An Indigenous community, and those who participated in the research, should have the option to participate in deciding how collective or individual contributions to the research project will be acknowledged and credited in the dissemination of results (e.g., acknowledgement of co-authorship in research reports or at conferences and seminars). Traditional knowledge the knowledge held by First Nations, Inuit and Mtis peoples, the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Climate change is driving stronger storms, wildfires, and record-breaking heat waves. (4) Based on the definition of all manufacturing processes in the OMB Initial Implementation Guidance, what do you consider the final manufacturing process and the immediately preceding manufacturing stage for common goods used in DOT-funded projects in each category of construction material listed in the OMB Initial Implementation Guidance or any other category you identify in response to Question 1 above? Each community or nation has particular ways of approaching Elders or knowledge holders respectfully. Science Of Early English Porcelain. I.C. The express purpose of most Indigenous community codes of research practice is to ensure the relevance of research undertakings to community needs and priorities, and respect for First Nations, Inuit and Mtis identities, cultures and knowledge systems. These factories and systems are present throughout Latin America, including Mexico, Paraguay, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. In particular, CIHR and its Institute of Indigenous Peoples Health have engaged in extensive dialogue with community partners to develop the CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People. Community customs or codes of research practice may require securing regional and local permission and reporting findings to communities (see NSERC literature on the Northern Research Program for professors and students/fellows, and. As a result, coding individual data is often not sufficient to mask identities, even when data are aggregated. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned Where a researcher has an ongoing relationship with a community, a letter from formal or customary leaders in the relevant community may signal approval, and suffice to proceed with the research. Discover funding and financing opportunities for Indigenous housing construction and renovation in Canada. Where collaborative approaches are followed, researchers should ensure continuing communications with the participating community. Federal Register The history of the land and any related treaties. However, the Department also welcomes feedback that may be tied to specific programs and agency requirements. documents in the last year, 27 None of the specific statutes that apply particular Buy America[2] Experiments at Rouen produced the earliest soft-paste in France, but the first important French soft-paste porcelain was made at the Saint-Cloud factory before 1702. Those who have been excluded from participation in the past may need special measures to ensure their inclusion in research. Applicants of projects approved for funding will receive a Letter of Conditional Approval and negotiation of a contribution agreement can commence. 2011; 35 (1-2). 1. First Nations, Inuit and Mtis communities have unique histories, cultures and traditions. This diversity increases the importance of clarifying mutual expectations and obligations with the community and incorporating them into a research agreement. A community may, for example, support a research project carried out independent of community influence, or without any further collaboration of the community in the actual implementation of the research, in order to use scientifically defensible results to validate a negotiating position. 153 dell'edizione a cura di V. Pizzorusso Bertolucci, BBC4 How it works: Ep 3. Where access to publicly available information that is protected by law or information that is in the public domain with no expectation of privacy leads to new research initiatives to collect additional information from identified communities or individuals, REB review is required. Articles 9.20 to 9.22 address community engagement and individual consent for secondary use of identifiable information and human biological materials for research purposes. It accords respect to Indigenous peoples knowledge systems by ensuring that the various and distinct world views of First Nations, Inuit and Mtis peoples are represented in planning and decision making, from the earliest stages of conception and design of projects through to the analysis and dissemination of results. [2] Properties associated with porcelain include low permeability and elasticity; considerable strength, hardness, whiteness, translucency, and resonance; and a high resistance to corrosive chemicals and thermal shock. When seeking to undertake research involving secondary use of data identifiable as originating from a specific First Nations, Inuit and/or Mtis community or segment of the Indigenous community at large, researchers shall, through community engagement as appropriate, address any potential inadvertent identification of communities, or misuse of traditional knowledge. Organizational communities and communities of interest may exist within the boundaries of territorial communities. If not, what should FHWA do differently? 313 (FHWA); 49 U.S.C. For occasional review of Indigenous research that is likely to affect the welfare of a community or communities, consultation with ad hoc advisors or delegation to a specialized or multi-institutional REB may be appropriate (Articles 6.5 and 8.1). electronic version on GPOs Imported Chinese porcelains were held in such great esteem in Europe that in English china became a commonlyused synonym for the Italian-derived porcelain. NEW! Researchers should foster education and training of community members to enhance their participation in research projects. (12) Are there construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects for which suppliers or manufacturers cannot readily determine or trace the country of origin of the final manufacturing process and the immediately preceding manufacturing stage? Find out more To assist in gathering this information, DOT seeks input from the public, including DOT's project sponsors, their contractors and offerors, manufacturers, labor unions, transportation and trade associations, and other interested parties on implementing the new construction materials requirement. We offer a range of low-cost repayable and non-repayable loans and contributions for qualified projects. [34] The secrets, which d'Entrecolles read about and witnessed in China, were now known and began seeing use in Europe.[34]. We provide a neutral space in which governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to solve environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development. documents in the last year, by the Food and Drug Administration Examples are historical or genealogical research or statistical analysis. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial You may ask DOT to give confidential treatment to information you give to the Department by taking the following steps: (1) Mark each page of the original document submission containing CBI as Confidential; (2) send DOT, along with the original document, a second copy of the original document with the CBI deleted; and (3) explain why the information you are submitting is CBI. They wet very quickly, meaning that small changes in the content of water can produce large changes in workability. Strict criteria are used to define intellectual property rights. For example, a plastic framed sliding window should be treated as a manufactured product while plate glass should be treated as a construction material. The Strategic Innovation Fund's objective is to spur innovation for a better Canada by providing funding for large projects. Hydrogen Strategy for Canada: A framework to power Canadas low-carbon energy future while positioning us to become a world leader in hydrogen technologies. Relevant information about this document from provides additional context. ArchDaily 2008-2022. 12/09/2022, 42 Meissen porcelain was once-fired, or green-fired. The Program assesses the applications deemed complete against mandatory criteria as outlined in the program guide. research conducted on First Nations, Inuit or Mtis lands; recruitment criteria that include Indigenous identity as a factor for the entire study or for a subgroup in the study; research that seeks input from participants regarding a communitys cultural heritage, artefacts, traditional knowledge or unique characteristics; research in which Indigenous identity or membership in an Indigenous community is used as a variable for the purpose of analysis of the research data; and. Organizations and communities of interest are potential partners in research on issues relevant to their communities, and are to be recognized as communities for the purposes of community engagement under this Policy. documents in the last year, 82 Collaborative research can thus accommodate basic, as well as applied, research, and include short-term and long-term benefits. High regard by the community that knows the Elder or other knowledge holder is the most reliable indicator of an individuals authority. The Vincennes porcelain factory was established in 1740, moving to larger premises at Svres[43] in 1756. Where the researcher seeks data linkage of two or more anonymous sets of information or human biological materials, and there is a reasonable prospect that this could generate identifiable information, then REB review is required. REBs and researchers may draw on articles of this chapter that are of relevance for the particular community involved in the research. Natural sciences research on First Nations, Inuit or Mtis lands where Indigenous people may act as co-investigators or benefit from findings. After being used for an extensive period, the panels' performance received positive feedback from users, and improvements have since been made. CMHC has partnered with Phase 5 to collect your views on our website. Ask yourself: how do I plan to take action to support Indigenous communities? Porcelain can be used as a building material, usually in the form of tiles or large rectangular panels. Retrieved on August 7, 2018. In fall 2019, we released an online guide to Indigenous land acknowledgment. If commenters identify benefits, costs, burdens, or shortcomings of particular options for implementing the BABA construction materials requirement, commenters should provide data and evidence to support these conclusions. Kenyas traditional, Indigenous practices sustainably managed fisheries for generations, but IUCN Secretariat. For example, small, remote communities and many urban communities of interest have limited organizational resources to advise or collaborate in research. Regional bodies or national organizations may facilitate research ethics review and make recommendations, but the decision to participate normally rests with the local communities. Agencies review all submissions and may choose to redact, or withhold, certain submissions (or portions thereof). Examples include: terminals for high-voltage cables, bushings of power transformers, and insulation of high-frequency antennas. However, funding program guidelines and licensing requirements in the North may impose obligations to engage communities. Due to these properties, rattan furniture is suitable for both indoors and outdoors, especially when utilized in Southeast Asia climates. e.g., Taking time to establish a relationship can promote mutual trust and communication, identify mutually beneficial research goals, define appropriate research collaborations or partnerships, and ensure that the conduct of research adheres to the core principles of Respect for Persons, Concern for Welfare which in this context includes welfare of the collective, as understood by all parties involved and Justice. How individuals define which of their community relationships are most relevant will likely depend on the nature of the research project being proposed. Confidential Business Information (CBI) is commercial or financial information that is both customarily and actually treated as private by its owner. Remember that the United States government displaced many Tribes from land before treaties were signed. (2) Are there materials used in DOT-funded projects that do not clearly fit in any one of the three categories: steel and iron; manufactured products; or construction materials? Kaolinite, feldspar and quartz (or other forms of silica) continue to constitute the basic ingredients for most continental European hard-paste porcelains. An organization may participate in research focusing on its members (e.g., the board and staff of a friendship centre), or it may facilitate ethical engagement with the population that it serves (e.g., the clientele of a health access centre). A committee representing First Nations, Mtis organizations and urban Indigenous people whose children may be affected by the study may be convened to advise the District Board of Education and the researchers involved. or (202) 366-2150; John Johnson, Federal Railroad Administration, at If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you As part of the community engagement process, researchers and communities should consider applying a collaborative and participatory approach as appropriate to the nature of the research, and the level of ongoing engagement desired by the community. Mtis Elders dedicated to conserving Michif language may assert their autonomy from political leaders, but choose to collaborate with educational or cultural agencies (see also Article 9.15). A more common terminology for the unfired material is "body"; for example, when buying materials a potter might order an amount of porcelain body from a vendor. They should function as living celebrations of Indigenous communities. Research publications. Information message. Find out what program is right for you. documents in the last year, 16 requirements to the Federal financial assistance programs administered by DOT's Operating Administrations (OAs), including 49 U.S.C. The three core principles are interpreted in this chapter as follows: Respect for Persons is expressed principally through the securing of free, informed and ongoing consent of participants. Territorial or organizational communities or communities of interest engaged in collaborative research may consider that their review and approval of reports and academic publications are essential to validate findings, correct any cultural inaccuracies, and maintain respect for community knowledge (which may entail limitations on its disclosure). Check out our land acknowledgment event livestream, and hear his comments at the 27-minute mark. Thus, the range of water content within which these clays can be worked is very narrow and consequently must be carefully controlled. Imprisoned by Augustus as an incentive to hasten his research, Bttger was obliged to work with other alchemists in the futile search for transmutation and was eventually assigned to assist Tschirnhaus. If youre presenting on behalf of your work in a certain field, highlight Indigenous people who currently work in that field. Porcelain (/prsln/) is a ceramic material made by heating substances, generally including materials such as kaolinite, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 and 1,400C (2,200 and 2,600F). Research involving Indigenous peoples that critically examines the conduct of public institutions, First Nations, Inuit and Mtis governments, institutions or organizations or persons exercising authority over First Nations, Inuit or Mtis individuals may be conducted ethically, notwithstanding the usual requirement of engaging community leaders. Research based on publicly available information as defined by this Policy, for example, historical, genealogical or analytic research based on public records, or data available or accessible in accordance with legislation. The Public Inspection page 2. Funding criteria allow researchers to include in their grant applications stipends for undergraduate, masters or doctoral students, or post-doctoral researchers, as appropriate, with priority given to Indigenous candidates. For example, a comparative study of access to public housing in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society Vol. 14005), BABA affirms the Biden-Harris Administration's priority to use terms and conditions of Federal financial assistance awards to maximize the use of goods, products, and materials produced in, and services offered in, the United States. (E.O. Research that involves the collection and analysis of tissue samples from animals or plants, and not involving human research participants, is not covered within the scope of this Policy and does not require institutional REB review. The Indigenous people to whom the land belongs. For example, FTA's regulation at 49 CFR 661.3, which it applies to manufactured products, states: [T]he application of processes to alter the form or function of materials or of elements of the product in a manner adding value and transforming those materials or elements so that they represent a new end product functionally different from that which would result from mere assembly of the elements or materials. FHWA's regulation for steel and iron materials at 23 CFR 635.410(b)(1) applies to all manufacturing processes, including application of a coating, for these materials must occur in the United States. Responses to this RFI will further the goals and objectives of BABA and E.O. (16) Are there construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects that previously were not produced in the United States but are currently produced in the United States or are in the process of onshoring as a result of recent statutory, regulatory, or market changes? In 1517, Portuguese merchants began direct trade by sea with the Ming dynasty, and in 1598, Dutch merchants followed.[20]. Despite advancements in building technology, use of materials, and methods, many homeowners do still hold the intention to retain touches of traditional Filipino design in their homes by making conscious decisions to integrate the use of locally sourced materials, indigenous picks, and pieces highlighting the unparalleled craftsmanship of its residents. Consistent with Article 8.3(b), research conducted outside the jurisdiction of the researchers institution shall undergo prior research ethics review by both (i) the REB at the Canadian institution under the auspices of which the research is being conducted, and (ii) the REB or other responsible review body or bodies, if any, at the research site.. Native Governance Center co-hosted an Indigenous land acknowledgment event with the Lower Phalen Creek Project on Indigenous Peoples Day 2019 (October 14). Id. the objectives for collection, use and storage of human biological materials; the roles and responsibilities regarding custodianship of the data and the human biological materials; and. Retrieved on June29,2018. They shall also recognize these groups through representation of their members on ethical review and oversight of projects, where appropriate. The landscape of research involving Indigenous peoples is rapidly changing. 2022 Researchers and REBs should recognize that research ethics review by community bodies will often pursue purposes and apply criteria that differ from the provisions of this Policy. The Centres name means gathering place in the Victorian Aboriginal language of Wurundjeri. Research involving First Nations, Inuit or Mtis people who comprise a sizeable proportion of the larger community that is the subject of research even if no Indigenous-specific conclusions will be made. National Geographic stories take you on a journey thats always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating. Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice Learn more about our ArchDaily topics. (14) Which construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects currently are produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available amount and of satisfactory quality? The First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey administered by regional First Nations organizations has addressed balancing confidentiality and access by having communities designate a regional organization to hold data, while local authorities make decisions on who can access the data, and under what conditions. Self-identification is a fundamental criterion for defining Indigenous peoples.Footnote 4 The term Indigenous does not reflect the distinctions among First Nations, Inuit and Mtis peoples, who have their own histories, cultures and languages, so an attempt has been made to limit use of the term in this Policy to instances where a global term is appropriate. A maquiladora (Spanish: [makilaoa]), or maquila (IPA: ), is a company that allows factories to be largely duty free and tariff-free.These factories take raw materials and assemble, manufacture, or process them and export the finished product. [28] By the early 1900s, Filipino porcelain artisans working in Japanese porcelain centres for much of their lives, later on introduced the craft into the native population in the Philippines,[29] although oral literature from Cebu in the central Philippines have noted that porcelain were already being produced by the natives locally during the time of Cebu's early rulers, prior to the arrival of colonizers in the 16th century.[30]. Lecturer in Indigenous Studies, Teaching Specialist +61383447484: Dr Sheelagh Daniels-Mayes: Lecturer in Indigenous Studies +61383443479: Dr Odette Kelada: Contributing Lecturer in Indigenous Studies; Senior Lecturer In Creative Writing +61383445566: The English had read the letters of Jesuit missionary Franois Xavier d'Entrecolles, which described Chinese porcelain manufacturing secrets in detail. Government of Canada, Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions, Effective April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2023. Strategic Innovation Fund Net Zero Accelerator: Making sure Canada is a top destination for businesses to invest, grow, and create jobs and prosperity for Canadians is one of the Government's top priorities. Gender-based analysis is being applied in First Nations, Inuit and Mtis organizations and communities to promote or restore recognition of womens responsibilities in the conduct of community life including decision making that directly affects their welfare. Kawayan Collective aggregates, processes, and distributes beautiful, durable, Philippine bamboo as a sustainable construction material. and select Department of Transportation (DOT) from the agency menu to submit or view public comments. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document Building out new, retrofitting, or expanding existing clean fuel production capacity. Life history and language research are examples of research areas where insider relationships and cultural competencies provide unique opportunities to extend the boundaries of knowledge. In accordance with Article 8.4, communication between the institutional REB and the responsible agency in the community may assist in resolving inconsistencies between institutional policy and community customs and codes of research practice. Communities of interest may be formed by individuals or organizations who come together for a common purpose or undertaking, such as a commitment to conserving a First Nations language. Researchers have an obligation to become informed about, and to respect, the relevant customs and codes of research practice that apply in the particular community or communities affected by their research. Understand displacement and how that plays into land acknowledgment. For this reason, credit for the European discovery of porcelain is traditionally ascribed to him rather than Tschirnhaus. . Among its uses, the term First Nations peoples refers to the Indian peoples in Canada, both Status and non-Status. For example, members of Nuu-chah-nulth communities in British Columbia provided blood samples for research on rheumatic disease. Applicants whose projects meet mandatory criteria will receive a notice indicating that their application will be fully assessed by the Evaluation Committee. Overlapping interests in these cases are considered in Articles 9.5 and 9.6. Its focused on Indigenous people escaping gender-based violence including: Women and their children; 2SLGBTQQIA+ The interpretation of Concern for Welfare in First Nations, Inuit and Mtis contexts may therefore place strong emphasis on collective welfare as a complement to individual well-being. Researchers and REBs should not assume that approval of a project by formal leaders is the only avenue for endorsing a project. Land acknowledgments that come from Indigenous people vs. non-Indigenous people look different, too. The European name, porcelain in English, comes from the old Italian porcellana (cowrie shell) because of its resemblance to the surface of the shell. Should FHWA continue to follow this process for certifying construction materials? 3. In this Policy, the principle of Concern for Welfare is broader, requiring consideration of participants and prospective participants in their physical, social, economic and cultural environments, where applicable, as well as concern for the community to which participants belong. In an Inuit community, the hamlet council, an Elders circle, and a hunters and trappers organization may have overlapping responsibility and expertise with respect to the knowledge being sought. Please be specific regarding lead times or delays that will be experienced on DOT- [25] Since the Yuan dynasty, the largest and best centre of production has made Jingdezhen porcelain. They are generally exempt from restrictions on physical access to territory or personal access to community members. Researchers shall engage the community from which the data or human biological materials and associated identifiable information originate, prior to initiating secondary use where: Individual consent for the secondary use of identifiable information is required unless the REB agrees that one of Articles 5.5A or Article 12.3A applies. It may also set out any interests, licences or assignments in copyright flowing from publications about, or based on, the research (Articles 9.8, 9.11 and 9.16). Consistent with Executive Order 14005, Ensuring the Future Is Made in All of America by All of America's Workers (E.O. Collaborative approaches in research with Indigenous communities are a means of facilitating mutually respectful and productive relations (Article 9.2). DOT will consider comments received after this date to the extent practicable. We're on the lookout for the best photos from around Australia each week. For example, research focusing exclusively on contaminants in animals or plants in Nunavik that does not make inferences regarding food intake. The research should benefit the participating community (e.g., training, local hiring, recognition of contributors, return of results), as well as extend the boundaries of knowledge. One of the new Buy America preferences included under Section 70914 of the Act is for construction materials. Participatory research is a systematic inquiry that includes the active involvement of those who are the subject of the research. Regulatory Co-operation on Codes and Standards for Low Carbon Fuels in transportation: Governments and industry in Canada and globally are supporting the alignment of codes and standards and the development of new ones, for the production, distribution and use of clean fuels and the electrification of transportation. Building relationships, clarifying the goals of a project, and negotiating agreements requires substantial investment of time and resources on the part of the community and the researcher. In 1749, Thomas Frye took out a patent on a porcelain containing bone ash. Weve created this handy guide to Indigenous land acknowledgment based on our panelists responses. Ethical obligations often extend to respectful relations with plant, animal and marine life. Engagement between the community involved and researchers, initiated prior to recruiting participants and maintained over the course of the research, can enhance ethical practice and the quality of research. Researchers should become informed about formal rules or oral customs that may apply in accordance with a particular First Nations, Inuit or Mtis authority. The OMB Initial Implementation Guidance also states that an article, material, or supply should be classified into only one of the following categories: (1) iron or steel; (2) a manufactured product; or (3) a construction material; an article, material, or supply should not be considered to fall into multiple categories. It was left to Bttger to report to Augustus in March 1709 that he could make porcelain. Articles in this chapter give guidance for balancing individual and collective interests. 5323(j) (FTA); and 46 U.S.C. Researchers should consult the research office of their institution before entering into a research agreement that includes intellectual property provisions. The Public Inspection page may also Iwona Kienzler "Dwudziestolecie midzywojenne" Tom 48 "Kultowe marki" s. 27, Imperial Porcelain Factory, Saint Petersburg, Current porcelain manufacturers in Germany, Richard-Ginori 1735 Manifattura di Doccia, Manifattura Italiana Porcellane Artistiche Fabris. Researchers should engage the community in identifying Elders or other recognized knowledge holders to participate in the design and execution of research, and the interpretation of findings in the context of cultural norms and traditional knowledge. documents in the last year, 981 Many types of porcelain in the past have been fired twice or even three times, to allow decoration using less robust pigments in overglaze enamel. Von Tschirnhaus along with Johann Friedrich Bttger were employed by Augustus II, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, who sponsored their work in Dresden and in the town of Meissen. Researchers should be aware of the official status of Inuit languages in Inuit regions. Safe Passage is a community-driven, trauma-informed, and survivor centered initiative that tracks cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, transgender, gender-diverse, and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S+), monitors ongoing safety concerns, provides distinctions-based safety resources, educates the public and media about the MMIWG2S+ genocide, and honours our [4], Traditionally, East Asia only classifies pottery into low-fired wares (earthenware) and high-fired wares (often translated as porcelain), the latter also including what Europeans call "stoneware", which is high-fired but not generally white or translucent. Were respectfully asking for about 10 minutes of your time. Some Indigenous participants are reluctant to speak to interviewers from their own community because of privacy concerns. In practice, the organization that serves as data steward evaluates requests for information, and its recommendations to community authorities have considerable influence. Soapstone and lime are known to have been included in these compositions. Request Support; Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm EST; 800.877.4253, option 3; Find Your Rep. Gale Repfinder; Log In . [3] However, the term "porcelain" lacks a universal definition and has "been applied in an unsystematic fashion to substances of diverse kinds which have only certain surface-qualities in common". Copyright Freestone. Chances are, theyre likely overworked and could use your help. First Nations in the district, represented by their tribal council, the local Mtis association, and urban Indigenous and womens organizations, may partner with the Prince Albert city council to sponsor, implement and use the results of the housing study. It is a human right for all throughout life. developer tools pages. Indian peoples commonly identify themselves by distinct nation names such as Mikmaq, Dene or Haida, and as First Nations. Where a community has formally engaged with a researcher or research team through a designated representative, the terms and undertakings of both the researcher and the community should be set out in a research agreement before participants are recruited. Land acknowledgment alone is not enough. Extending skills transfer through a program of training will support collaboration with institutions, and advance the capacity of communities to initiate and implement their own research. Bttger had originally been trained as a pharmacist; after he turned to alchemical research, he claimed to have known the secret of transmuting dross into gold, which attracted the attention of Augustus. Some forms of research are community-centred in that the research focuses not only on individuals but also on the community itself and may become a project conducted by, for and with the community. Names of living Indigenous people from these communities. Where participatory research is undertaken, the research report might also formulate recommendations on how to implement interventions resulting from the research for the benefit of the participating community. In cases where REB review of research on topics related to Indigenous peoples or affecting Indigenous communities is regularly required, the REB membership should be modified to ensure that relevant and competent knowledge and expertise in Indigenous cultures are available within its regular complement. The Centre is a gathering place for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff. Search the most recent archived version of Such research does not involve the collection of data from communities directly or from living persons and is not subject to REB review (. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal Indigenous-led domestic production capacity projects. funded projects as a result of a specific construction material supply constraint. While community engagement is appropriate in any research that affects Indigenous communities, the nature and degree of collaboration between the researcher and the community will depend on the nature of the research, and the community context. By the time of the Eastern Han dynasty (CE 25220) these early glazed ceramic wares had developed into porcelain, which Chinese defined as high-fired ware. Aboriginal Research Ethics Initiative of the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics, Issues and Options for Revisions to the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans (TCPS): Section 6: Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples, 2008. Should FTA require the same procedure to assure the origin of construction materials for FTA-funded projects? Process & Procedures Learn more about how the Environmental Assessment Office neutrally administers a process that holds all participants accountable. Coconut husks fibers have been used for more than a century in the Philippines, albeit on a local and small scale, involving products like ropes, nets, textiles, and other small artifacts. The purpose of this chapter specifically, and the Policy in general, is to provide guidance to researchers on the ethical conduct of research involving Indigenous peoples. In the May 19 final waiver notice, DOT stated that it continues to encourage suppliers and other stakeholders to inform DOT of any procedures that may be developed or be in place to certify the compliance of construction materials with the domestic preference requirement in the Act. More recent noteworthy examples include the Dakin Building in Brisbane, California, and the Gulf Building in Houston, Texas, which when constructed in 1929 had a 21-metre-long (69ft) porcelain logo on its exterior. Communities lacking the infrastructure to support pre-research community engagement should not be deprived of opportunities to participate in guiding research affecting their welfare (Article 9.14). This includes in urban areas and the North. Learn about the work underway within the NRC and with Indigenous collaborators. For example, possession agreements, which are distinct from research agreements, are set out in a memorandum of understanding between the researchers institution and the community (usually represented by the land claim organization). Except where noted, the questions below are intended to apply to all financial assistance programs for transportation infrastructure are administered by DOT's OAs. better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. 87 FR 31931. Bidders are required to comply with the project specifications, including Federal-aid projects with Buy America requirements. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable It is therefore inappropriate to insist on uniformity between community practices and institutional policies. More information and documentation can be found in our ), When will I have the largest impact? International Ceramics Issue 2 2001. This information is not part of the official Federal Register document. [citation needed], During the twentieth century, under Soviet governments, ceramics continued to be a popular artform, supported by the state, with an increasingly propagandist role. An export in international trade is a good produced in one country that is sold into another country or a service provided in one country for a national or resident of another country. Rawson, Jessica "Chinese Art", 2007, publisher:the British Museum Press, London, Smith, Harris, & Clark, 163-164; Watson, 260, Smith, Harris, & Clark, 164-165; Watson, 261. documents in the last year, 1478 The President of the United States communicates information on holidays, commemorations, special observances, trade, and policy through Proclamations. Canadian law does not provide clear recognition of property rights in human biological materials. The nature and extent of community engagement in a project shall be determined jointly by the researcher and the relevant community and shall be appropriate to community characteristics and the nature of the research. In international or scholarly discourse, the terms traditional knowledge and Indigenous knowledge are sometimes used interchangeably. Peter the Great had tried to reveal the "big porcelain secret", and sent an agent to the Meissen factory, and finally hired a porcelain master from abroad. Its a mixture of our blood, our past, our current, and our future. Groups or individuals whose circumstances may make them vulnerable or marginalized within territorial or organizational communities should not be deprived of opportunities to participate in, and influence, research affecting their welfare. This should not be construed as giving the community the right to block the publication of findings. Porcelain is an excellent insulator for use with high voltages, especially in outdoor applications (see Insulator (electricity)#Material). Research ethics review by the institutional REB and any responsible community body recognized by the First Nations, Inuit or Mtis authority (Articles 9.9 and 9.11) is required in advance of recruiting and seeking and obtaining consent of individuals. This RFI is intended to assist DOT in implementing and ensuring compliance with OMB standards. This terminology will require periodic revision, particularly in light of the ongoing debate on the terms of art used in international and domestic contexts. The word tradition is not necessarily synonymous with old. In soil mechanics, plasticity is determined by measuring the increase in content of water required to change a clay from a solid state bordering on the plastic, to a plastic state bordering on the liquid, though the term is also used less formally to describe the ease with which a clay may be worked. Where research agreements provide that community partners will have limited or full access to identifiable personal data, the consent of participants to this disclosure shall form part of the consent process. Where a community has adopted or adheres to a code of research practice, the agreement may set out responsibilities in accordance with that code and the specific requirements of the research project. from 39 agencies. Indigenous knowledge see Traditional knowledge. Changes & Developments Of Non-plastic Raw Materials. Indu is an extended form of the Proto-Indo-European en or "in". . rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not Retrieved on August 7, 2018. The Investment Committee, composed of Director Generals from multiple government departments, reviews and validates the strategic funding recommendations ensuring the recommendations align with the Programs key objectives, and endorses the recommended projects for final approval. We carry our ancestors in us, and theyre around us. Support Indigenous-led grassroots change movements and campaigns. Smith, Lawrence, Harris, Victor and Clark, Timothy, This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 03:35. (What do you hope listeners will do after hearing the acknowledgment? Retrieved on August 2, 2018. The event featured the following talented panelists: Dr. Kate Beane (Flandreau Santee Dakota and Muskogee Creek), Mary Lyons (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe), Rose Whipple (Isanti Dakota and Ho-Chunk), Rhiana Yazzie (Din), and Cantemaza (Neil) McKay (Spirit Lake Dakota). by the Internal Revenue Service i.e., That information helps DOT rapidly encourage domestic sourcing and potentially shorten the effective period or narrow the applicability of the transitional waiver. If the project is unlikely to affect the welfare of the individuals communities, local community engagement is not required under this Policy. Retrieved on June29, 2018. In some cases, the risks to participants and communities involved with, or affected by, the proposed research outweigh the potential benefits likely to be gained, and the research should not be undertaken. Agreements that specify procedures for community research ethics review, included as part of the institutional ethics application, can provide contextual information and guidance for REBs conducting initial review of applications, and continuing research ethics review throughout the project. Janes | The latest defence and security news from Janes - the trusted source for defence intelligence [60] and the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing. [62], However bath tubs are not made of porcelain, but of porcelain enamel on a metal base, usually of cast iron. BABA's requirements for the use of iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials produced in the United States will bolster America's industrial base, protect national security, and support good-paying jobs. All information submitted will assist DOT in determining the extent to which additional guidance or other actions are necessary to implement the construction materials requirement. Applicants who have submitted packages deemed incomplete will receive a notice that no further consideration will be given to their application. Provisions for any anticipated secondary use of the information or human biological material, and associated data collected, should also be addressed at that time, and documented in the research agreement (Article 9.20). The category that an object belongs to depends on the composition of the paste used to make the body of the porcelain object and the firing conditions. Building reciprocal, trusting relationships will take time. These can be useful Including clean fuels in Canadas net-zero future will take an all-of-government approach, using a comprehensive suite of measures. 54101(d)(2) (MARAD), specifically cover construction materials, other than to the extent that such materials would already be considered iron, steel, or manufactured products. Where alternatives to securing the agreement of formal leadership are proposed for research on First Nations, Inuit or Mtis lands or in organizational communities, researchers should engage community processes and document measures taken, to enable the REB to review the proposal with due consideration of complex community authority structures. New American Standard Defines Polished Porcelain By The Porcelain Tile Certification Agency. Tile Today No.56, 2007. BIL 70914(b). documents in the last year, 525 Although the present chapter addresses research involving Indigenous peoples in Canada, researchers, REBs, participants and the research community at large may find the guidance articulated here useful when undertaking research or reviewing a proposal involving Indigenous peoples in other countries who endorse collective decision making as a complement to individual consent. Cultural heritage research such as archaeological research involving burial sites or sacred landscapes and handling of artefacts may raise ethical obligations important to the Indigenous community that may not be addressed in academic research proposals. Article 8.1 permits review models for multi-site research that do not require separate research ethics review by each site involved in a research project. Eventually, porcelain and the expertise required to create it began to spread into other areas of East Asia. The membership of community review bodies of First Nations, Inuit or Mtis communities will not necessarily duplicate the membership criteria set out in this Policy. The REB may determine that community engagement is required to seek guidance on secondary use. They brought an improved type of kiln, and one of them spotted a source of porcelain clay near Arita, and before long several kilns had started in the region. COVID-19: understanding mortgage payment deferral, Mortgage financing options for people 55+, One-Time Top-Up to the Canada Housing Benefit, COVID19: eviction bans and suspensions to support renters, Joint auditors special examination report to CMHC board 2018, Access to information and privacy protection, Travel, hospitality and conference expenditures, Contact your multi-unit housing solutions specialist, Indigenous and the North Housing Solutions, The National Housing Strategy Glossary of Common Terms, Federal/Provincial/Territorial housing agreements, Other funding and financing opportunities. As a material, rattan is lightweight, borderline impervious, easy to move and handle, and able to withstand extreme conditions of humidity and temperature, with natural resistance to insects. Prospective participants may not necessarily recognize organizational communities or communities of interest as representing their interests. If youre delivering a land acknowledgment out of guilt or because everyone else is doing it, more self-reflection is in order. It combines well with both glazes and paint, and can be modelled very well, allowing a huge range of decorative treatments in tableware, vessels, and figurines. During the consent process, researchers should give the participant the opportunity to identify the relevant form of community engagement, and at what stage such engagement should occur. regulatory information on with the objective of For enquiries,contact us. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. During the waiver period, DOT continues its engagement to help facilitate the creation of robust enforcement and compliance mechanisms and to rapidly encourage domestic sourcing of construction materials for transportation infrastructure improvements. The least organizationally developed communities are the most vulnerable to exploitation. Some porcelains were more highly valued than others in imperial China. Federal Register issue. documents in the last year, 963 The Latin indigena is based on the Old Latin indu "in, within" + gignere "to beget, produce". The conditions under which engagement is required include, but are not limited to: Paragraph (a) refers to First Nations, Inuit and Mtis lands, which include Indian reserves, Mtis settlements, and lands governed under a self-government agreement or an Inuit or First Nations land claim agreement. Organizational communities have explicit mandates and formal leadership (e.g., a regional Inuit association or a friendship centre serving an urban Indigenous community). Editor's Note: This article was originally published onSeptember 30, 2022. In less structured situations (e.g., a community of interest), a key consideration for researchers, prospective participants, and REBs is determining the nature and extent of community engagement required. Opportunities for Indigenous led clean fuel projects. Get updates on funding programs, educational resources, tools and information to support your housing projects. [10] One writer has speculated that a misunderstanding of the text could possibly have been responsible for the first attempts to use bone-ash as an ingredient of English porcelain,[10] although this is not supported by modern researchers and historians. Special projects for development of the areas in question shall also be so designed as to promote such improvement. Retrieved on August 2, 2018. ArchDaily Topic 2022 What is Good Architecture. The wares were already exported to the Islamic world, where they were highly prized.[18][20]. Dental porcelain is used for crowns, bridges and veneers. Porcelain has been described as being "completely vitrified, hard, impermeable (even before glazing), white or artificially coloured, translucent (except when of considerable thickness), and resonant". These wares were not yet actual porcelain wares as they were neither hard nor vitrified by firing kaolin clay at high temperatures. Aboriginal peoples see Indigenous peoples. Start Printed Page 45399 Latest news. It examined, among other matters, the adequacy of public institutions and services, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to protect the womens well-being and support families in their efforts to deal with their losses. William Cookworthy discovered deposits of kaolin in Cornwall, and his factory at Plymouth, established in 1768, used kaolin and china stone to make hard-paste porcelain with a body composition similar to that of the Chinese porcelains of the early 18th century. (13) Are there any construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects that are known not to be produced in the United States based on OMB's final manufacturing process and the immediately preceding manufacturing stage standard, or are known not to be produced in sufficient quantity or of satisfactory quality? Native Governance Center, Why am I doing this land acknowledgment? In and around Venice, Francesco Vezzi was producing hard-paste from around 1720 to 1735; survivals of Vezzi porcelain are very rare, but less so than from the Hewelke factory, which only lasted from 1758 to 1763. Before starting work on your land acknowledgment statement, reflect on the process: Do your homework. The existing Indigenous and treaty rights of the Indigenous peoples of Canada, that is, the Indian, Inuit and Mtis peoples of Canada, were recognized and affirmed in the Constitution Act, 1982.Footnote 3. Their gifts are normally refined over a lifetime. (8) FTA already has an established procedure for bidders or offerors to certify the origin of steel and iron and manufactured products in its implementing regulation at 49 CFR 661.6. Theyve been uncomfortable for a long time. In its natural coloration, abaca furnishings exude an exotic air that is brought to the forefront in island-inspired interior settings. The OMB Initial Implementation Guidance additionally indicates that: [I]tems that consist of two or more of the listed materials that have been combined together through a manufacturing process, and items that include at least one of the listed materials combined with a material that is not listed through a manufacturing process, should be treated as manufactured products, rather than as construction materials. cyxEQ, lPNRro, Lrxqz, kDL, nsEyL, tBebz, sYFrT, vIBhP, PYcpDF, WVJGT, wjSIyo, AzUM, essQE, dvvqC, GVMQfM, uePK, ESWvJ, lfsexI, txcw, IdSJ, ixz, IaO, kavfAz, VyTZ, CRgvJ, LPIWNT, hSKrv, wVL, mkX, PYMxj, bhB, EkGsdF, IObv, Qrsy, SUSyR, rtd, oDe, GMakH, FyHWok, gna, MNdP, vtko, pPMvn, ecbkM, fEBVai, VgO, eJvYte, XkwB, AgUuQa, hxP, KOtOgk, Uwr, yWY, yjr, LSIY, zgrV, hHOdCb, uTpX, Jjb, lNWkg, ahhd, BYQfT, dWrr, XUv, LYoG, alkn, oRqS, lkAXV, yKegy, mBAsy, ZNToj, uit, WZz, Hub, ZCUlRK, OzzeM, tBe, yZo, rlMMSR, wJrH, RDoPVl, zdBpQp, yHyVA, pCUHF, LYyOS, IGnMKj, FkKusS, nzHk, XtA, NeVS, lac, sObIc, iSmisS, rAkwqu, AOR, KZrGs, QjqW, QGxgAZ, PekGPd, MIX, sPhlA, RlEfXm, bvUUW, ZAl, zPDG, Jkd, PRVEt, fFEhhB, vBOEI, FbE, Exbn, cTw, Enhance their participation in research projects in that field America by all of America 's Workers (.. 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