what does mate mean in australian slang

Spot on..goon is the abbreviation for flagon a large 2 or 3 litre glass bottle of wine. Accadacca slang for hard rock band, ACDC, A few stubbies short of a six pack not quite there in the head, Aerial ping pong Australian Rules Football, Ankle biter a small kid. 50), starkers I really think is very British. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Finland Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Mary Beard on coins and emperors, real and fake, and the hidden networks beneath the Roman Empire; Norma Clarke on the life and work of the celebrated artist Rosa Bonheur Barbie is probably the cutest slang ever for barbecue, but wait till you find out more, mate! [1] The original driving forces of new vocabulary in leet were common misspellings and typing errors such as "teh" (generally considered lolspeak), and intentional misspellings,[12] especially the "z" at the end of words ("skillz"). If its their shout theyre going to be paying. If youre planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance. A real dickhead in other words. Movie geek turned content writer, Diana is passionate about storytelling, mythology and art history. Leper in a sleeping bag chiko roll Q.33: If someone says they are fair dinkum, they mean? The former is a high-pitched call (/kui/) which travels long distances and is used to attract attention, which has been derived from Dharug, an Aboriginal language spoken in the Sydney region. Jolly Hoppers/=Coppers (pronounced Jolly Oppas). Have added Flanno though. Dungarees: Australian English overalls Like this Australian slang list! Internet slang/alphabet in which letters are replaced with visually similar characters, "Pwn" redirects here. Strewth! Signs that show the numbers "1337" are popular motifs for pictures and are shared widely across the Internet. Number 9 isnt correct, we call them togs, not bathers or swimsuits lol. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Gap Year Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. The term is usually pejorative, but it can also be regarded as a joke between friends. Rags = period. 300 win mag zero chart. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Botswana Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Ankle biter small child The word bogan is a typically Aussie slang word as well. Australian English is a major variety of the English language spoken throughout Australia.Most of the vocabulary of Australian English is shared with British English, though there are notable differences. Comprehensive school: Australian English state school or public school It isnt used much anymore. Thong in both American and British English refers to underwear (known in Australia as a G-string), while in Australian English it refers to British and American English flip-flop (footwear). A goog being an egg. Rodgering: A mildly offensive term for sexual intercourse, similar to Australian English rooting Great list Cobber. chucka yui (do a U-turn) Dunny budgie blowflies. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Why Are We So Obsessed With Age Gaps in Relationships? [24] One of the concerns of relationships with age disparities in some cultures is a perceived difference between people of different age ranges. K? Chuck a darkie= get angry Association Football in Australia is called "football'" only when mentioned in conjunction with a specific league, such as the A-League or Premier League, otherwise "football" on its own means either Australian football or rugby on its own depending on the region of Australia. Counter-clockwise: Australian English anticlockwise A real oldie and reserved for use among mates: Gday Hooks Flat out like a lizard drinking very busy, Flick it on to turn something on, like a, Flogging the plastic using your credit card a lot usually unsustainably, Footy football. i.e. Tell the world! Even better if you can suggest other terms that arent on this list! It is also sometimes used as a scripting language. Your email address will not be published. Shove that up against your dunny door, (derogatory term). root means sex like i had a real nice root last night ay meaning i had some really good sex last night yeah?, ute truck Australian English jumper }:-), These lists are great. These people usually have delusions of grandeur. What charter boat? It is a great opportunity to learn new Aussie slang words and phrases if you are not aware of earlier. And Australian Slang doesnt resemble the Queens English at all. [60] This economic approach to choosing a partner ultimately depends on the marital or family system that is adopted by society. Some military slang words, such as [non-primary source needed] The first dictionary based on historical principles that covered Australian English was E. E. Morris's Austral English: A Dictionary of Australasian Words, Phrases and Usages (1898). Australian English vocabulary draws heavily on diminutives and abbreviations. GDay Mate Ive was in Australia about 10 years ago and bought a sticker sheets called Aussie Lingo! These two theories explain why natural and sexual selection acts slightly differently on the two sexes so that they display different preferences. An Australian standard guide to Australian Vernacular, The Australian National Dictionary, had been added 6,000 new words and phrases in 2016 and also it has got a credit of this was the the first update since 1988 to the Australian National Dictionary. Up the duff = Pregnant ? Cactus? Dry as a dead dingos donger. Barrack- to follow/root for a particular sports team. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Mozambique Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. No wuckas the full explanation is that its short for no wuckin furries, which is a humorous and slightly more polite way to say no f*ckin worries. Whats your favourite Australian Slang word or expression? Freakin hell expression of disgust. Tinny= metal boat Additionally, it modifies certain words based on a system of suffixes and alternate meanings. Another study also showed a higher divorce rate as the age difference rose for when either the woman was older or the man was older. Clipped sentences, many euphemisms, nasal, and if from the rural areas they tend to speak quite slowly. Similar to Australian English tramp Fit aboot spikin a bit oh doric min. Also referred to as Brown Eyed Mullet. [55], A 2011 study suggested that age disparity in marriage is positively correlated with decreased longevity, particularly for women, though married people still have longer lifespans than singles. Bloomin Alternative to bloody. That term and its shortening, lech, have come to commonly describe an elderly man who makes passes at much younger women. A few cans short of a six pack (beer). Basically, when you are camping you cant watch traditional television, so you watch the bush telly: the campfire, the stars or just the bush. Arnotts make them but dont call them this. Bunta: crazy/irate ex: Im gonna go Bunta on her! To buy a Lemon or a dud means youve been ripped off by a purchase buying something less of what you expected for the money paid. A few more I have come across I have come accross over the years. Hey just a couple more to add to your list you have some rippers on there Used in the context of Ive got the clap, Cockie a cockatoo, a native Australian bird, Conch/conchie someone who is a conscientious person, Couldnt be bothered dont want to do something. Slag A promiscuous man, sometimes used for women but not often. Note: the voice must rise up in pitch at the end of that question. Whats the Dory, isnt enough. ( wont buy anyone a beer ). Or ducks nuts! Top Tip! Not sure on derpy but certainly dippy & or dopey referring to somewhat of an idiot mantality. And yep heard most of these. Nigel someone who has no friends. Eu vou definitivamente volta. [72] However, more recent evidence has found that women belonging to racial categories besides African American or White were more likely to sleep with younger men,[62] showing that it is still unclear which, if any, ethnic groups are more likely to have age-hypogamous relationships. E.g: Yo, Anna! A rhetorical greeting, similar to hello, not a question. Its used in oz, so that makes it straylin. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Myanmar Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Concepts of age disparity in sexual relationships, including what defines an age disparity, have developed over time and vary among societies. (Are) You having a laugh (are ya)? [citation needed]. Fly on the wall-when an conversation some one peeks in and listens and looks. Jatz Crackers testicles (as made famous by Steve Folley commentating on the diving at the Atlanta Olympics) Socially, a society with a difference in wealth distribution between older and younger people may affect the dynamics of the relationship. i would think This tourist is way off, Im not your mate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pingback: Things to Know About Oz before Your First Australian Travel Adventure, Pingback: Bees in My Head pt. Oooo rooooo = good bye. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Cambodia Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. I agree I barrock for that team. Billy Lid ( your hat or a child). There are numerous other examples, including biscuit which refers in Australian and British English to what in American English is cookie or cracker but to a savoury cake in American English (though cookie is often used for American-styled biscuits such as chocolate chip cookies); Asian, which in Australian and American English commonly refers to people of East Asian heritage, as opposed to British English, in which it commonly refers to people of South Asian descent; (potato) chips which refers both to British English crisps (which is not commonly used in Australian English) and to American English French fries (which is used alongside hot chips); and football, which in Australian English refers to Australian rules football, Rugby league or Rugby union what British refer to as football is referred to as soccer and what Americans term football is referred to as gridiron. Yeah nah , i don`t think i`d wana root for a whole team , sounds slutty, Maybe come to Vic if you have never herd someone say there rooted its a very common term for tired and unless your going fishin everyone calls a beer a tinny you silly Muppets, Youve got kangaroos loose in the top paddock mate. Use of the term in such a manner announces a high level of skill, though such an announcement may be seen as baseless hubris. It was found that for all ages males were willing to accept females that are slightly older than they are (on average 4.5 years older), but they accept females considerably younger than their own age (on average 10 years younger). Bush (as in North America) or scrub means "wooded areas" or "country areas in general" in Australia, while in England they are commonly used only in proper names (such as Shepherd's Bush and Wormwood Scrubs). I use a lot of these and I have my own list too. Your update nails it perfectly Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Netherlands Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Aluminum: Australian English aluminium [7] Because most men are interested in women in their 20s, adolescent boys are generally sexually interested in women somewhat older than they are. even Blind Freddy could have seen that, Blow me down an expression of astonishment, Bludger a lazy person who doesnt like to work, Bobby glass of beer in Western Australia, Bodgy something that is of inferior quality, Bogged stuck in some very deep sand or mud in your car (eg. Scratchings (food): Solid material left after rendering animal (especially pork) fat. Read todays Consumer Financial Protection Circular, Surprise Overdraft Fee assessment practices. For example: Sorry is not actually the hardest word. Fisho/ usually in outback populaces a bloke that does a run of the local publicans establishments with a trailer of seafood on ice. [25], Although the "cougar" trend, in which older women date much younger men, is often portrayed in the media as a widespread and established facet of modern Western culture, at least one academic study has found the concept to be a "myth". More.com Investigates", "Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures", "Male chimpanzees prefer mating with old females", "Sexual strategies theory: an evolutionary perspective on human mating", "Marriage systems and pathogen stress in human societies", "Polygynists and their wives in sub-Saharan Africa", "Long Term Trends in Marital Age Homogamy Patterns: Spain, 19222006", "Sleeping With Younger Men: Women's Accounts of Sexual Interplay in Age-Hypogamous Intimate Relationships", "The Science Behind The Cougar-Chasing 20-Something", "Commitment in Age-Gap Heterosexual Romantic Relationships: A Test of Evolutionary and Socio-Cultural Predictions", "The Half-Your-Age-Plus-Seven Rule: Does It Really Work? True blue genuinely Australian Shoot the dirpy bastard! Also known as Brizzie, Insta slang for social media website Instagram, Mad rooter someone who likes having lots of sex, meat goods where youre not quite sure whats in them, a long, passionate kiss like French kissing, Road train a large truck with multiple trailers, someone whos trying to sell you something, uncouth, unintelligent person. Drop the aitch off of any word beginin with a H/h; Horse= Orse; House= Owse etc Grifter: Australian English con artist As well as asking participants a number of questions on mate selection criteria, they also had to provide the oldest and youngest partner they would accept. And. As an aside, it would be fair to say, a majority of blokes down the beach would usually Boardies or Boardshorts, unless they were in some type of event like lifesaving or swimming. Australian Slang is just another product of the colonisation of the world by the British Empire. After a long day hay baling one might say Im faaarked! or Im rooted! on the turps! A British psychological study published in Evolution and Human Behavior in 2010 concluded that men and women, in general, continued to follow traditional gender roles when searching for mates. Empties empty beer bottles. Robert, T. (1972). Sit still, possum-pants! No worries, shell be right mate Its not a problem, everything will be okay! No-one mentioned : Thank you very much for this information. Penitentiary: Australian English prison or jail Cause you sound like a flippin group of no good bogan travelers from woop woop, i have never called a beer a tinny a tinny is a small metal boat change this please, This depends on what state you come from inner cities sometimes do not recognize these sayings Australian English and several British English dialects (e.g., Cockney, Scouse, Geordie) use the word mate to mean a friend, rather than the conventional meaning of "a spouse", although this usage has also become common in some other varieties of English. [54] In addition to this with the gender pay gap decreasing, more women work equal hours (average of 40 hours in Europe and the US) to males and look less for males with financial resources. I just call it a boat. Funny how they can be so apt and funny, but normal back then! Dust Bunnies/balls of fluff that collect, under beds, but especially on newly fitted carpets. Been Had To have been tricked or conned. Sweatin blood or Hard yakka. Strewth = Exclamation of suprise Thats a new one. In various cultures, older men and younger women often seek one another for sexual or marital relationships. Triffick. Oh that blokes a slag! Gender roles may complicate this even further. Truncheon A policemans billy club. These are much better than the usual cringeworthy offerings!! That is where the name came from lol where else would that name come from? Me and a mate nearly got in to real trouble years ago when we said this to two UK female backpackers on a bike ride/pub crawl in Sydney years ago All the locals were shocked. Cats eyes (or) Cat eyes Something valuable, precious. Hes so generous hed lend you his arsehole and wouldnt want it back, I felt about as welcome as a turd in the swimming pool. Close but its supposed to be carked it which means something is dead, broken or has stopped working. Context of someone/thing getting beaten badly: Geez, the Brisbane Lions got flogged again, did you see the game? Required fields are marked *. Good onya. ie, Tables & Chairs Mmm the real McCoy, Is Apples & Pairs.= Stairs and like most of the real thing in speach you drop a word there for Stairs are known as [1][14] j00 takes the place of "you",[2] originating from the affricate sound that occurs in place of the palatal approximant, /j/, when you follows a word ending in an alveolar plosive consonant, such as /t/ or /d/. See Australian colloquialisms. Mudguard ( bald, shiny on top, crap underneath), (very derogatory). A Billabong is an Aboriginal word. Railroad ties: Australian English Railway sleepers Scanning through it I found an expression that I just had to share: Hes got kangaroos loose in the top paddock. This is a day off work without being actually sick. Full as a bull. Refers to person that is intellectually challenged. Dont TRY to use STRAYAN because you will find you are way off and just embarrassing for yourself. Birds nest, refers to someone with messy hair, cat eyes is sort of blurry, its not used much but I think it refers to something very valuable, as there are marbles called cat eyes as well. Undies Underwear Most dramatically: Please, tell me youre joking! Read the CFPBs recent enforcement action against Regions Bank for charging surprise overdraft fees. Australian English stove and/or oven Last night was a belter! Also known as a Pavarotti (you know, a tenor), That one didnt even touch the sides when you are so thirsty, you swallow a drink in one gulp, Throw down a very small bottle of beer you can throw down your throat quickly. Answer:A mythical insect, similar to bunyip, Your email address will not be published. As is a common characteristic of leet, the terms have also been adapted into noun and adjective forms,[15] ownage and pwnage, which can refer to the situation of pwning or to the superiority of its subject (e.g., "He is a very good player. Bush doesnt mean outback. At least this is what we referred it to before the cask of wine was invented (and Ive been around for sixty years). Fifty-bob for that? When I first came to Australia. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, South America Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Jim Think Dopey, foolish, stupid that`s the meaning of Derpy. In the past, mate has been used to address men, but it can be gender-neutral. Scarnon Translation What is going on? How are you? Id hang onto that, its cats eyes. Or maybe even Pants in Australian English follows American usage in reference to British English trousers but in British English refer to Australian English underpants; vest in Australian English pass also in American refers to British English waistcoat but in British English refers to Australian English singlet. Dogs Breakfast a mess (you know, when the dog looks into his bowl in the morning)Busier than a one toothed man in a corn on the cob eating contest extremely busyMad Rootersomeone who loves sexShocker someone whos having a bad daySkippy an AustralianYank an AmericanSeppo short rhyming slang for an AmericanSheep Shagger a New ZealanderJesus Bars those handles that you hang off that are placed above the doors of your car on the inside. Who knows that the words we call slang today may become part of the regular English someday and may come into writing as well. [12] This factor is diminishing as more women enter the labor force. Pull a sickie, chuck a sickie beautiful , A couple more: Irrelevant of origin. I heard slangs like Bobs your uncle and Rain check . Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Shopping Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. a four wheel drive vehicle), Bog in to launch into eating a lot of food very quickly with a tonne of enthusiasm, Boil over an unexpected result, usually in a sporting event where the massive underdog wins. There are over 5,000 identified diminutives in use. Yo/ Hey/ Oi exclamation to get someones attention, to call attention to, to greet someone. Q.8:If someone tells you to give them a fair suck of the sav , Q.9:If someone says lets crack a tinny, what are they going to do . Q.23: What does it mean to be Flat Out like Lizard Drinking? ! Suxxor can be mistaken with Succer/Succker if used in the wrong context. Andreas Hennings, Australian and New Zealand impact on the English language, 2004, p. 17, "The Macquarie Dictionary", Fourth Edition. Gday c$&t!, how are ya? It has been claimed that, in recent times, the popularity of the Barry McKenzie character, played on screen by Barry Crocker, and in particular of the soap opera Neighbours, led to a "huge shift in the attitude towards Australian English in the UK", with such phrases as "chunder", "liquid laugh" and "technicolour yawn" all becoming well known as a result.[3]. Another use for leet orthographic substitutions is the creation of paraphrased passwords. Dill A dopey person, someone innocently stupid. She gets all the best lines, and Id like to keep her authentic if I can. Check: (To mean a restaurant bill). Minidish: A satellite dish for domestic (especially television) use Some more I have learnt; Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. The vocabulary of Australia is drawn from many sources, including various dialects of British English as well as Gaelic languages, some Indigenous Australian languages, and [4] Some consider emoticons and ASCII art, like smiley faces, to be leet, while others maintain that leet consists of only symbolic word encryption. alphanumeric and symbols)[8] require less extensive forms when used in this application. 23. you beauty! Australia About the country, culture, facts & statistics. Relationships with age disparities have been observed with both men and women as the older or younger partner. Yacka work; usually hard yacka [62], Despite social views depicting age-hypogamous relationships as short lived, a 2008 study from Psychology of Women Quarterly has found that women in age-hypogamous relationships are more satisfied and the most committed in their relationships compared to younger women or similarly aged partners. McKenzie, Lara (2021). But Im nearly 70 and, while some of your list are virtually unknown here in the UK, many others go back to the early 20C or before in Britain and were in common use long before the invasion of the Aussie soaps like Neighbours, Home&Away and Prisoner Cell Block H. So Id respectfully cast doubt on their Oz origins. You gotta know the context! Sidewalk: Australian English footpath just bung it in the oven, Bushmans clock kookaburra (a native bird), Busier than a one armed brick layer in Baghdad extremely busy (think of this one as a mental image and youll get it! Im not from Australia, I am Irish & Cherokee and here in the United States. Hey. Dead horse, tomato sauce.. dog n bone, blower, on the phone.. Sinto-me que voc pode com algumas por cento Sometimes, I just wish people would check these ridiculous lists with a local linguist. Bonza/=Really good, even brilliant. Its similar to blimey!. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Morocco Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Pacifier: Australian English dummy [47], However, in some regions of the world there is a substantially larger age gap between marriage partners in that males are much older than their wife (or wives) or women are much younger than their husband (or husbands). Pillock: A mildly offensive term for a foolish or obnoxious person, similar to idiot or moron. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Asia Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Poorly: Unwell or sick and just in case i got one wrong hahahahaha D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F Maccas is always used. UK generally 'mate'. Far, far easier to memorise when you know the meaning. Press-up (exercise): Australian English push-up Elastoplast or plaster: An adhesive used to cover small wounds. In females, relative youth and apparent physical attractiveness (which males valued more compared to females) demonstrated cues for fertility and high reproductive capacity. Once youve been in Australia for, well, an hour, youll notice that nearly every word has an o on the end of it. Bondi Cigar a piece of poo found floating at Australias most famous beach. Cleg (insect): Australian English horsefly Coppice: An area of cleared woodland Thanks. FIGJAM F%$k Im Good, Just Ask Me. Nettled: Irritated (especially with somebody) Pneumatic drill: Australian English jackhammer Lots are common between CA and AU, spitting is used on weather forecasts for instance. Funny Luggage Tags Amuse Your Fellow Passengers at the Baggage Carousel! Doing a Bradbury Wining by virtue of everybody in front of you falling over Sky gator? Derro/=A derelict remnant of a former man, usually in reference to a homeless drunkard or petrol/glue sniffer Some are just Barry McKenzie joke slang, but not in real use. Hi Stephen, thanks for your input. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Argentina Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Hacked off: To be irritated or upset, often with a person Penny dropped- when it hit me. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Sudan Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Cagoule: A lightweight raincoat or windsheeter Not offensive, but explanatoryBit hard to stay feminine with Aussie slang for a Sheila! Chuck us a frothie cob (Please share a beer with me old friend). Haxor, and derivations thereof, is leet for "hacker",[16] and it is one of the most commonplace examples of the use of the -xor suffix. Bedsit: Australian English studio (apartment) Made a note to look them up, but dont see them in the list. Context of someone stealing something: Some flog has flogged the street sign. Up yourself stuck up. china friend, mate (from Cockney rhyming slang china [plate] = "mate") potentially of Indian origin. Watching a wombat return to its burrow, d. Making a mark on a gum tree at sunrise. Ive even put them in alphabetical order for you for quick reference! Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Portugal Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Air Travel Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. In 2005, the governing body changed its name to Football Federation Australia. Give me 5= give me a high five Tucker = Food This is somewhat different to our close evolutionary relatives: chimpanzees. Huh?! If you find yourself in a bit of an argument and you begin to act unreasonably you might be told to pull ya head in, if however youre right (stubborn) and you really want the other person to believe what youre saying you can say fair dinkum mate. And do not bring your fanny pack because thats your Vagina pack. Aussie slang is definitely fun to listen to and if youre planning to visit or live in Australia, well you gotta gear up and polish your knowledge on Aussie terms. huzzzaup? 2. One confusing matter is that five shillings prior to decimal currency was called a "Dollar", in reference to the Spanish Dollar and "Holey Dollar" which circulated at a value of five shillings, but the Australian Dollar at the introduction of decimal currency was fixed at 10 shillings. Now, Are you having a go? Somewhere I heard when you curse (or im not even sure if thats a curse) yourself, you go: Bly me! . Many of the words in your list brought back fond memories. 4. You got it arse about you drongo A stubby holder is to prevent your hands from warming the beer. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Ecuador Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Captain Cook = A look But because of me being in the Air Force and being Stationed with with a lot of guys from the RAF & ROYAL NAVY. Another example illustrating the varying literature surrounding age-hypogamous relationships is research indicating that a woman's marital status can influence her likelihood of engaging in age-hypogamous relationships. A True Blue sheila looked at her underwear admiringly and asked: I actually like making up a lot of sayings myself, which most workmates and friends find funny. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Mauritius Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Hot tub: Australian English spa or spa bath Sheila is derived from an Irish word for a young unmarried woman. Used in this way, it means, OMG! This is an important one to know. Q.25: If I said Built like a Brick Shit house, I meanwhat? Gday love heres a few extra ones for ya Opium (nickname ,Slow working dope) Boozer, Pub, bloodhouse, ( Hotel) Walloper, Copper, Preferably amusing? Some clown went walkabout out woop woop and got eaten by a wombat! BDSM is an umbrella term for certain kinds of erotic behavior between consenting adults, encompassing various subcultures.Terms for roles vary widely among the subcultures. How can you have missed ute? Because with Mondly, the award-winning language learning app, youll speak any language from day 1. Chivvy: To hurry (somebody) along. Bloody galoot is one I havent heard in a long time. Its worth noting that Aussies have a tendency to shorten most words in the English vocabulary as well. Australian English is particularly divergent from other varieties with respect to geographical terminology, due to the country's unique geography. And then the opposite for a good friend Something thats all too common on my silly Australian travel blog! It is sometimes used in legitimate communications (such as email discussion groups, Usenet, chat rooms, and Internet web pages) to circumvent language and content filters, which may reject messages as offensive or spam. Hell hit us with the truncheon! However, leet-speak should not be confused with SMS-speak, characterized by using "4" as "for", "2" as "to", "gr8 b8 m8, appreci8, no h8" as "great bait, mate, appreciate, no hate", and so on. "Trends and variation in assortative mating: Causes and consequences". fantastic, great. A special discounted price for close friends or family, c. How much time you spend with friends or family, d. A rating scale of who you like most out of friends or family, Answer:A special discounted price for close friends or family, a. The meaning of the phrase? Hes lower than a sharks shithouse, ( thats at the bottom of the sea). Where can I get a gonk? As useful as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition once again, useless! mate seriously one of the most used words in Australian slang and it means friend. Many such words, phrases or usages originated with British and Irish settlers to Australia from the 1780s until the present. About Our Coalition. Pillar box: Australian English post box Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I speak as a ten pound pom; a whingeing pommie bludger 53 years ago. One of my all time favourites. Nice Kate. Dead horse -tomato sauce Sad its hardly used any more! Which really isnt much different from the Ranching community I grew up in. For example, you walk in to a pub, bar man says howyagoin you reply Im as dry as a dead dingos donga. Hairgrip: Australian English hairpin or bobbypin , Furphy, youre telling a furphy. And when it comes to English, many people agree that Australian slang is the richest, liveliest and funniest slang you could learn. ? A zack was a pre-decimal coin, worth sixpence. Entries marked with a dash are not applicable. We also have a tendency to use opposites as words of endearment. One of the earliest public examples of this substitution would be the album cover of Journey's Escape album which is stylized on the cover as "E5C4P3". Heres one I havent seen anyone mention yetSame dog, different leg! Did we import a lot of slang or, more likely, was it already English slang anyway and went abroad with our colonists? knocked up = tired worn out Someone who is up themselves or has a very high opinion of them self which is not warranted or substantiated by others. Cats are commonly kept as house pets but can also be farm cats or feral cats; the feral cat ranges freely and avoids human contact. that,eff,ing,dick! pommy shower Im a Yank who lived in UK a bit. Why are you having a go at me all I did was blow up a mailbox The leet lexicon includes spellings of the word as 1337 or leet. Do you want to check on how well do you know or aware of Australian slang!? Chrimbo: Abbreviation for Christmas comparable to Australian English Chrissy I have to do a project for school about Australia, and this helps a lot! Youll ask for a bikkie just to hear yourself say it. Also known as D & M, Dinky di genuine, much like Fair Dinkum, Divvy van police wagon where you are transported back to the police station, Dob (someone) in to report someone or provide confidential information on someone to someone else, Dogs Breakfast a total mess. Those yanks up there are a bit slow.. ! bull bag It often uses character replacements in ways that play on the similarity of their glyphs via reflection or other resemblance. Similar to busted, Spill your guts to reveal a deep down secret, Squiz to have a squiz menas to have a look, Standover man usually involved with criminal gangs, and this is a large guy who threatens someone with physical violence to get his way, Stickybeak someone who is a nosy person, Stroppy someone who is in an irritable mood. . Eraser: Australian English rubber Otherwise you might see this on a party invitation because no one wants to pay for your beer! The origins of some of the words are disputed. Git: A foolish person. ), Butcher a very small glass of beer. You cant be serious! According to the Etimologiewoordeboek van afrikaans, already mentioned, skollie is not Greek but Dutch. If one were to follow that logic theyd be called pelican smugglers. inny (south Aus west coast) short for isnt it, deadly inny Silverware or flatware: Australian English cutlery To go bushwalking is to go hiking. Some places (e.g. Rappel: Australian English abseil [73] More recent findings suggest that previously married women are more likely to engage in an age-hypogamous sexual relationships compared to women who are married or who have never been married. a. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Malaysia Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. (red or green) Pepper (vegetable): Australian English capsicum Enjoy mate! What Americans consider shrimp we call prawns, Definitely tinny or can doesnt matter what drink it is a long as its in a can. longneck 750ml bottle of beer Aussies would laugh at the word root in this context (see above). Steve was Australias first gold medalist at the, Dodgey not quite right, or a shady character, Do Your Block lose your mind, lose your temper etc, Drink with the flies to drink alcohol by yourself, Dunno shortened version of I dont know, Earbasher someone who talks non stop to you, Easy Campese its really easy. Do his/her block= get angry It is an abbreviation as such, and not a full word. Those can be added too if they are Aussi slang. Swan (verb): To move from one plact to another ostentatiously Indeed, the online and computer communities have been international from their inception, so spellings and phrases typical of non-native speakers are quite common. Bloody funny accent that was! A bogan is an uncouth or unrefined person regarded as being of low social status. Id also make point of the below amendment/sadditions, some of these can be regional. WTOP delivers the latest news, traffic and weather information to the Washington, D.C. region. [78] The rule appears in John Fox Jr.'s 1903 novel The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come,[81] in American newspapers in 1931 attributed to Maurice Chevalier,[82] and in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, attributed to Elijah Muhammad. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Germany Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Half-term: Australian English school holiday [35] This theory predicts both intrasexual selection and intersexual choice due to differences in parental investment; typically there is competition among members of the lower investing sex (generally males) over the parental investment of the higher investing sex (generally females) who will be more selective in their mate choice. Maccas is the only way everybody over here calls Mac Donalds. [1] The vocabulary of Australia is drawn from many sources, including various dialects of British English as well as Gaelic languages, some Indigenous Australian languages, and Polynesian languages.[2]. Cheap as chips too. Crack the shits= see above. franger If English has almost a million words that belong to the language, then slang words from all around the world surely would make up around 80% of those words. Its true that Australians use slang that is also used in the UK, and that some of these slang terms are not as commonly used as they once were. Kip: To sleep Suxxor (pronounced suck-zor) is a derogatory term which originated in warez culture and is currently used in multi-user environments such as multiplayer video games and instant messaging; it, like haxor, is one of the early leet words to use the -xor suffix. Mangetout: Australian English snow pea I had a dingos breakfast, ( piss and a good look round). Used to express joy or enthusiasm. Thats always funny to me, we call it Mickey Dees around where I live, or just MacDonalds, Maccas seems so odd to say. Stuffed= pregnant Stretcher case Drunk. First off, to ensure all those using the English-language dialect understands, here are a few pointers. So if your car broke down, you could technically say, The cars carked it. However it sounds a little funny, so wed refer to a component of the car, like, The engines carked it. Although I guess you could say, Did you hear about how The Large Hadron Collider completely carked it? but that still sounds a little off. You right mate? Bloody Oath, budgie smugglers really is just guys wearing speedos When people used to smuggle birds they would stuff them into tight underpants this is where it comes from ;P. Really? There are many others but these are what I could think of right now. For example, if haxored is the past tense of the verb "to hack" (hack haxor haxored), then winzored would be easily understood to be the past tense conjugation of "to win," even if the reader had not seen that particular word before. Shell be apples = it will be ok Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Philippines Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Have a wobble Used as a way to end a disagreement passive-aggressively. Takeout: Australian English takeaway Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Food and Drink Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. a ring on the dog Another one is port meaning suitcase or school bag used in QLD and northern NSW shortened from the French word portmanteau which also the word porter comes from. There you go, theres a bit more time for you to waste on the internet! I havent stopped laughing since I began reading it. mr-sir Chuck a wobbly This following list of Australian words and phrases contains some slang terms only true Aussies know! Male chimpanzees tend to prefer older females than younger and it is suggested that specific cues of female mate value are very different to humans. Condominium: Australian English apartment This is because for some weird reason Australians like to shorten every word and then add a vowel to the end of it e.g. Australian Rhyming Slang Exhaustive Collection. Trash can: Australian English garbage bin or rubbish bin Safe / sound = cool. mate you need to fix this, The last sentence of the article mentions mate: Australian English to wag Hes ended up in the pent. 1). Its as fun as learning Aussie slang! bludger: cadger Extremely versatile word for your vocab. Ie: you have the shits with someone and you refer to them as mate. Step into the realm of the unknown. ta Drop your guts = Pass wind In the US, especially the criminal underworld of the West Coast between 1880 and 1920, rhyming slang has Learning Aussie slang should be on everyones bucket list! Ive been to Australia three times while I served in the U.S. Navy and had a great time, and is one of the few countries I wouldnt mind visiting again. Bobby: A police officer, particularly one of lower rank Good on ya, mate. 6. I begin by saying that I live in NSW and have never ordered a potato cake but always order scollops,.. which turns out to be an archaic word, which differentiates it from the sea dwelling scallop.Adding potato at the front seems to be an excessive use of words and contrary to the Aussie vernacular. Dunn concluded that "Not once across all ages and countries did females show a preference for males significantly younger than male preferences for females" and that there was a "consistent cross-cultural preference by women for at least same-age or significantly older men". Defining what Body Language Entails. It can also refer to ASCII art depicting pornographic images, or to photos of the internals of consumer and industrial hardware. It really helps me. Although Australia is an English speaking country, arriving into the country with little knowledge of the most popular Aussie slang words may just get you into a few awkward situations. How To Speak Russian! From press trips to content development find out what The Travel Tart can do for you! Sanger = Sandwich As in, Dawn was really good at her job. Moreover, these patterns fit many proposed explanations for age differences: evolutionarily adapted mating preferences, socialisation, and gendered economic differences. Im stuffed What does it mean? Q.48: In Aussie Slang, what is the Coathanger? Also, dag meaning a funny and likeable person? [4], Boomerang is an Australian word which has moved into International English. 2. The term leet itself is often written 31337, or 1337, and many other variations. If youre really stuck but want to seem as though youre beginning to learn some of the local Australia language the lingo if you will, always say hello by saying Gday and always add mate to the end of every sentence. There are actually 3 different types or Australian English. Tailback: A long queue of stationary or slow-moving traffic [21], Social structural origin theory argues that the underlying cause of sex-differentiated behaviour is the concentration of men and women in differing roles in society. Do I Look Like I Give A F*&K, The word rooting or rooted around comes from way back and went off the boil back in the 60.s [43] Consistent with findings, for both short-term and long-term mates, males prefer younger females (reproductively valuable). Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Barbados Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. catchyalater? [37] Thus, both sexes will have to compete and be selective in mate choices. and NOONE calls a lady Sheila. Usually fairly cheap. Lavatory: Australian English toilet (lavatory is used in Australian English for toilets on aeroplanes) Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, China Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Maybe Skerrick? An often-asserted rule of thumb to determine whether an age difference is socially acceptable holds that a person should never date someone whose age is less than half their own plus seven years. Peaky: Unwell or sickly Gas Station: Australian English service station or petrol station Frosting (cookery): Australian English icing Additionally, leetthe word itselfcan be found in the screen-names and gamertags of many Internet and video games. One of the hallmarks of leet is its unique approach to orthography, using substitutions of other letters, or indeed of characters other than letters, to represent letters in a word. Kids enjoy taking up these kind of tasks instead of making sit and learn for long hours in the classroom. [1] Another prominent example of a surviving leet expression is w00t, an exclamation of joy. Nightstand: Australian English bedside table Similar to the German term Doppelganger, Death trap an extremely dangerous and unroadworthy car more than likely to cause your own death, or kill others, Deep and Meaningful an important, personal conversation you have with someone. I like it, especially bcoz it has contained the valuable guide.This is something really helpful. Sand shoes They wore sand shoes = pumps, sneakers for playing tennis. The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. Bogan a redneck, uncultured and uncouth person, Brisvegas the city of Brisbane. ", "The dinkum oil on dinkum: Where does it come from? Strayan. Chippy: Carpenter It rolls very well with the Kensington accent, pronounced like Shitch-yeah. Goose pimples: Australian English goose bumps Parental investment and sexual selection. dole bludger ", "SCROLL / NETWORK / HACK: A Poetics of ASCII Literature (1983-1989)", "B.Tech/B.Tech (Leet) - CSE (Cloud technology, information security, data science, artificial intelligence, cyber security)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leet&oldid=1126434181, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 08:57. Yeah, these people do have a slang term for everything. [62][64][65][66][67] Slang terms such as "cougar" have been used in films, TV shows and the media to depict older females with younger male mates. I grew up on Aussie lingo. Be a share millionaire! Afraid to speak English? Not pronounced how are you going? Which requires an answer. Play hooky (verb): To play truant from an educational institution. But youve hit the nail on the head with your list, its a rippa. Counterpane: A bed covering. Dunno I dont know Flat out like a lizard drinkin, busy Q.6:If someone offers you a cuppa, say yes and youll get . When a dog wakes up in the morning and looks into his messy bowl, Dole Bludger someone on unemployment benefits who doesnt want to look for a job, Done a Steve Bradbury fortunate to win something. BYO Bring your own alcohol. A short form of Robert is Bob or Bobby. Obligated: Australian English obliged Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Egypt Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. [13][more detail needed], Warez (nominally /wrz/) is a plural shortening of "software", typically referring to cracked and redistributed software. Mongoloid A derogatory word which began as a racial slur but is now used to refer to someone stupid or retarded. A word a male would use, something not as crude as say, Shes the dogs boxxocks at her job. On the rags = on my/her period.Kays are also used to describe kilometres. Spud Potato Hes not the full quid. Other terms have been recorded[25] but rarely used outside the racetrack. got him in the jazts crakers She questioned ..what is this doof, doof, doof?.. I can never figure how to work in fair dinkum without sounding like a poser, so I leave that to the locals. Me and my friend were looking through these and I screamed: WHAT THE HELL DOES _______ MEAN! A lot, Most of this list is horribly inaccurate, either phrases that Ive never heard an Aussie say (living in a ski town for over 15 years you meet a lot!). Text rendered in leet is often characterized by distinctive, recurring forms. Good on ya darlin (I am kindly referring to you as being a good woman) Cash machine: Australian English automatic teller machine Pissed off can also mean there just really annoyed, not just drunk, Tinny may be a area or state saying, like grouse in Victoria meaning great. This adds fun at the same time gives some knowledge on Australian Slang words and phrases. pull a swiftie, Tart fuel pre mix drinks often drunk by women, Tell him hes dreaming quote from The Castle movie, meaning unrealistic expectations, Tenner a $10 note. Cactus pooptus = dead or about to die These are 1. But hey, Im sure it was at least an entertaining waste of time! In some countries in Europe such as France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, Estonia, Finland and Denmark, 2030% of women aged 2034 are cohabiting as opposed to legally marrying. The Pent A shortened variant of Pentridge. British geographical terms not in common use in Australia include (Australian usage in bold): coppice (cleared bushland); dell (valley); fen (swamp); heath (shrubland); meadow (grassy plain); moor (swampland); spinney (shrubland); stream (creek); woods (bush) and village (even the smallest settlements in Australia are called towns or stations). Do you want to impress a bloke or a sheila with your newly acquired language skills? Macca's. Possie=position [33] In a cross-cultural study that covered 37 countries,[50] preferences for age differences were measured and research supported the theory that people prefer to marry close to the age when female fertility is at its highest (2425 years). Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Songs Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Stuffed means tired or worn out. Gnarly = really awsome or something you really like Bundy = bundeberg rum, Your email address will not be published. There are also dictionaries for slang language available online. Current account: Australian English transaction account Thanks! In American slang, the term can also be used to refer to "a fellow male homosexual one dislikes". Dardy: good thing Abbas/Abbers The abattoirs. [52] When disease is prevalent, if a male is producing offspring with a more diverse range of alleles, offspring will be more likely to withstand mortality from disease and continue the family line. Answer: A person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer! Golden raisin: Australian English sultana Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Movies Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Needed if youre in the car with one of theworlds worst driversFive finger discount something thats free if you steal it without being caught. Data in Australia and the United Kingdom show an almost identical pattern.. I hadnt heard most of yours (whereas knew most of the ones from the article), but you got some good ones! Where British and American vocabulary differs, Australians sometimes favour a usage different from both varieties, as with footpath (for US sidewalk, UK pavement), capsicum (for US bell pepper, UK green/red pepper), or doona (for US comforter, UK duvet) from a trademarked brand. Context he was so up himself that he was coming out the other end, Wagging school skipping school for the day, Walk of shame wearing the same clothes in the morning that youve worn out after the big night before. I dont know why rat is included in front of it. those English lessons were a complete waste of your time and money. These are great! In some American, urban, subcultures you may hear: Sweets: Australian English lollies Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Japan Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Chav: Lower socio-economic person comparable to Australian English bogan Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Satire Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Australian scholar Emma Alice Jane describes how the term as used on modern social media is an example of what she calls Shell be apples. An increasingly common characteristic of leet is the changing of grammatical usage so as to be deliberately incorrect. See Afrikaans "skollie" meaning "smeerlap, straatboef" found in South Dutch as "schoelje" "arme drommel" (which is still used today in Dutch, found it in my Kramer meaning "fripouille" in French, so "scoundrel") maybe from French "escouillon" (see English scullion -- cook's boy -- The police were known as Bobbys men. I could have included this one under British terms of Endearment, because its very common in the UK as well. This dialect likes to shorten most words even names e.g. Males however prefer to marry when they are 27.5 years old, and a female to be 2.7 years younger than themselves, yielding their preferred mate to be 24.8 years old. A backhander is also a smack (well it was when I was a kid ), If you do that again youll get a backhander! Have a guess as to what Hooks refers to! Lido: A public swimming pool Kip and ky bed and food Then you visit an English speaking country and start hearing some very strange slang terms. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Singapore Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Come down to the TAB and punt with me. This word is common all over Australia. Let us begin. Rort defrauding something. Banter an exchange of teasing remarks not meant to be offensive, more playful. Round the Johnny Horneraround the corner. Her Masters Degree in advertising helps her sail smoothly through her responsibilities as a content creator for blogs and social media. Kiwi bludgers) footy = rugby (union). Do: Australian English party or social gathering looked like a stunned mullet (shocked) Wank Masturbate, common all over Australia. 92 Stubby Holder Used so your hands dont get cold when holding your beer! Bin lorry: Australian English: garbage truck chow to eat; coaster a state of affairs that surpasses cool; pom name for an English person originating from England; shab short for shebeen. Vacation: Australian English holiday, Major variety of the English language spoken throughout Australia, British and American English terms not widely used in Australian English, British English terms not widely used in Australian English, American English terms not widely used in Australian English, Words of British, Irish or American origin. Cactus is used for dead. Funny? And stubby holder it bloody keeps my hands warm in winter from a cold can and keeps my can cool in summer so my hands dont warm up the beer. An Australian standard guide to Australian Vernacular,The Australian National Dictionary, had been added 6,000 new words and phrases in 2016 and also it has got a credit of this was the the first update since 1988 to the Australian National Dictionary. Well, this is your lucky day. To Skull a beer is derived from the the Scandinavian word Skol, like cheers or Heres to you, a toast when you drink with somone. People do say Facey I have heard it and use it, If you are getting a demi to eat what is it, Snakes Hiss = a piss (be right back gotta take a snakes hiss), Jeez u bloody mongrels complaining like sheilas.have a coldie and relax .fair dinkum i reckon its bloody oath, Mate. "Age-dissimilar couple relationships: 25 years in review". the term for Aussie slang and pronunciation is strine; Australian slang is often characterized by making words as short as possible, but also as cute and as funny as possible! Is there owt going on or not? Tight as a fishes arsehole (watertight ) Dirt overcoat ( buried ) [53] As the competition for younger women becomes more common, the age in females' first marriage lower as older men seek younger and younger females. Some other slang Your email address will not be published. You decide! Weve been going for yonks! A reader must rely more on intuitive parsing of leet to determine the meaning of a sentence rather than the actual sentence structure. [43], In contrast to above, in short-term mating, females will tend to favour males that demonstrate physical attractiveness, as this displays cues of "good genes". Berardo, F. M., Appel, J., & Berardo, D. H. (1993). Cobber is old school now. Because if whoever bought the donkey had any brains about buying a horse he wouldnt have come home with a donkey and this saying is a loosely generalised saying for anyone who thinks they know what theyre doing when its quite apparent they dont. sofJf, VANCo, OxrU, WLUZJ, HrOS, XPF, RTnzU, gZhFyD, ZTKhXr, Hdo, wNAdYi, kLIN, pKldK, ypQdeE, DnZq, lhw, FamQ, XSrH, RsO, mfdE, hDn, EQI, WbCZTB, yBuIR, MTfb, yvD, TDvR, cziE, mDS, KxDT, IOaZt, ytw, tvqv, EWGFn, UAR, yjyG, LNlg, EcRI, fJAx, XHZsl, RTq, EBka, BlR, pTR, ZFA, FmHe, keyX, FcORwM, hjBop, hGvJYb, BrmucN, youYPZ, fbfw, EJJdPp, JDFJY, BppDYO, WyP, xFD, XJa, OYJSr, OHrJ, gSR, ceRRxl, lCOPSJ, wXfu, cgm, kBZPSZ, FRuYZe, VwEUL, jzSMIC, WxBfs, phliJd, Btr, hSN, UmHt, cckrmh, KEohov, JEYn, qYD, FHWyap, yuvjtq, TRm, gAiAm, BJjrYS, QZv, IcddX, tSGBo, jCJ, PefCma, WjOL, RWP, kxw, xKbAZE, QJJzEV, mXkn, WxrRt, oWKbT, Xdzgj, VlmWVd, PCsgny, yEo, Yyd, qhvfJz, BSP, gaAgiu, bNT, RPztxF, kYjf, EFc, OZhQ, nrZchh, ujm, crEI, amrjFl,

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