is soy milk good for breast cancer patients

These isoflavones have powerful antioxidant properties and may be able to prevent cell damage (oxidation) caused by free radicals. However, these studies are reassuring in affirming that soy foods do not increase breast cancer risk. Apparently, milk during childhood can contribute to a greater height but it may . You do not have to avoid foods that have these additives. However, eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase risk of breast cancer or other types of cancer. Soy. Myth: Eating soya-based foods can increase the chance of breast cancer recurrence. The findings from a team of researchers at. Find out more about the different types of biopsies, why they're done, and what you can expect if you need one. Risk was similar for both full-fat and low-fat versions and pre-menopausal . Carl Goforth. Experts now believe that soy isoflavones may actually block estrogen from attaching to breast cancer cells instead of spurring growth like once thought. Pills with isolated soy isoflavones may cause troublenot enough research has been done yet on people to determine whether or not high concentrations of those is oflavones may encourage the growth of breast cancer. No one food, soy included, is capable of single-handedly disrupting hormones linked to cancer growth. 2. There is no consistent evidence to confirm the association between milk and dairy product consumption and the risk of breast cancer. When soy protein isolate is one of many ingredients, it often does not offer as much isoflavone content as a standard serving of less processed soy. What foods to avoid if you have estrogen-positive breast cancer?Deep-fried foods.Margarine.Non-dairy creamers.Packaged cookies and crackers.Cake mixes.Pies.Pastries.Processed snacks. No one food, soy included, is capable of single-handedly disrupting hormones linked to cancer growth. This is true for women with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer and all others. Because hormones like estrogen are fat-soluble, the level of hormones is higher in whole milk than in skim milk. Here you'll find in-depth information on specific cancer types including risk factors, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment options. The results still held when the researchers considered that fact. All of the women answered questions about their diets, including how much soy they ate. New research finds eating soy milk, edamame and tofu does not have harmful effects for women with breast cancer, as some have worried. Several large, human studiesin which thousands of women have been followed for many yearsconsistently show that compared with women who do not eat soy, women who regularly eat soy have lower breast cancer risk. A moderate amount is one to two servings a day of whole-soy foods, such as tofu, soy milk and edamame. Lets compare: Supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and should be used with caution. Along with its traditional forms of edamame, tofu, tempeh, and miso, soy is also a popular low-fat source of protein. This protective effect is less dramatic for women who eat less soy or who start eating soy later in life. Examples of serving sizes for soy foods are cup of edamame , 1 cup of soy milk or cup of tofu. Similarly, in a multiethnic study that involved a number of groups, soy intake appeared protective in Latinos, too. The scientists said they found no association with breast cancer and soy milk, but they did find a higher risk with dairy milk, regardless of its fat content. At the American Cancer Society, were on a mission to free the world from cancer. That finding doesnt prove that soy prevented breast cancer in any of the women. This is thought to be because the isoflavones in soy can act like estrogen in the body, and increased estrogen has been linked to certain types of breast cancer. Just as eating a moderate amount of whole soy doesnt make you more likely to get breast cancer, it also doesnt seem to raise your risk for recurrence. Soy is rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium. These plant-based chemicals are similar in structure to estrogen. Cooking methods, however, may also deplete isoflavone content by up to 80-90%. Lets take a closer look at the scientific research to date. But she advises against taking soy supplements which contain much higher isoflavone concentrations than food until more research is done. Those results led researchers to question whether soy might have similar effects on humans. STORY: Cline Dion announces rare neurological disorder diagnosis; cancels start of European tour. is provided courtesy of the Leo and Gloria Rosen family. A 2020 research review found that soy isoflavones helped improve bone mineral density and prevent bone loss in people with osteoporosis. Those who said they ate the most soy were 25% less likely to have their cancer return compared to those who had the least. These studies are observational. In the end, feel confident in whatever choice you make about soy foods. Soy isoflavones consumption and risk of breast cancer incidence or recurrence: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. But then you see headlines saying that it could protect against the disease. Zhang, M. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, December 2009. An array of high-tech detection techniques and devices is on the scientific horizon. Studies among prostate cancer survivors indicate that eating soy foods may lower PSA levels. According to the American Cancer Society, certain types of breast cancer have been traced to increased estrogen in the body. However, findings from large prospective cohort studies have been mixed. For years, soy got a bad rap because of its isoflavones, says Marleen Meyers, MD, director of the Perlmutter Cancer Center Survivorship Program at NYU Langone Medical Center. Several studies do raise a concern for dairy milk, specifically dairy calcium and protein. 2011;125:315-23. Soy foods are a healthy option, while soy dietary supplements may not be. This may be especially true for patients who carry a BRCA mutation. Soy is rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium. This plant protein is also considered a healthy choice for . Can eating too much soy cause breast cancer, Can eating too much chicken cause breast cancer, Can eating sugar really change stage 4 breast cancer, Can eating pepitas kill breast cancer cells, Can eating greek yogurt kill breast cancer cells, Can eating dairy have an effecton breast cancer. Soy Milk Benefits For Women. See additional information. Anti-Nutrients Soy also has phytates, which are anti-nutrients that can block the absorption of certain minerals, like iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper and chromium. Still, Id recommend that breast cancer patients avoid soy supplements, Millstine says. Soy Does Not Raise Estrogen or Lower Testosterone Levels in Men. However, based on limited evidence, it is found that a very high intake of milk and dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer in men. These traditional soy foods have been used in many cultures as reliable sources . However, extensive clinical and epidemiologic data show these concerns to be . But rodents process soy differently from people, and the same results have not been seen in people. Myth: Eat soy to protect against breast cancer. Summary: The current consensus among health experts who study soy is that breast cancer survivors can safely eat these foods. While eating a moderate amount of soy is fine, its too soon to suggest eating more to protect your breasts. Hilakivi-Clarke, L. Journal of Nutrition, December 2010. Soybeans contain all of the amino acids essential to human nutrition. In one study of post-menopausal breast cancer survivors, those who consumed the most soy isoflavones, around 42.3 milligrams a day, had a decreased risk of recurrence of breast cancer compared . It is important to realize that when people eat soy it does not turn into estrogen in the body. Our team is made up of doctors andoncology certified nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing. Together, were making a difference and you can, too. Theres no need to banish tofu and edamame from your diet. 2022 American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks. Fermented soy foods like miso, natto, and tempeh are cultured with beneficial bacteria. Can you get cancer from soy milk? This website uses cookies. CMAJ. Soy foods are excellent sources of protein, especially when they replace other, less healthy foods such as animal fats and red or processed meats. Many patients worry, however, that eating soy might be harmful if they have estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. Siebel shares this advice for patients and survivors who seek to avoid soy. Soy contains protein, isoflavones and fiber, all of which provide health benefits. ). Whether you want to learn about treatment options, get advice on coping with side effects, or have questions about health insurance, were here to help. Studies in breast cancer patients are mixed. But theres no reason to avoid eating soy.. While soy may help relieve your hot flashes, researchers caution postmenopausal women against having too high a dose of soy, particularly in the form of supplements that contain high amounts of soy isoflavones. Just as eating a moderate amount of whole soy doesnt make you more likely to get breast cancer, it also doesnt seem to raise your risk for recurrence. Also, soy sauce does NOT contain isoflavones. However, phytoestrogens are not the same thing as female estrogens. Your body may process the natural soy in tofu, miso, and soy milk differently than the kind thats added to processed foods. The results are promising, but theres still not enough information, Meyers says. However, some types of soy milk could actually be beneficial for the prevention of these common types of cancer. The Mother Infant Unit is purchasing breast milk from . Introduction: The potential link between soy and decreased breast cancer risk remains unclear. In fact, it's better for cancer patients than soy and almond milk. In some older animal studies, mice that ate soy had an increased number of breast cancer cells in their mammary glands. Flax seeds. Now, a new study of more than 18,312 women shows that eating soy foods did . So whats the truth? Recently, an extensive population study from the UK estimated that a 35g per day increase in dairy protein raises the risk of prostate cancer by 32% . Is Soy Milk Good For Cancer Patients. The effect of soy protein supplements and soy-derived protein powders on cancer growth is less clearly understood. It's rare, but men can get breast cancer too. 2009;118:395-405. UCSF Medical Center: A Guide to Foods Rich in Soy.. Eating soy foods like tofu, edamame and soy milk has been linked to reduced risk of certain cancers including breast cancer, prostate cancer and gastric cancer. The American Cancer Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. The current scientific consensus is that soy does not increase a persons risk of developing breast cancer. The current scientific consensus is that soy does not increase a person's risk of developing breast cancer. Cancer patients do not need to eliminate all sources of soy food from their diet. The American Cancer Society says that concentrated extracts of soy isoflavones may encourage tumor growth, and should be avoided. May reduce menopause symptoms Studies suggest soys beneficial role in menopause. Meanwhile, another analysis of eight studies showed that those who got the most soy isoflavones -- about the amount in a serving of tofu - were 29% less likely to get the disease compared to those who got the least. In fact, there is growing evidence that eating traditional soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, miso, and soymilk may lower the risk of breast cancer, especially among Asian women. Phytoestrogens don't always mimic estrogen. The facts. You may have heard that you shouldnt eat soy if you are at risk for breast cancer. Also, doses of isoflavones in the animal studies are much higher than in humans. Advertisement The myth that soy increases breast cancer risk comes from the discovery that soy contains What's the deal with soy and breast cancer? This type of powder is typically used to make a smoothie or shake but can also be the source of protein in nutrition bars, certain pre-packaged frozen veggie burgers and vegetarian/vegan meat alternatives. Soy contains protein, isoflavones and fiber, all of which provide health benefits. Is there a concern about eating soy foods? It was spread on blogs, and people would tell each other to avoid soy.. Some people may even tell you that soy increases your risk of cancers and is especially dangerous for breast cancer survivors. It could be that people who eat more soy have healthier lifestyles in general.. "Studies have not shown any increased risk of breast cancer recurrence or death linked to soy consumption," Chen says. Phytoestrogens, specifically genistein and daidzein, are structurally different and significantly weaker than human estrogen. Along with its traditional forms of edamame, tofu, tempeh, and miso, soy is also a popular low-fat source of protein. However, soy pills and isoflavone-enriched powders should be avoided. As part of a healthy diet, whole soy foods are safe, says Denise Millstine, MD, director of integrative medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. The occasional soy protein bar or snack food is fine, but as with all plant foods, less processed is better. However, eating a moderate amount of soy foods . Request an appointment at MD Anderson online or by calling 1-877-632-6789. Is it dangerous? Tax ID Number: 13-1788491. Kang X, Zhang Q, Wang S, Huang X, Jin S. Effect of soy isoflavones on breast cancer recurrence and death for patients receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy. If soy's estrogen-blocking action occurs in the breast, then eating soy could, in theory, reduce the risk of breast cancer because estrogen stimulates the growth and multiplication of breast and breast cancer cells. Meyers notes that many of the hallmark studies are done in Asian countries, where people grow up eating soy in its traditional forms. Lee, S. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2009. We use cookies to optimize and personalize your experience, provide relevant content and analyze online traffic. So youre much more likely to get a high dose if youre having protein shakes and soy hot dogs than if youre eating edamame.. . Other things could be involved. 2 . The soy foods that the study included were tofu, soy milk, and fresh soybeans. Eat these foods if you enjoy them, or skip them altogether if soy isn't to your liking. Soy isnt bad for you, and it may actually be beneficial for cancer prevention, Siebel says. Copyright 2022 Consistent findings from population studies indicate no increased risk for breast cancer survivors who consume soyfoods. So far, the evidence does not point to any dangers from eating soy in people, and the health benefits appear to outweigh any potential risk. Experts now believe that soy isoflavones may actually block estrogen from attaching to breast cancer cells instead of spurring growth like once thought. It was once thought that soy foods increase the risk of breast cancer. If you require extra calories during cancer treatment from a medical food supplement, the soy protein in this type of product is not a problem. Soy contains compounds called phytoestrogens. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Misconceptions concerning soyfoods stem from the fact that soy is a uniquely rich source of isoflavones, which are naturally occurring plant chemicals classified as phytoestrogens. In a review of 35 studies, soy isoflavone supplements raised estradiol (estrogen) levels in postmenopausal women by 14% ( 14 ). Its in soy milk, meat substitutes, cereal, baked goods, energy bars, and more. However, in humans, phytoestrogens turn into genistein and daidzein, two isoflavones that are very different from and much weaker than human estrogen. Examples of soy foods include edamame (soybeans), tofu, soymilk, soybean sprouts, miso and tempeh (fermented soybeans). Milk is an excellent source of calcium, providing 30% of the recommended daily intake. If you're a woman concerned about breast health and you like soy, stick to healthy, whole soy foods, such as tofu, tempeh, soymilk, and edamame. Theres no need to banish tofu and edamame from your diet. Nonetheless, non-evidence based sources make claims about soy that can create unnecessary fear amongst cancer patients. A moderate amount is one to two servings a day of whole-soy foods, such as tofu, soy milk and edamame. In fact, in human studies, the estrogen effects of soy seem to either have no effect at all, or to reduce breast cancer risk (especially in Asian countries, where lifelong intake is higher than the US). One nutritional issue of interest is the impact of soya products (which contain phytoestrogens) on breast cancer recurrence rates. Please consult with your provider before using any type of supplement, as they may interfere with your medications. Thats what gave researchers cause for concern about soy and breast cancer. Our patients depend on blood and platelet donations. 7 Women in the Japanese study who had the lowest rates of breast cancer had consumed soy from childhood, or at least from pre-puberty. Therefore, soy has an important role to play in a syndrome in large part affected by these issues. Dietary intakes were estimated from food frequency . Soy isoflavones and risk of cancer recurrence in a cohort of breast cancer survivors: the Life After Cancer Epidemiology study. In one report, researchers analyzed data from diet surveys completed by more than 9,500 American and Chinese women. Is soy safe for patients with breast cancer. So, breast cancer patients and survivors, please enjoy soy beans, tofu, edamame, tempeh, soy milk, etc., every day. This means women with breast cancer who want to include some soya foods in their diet for overall health reasons should not feel discouraged from doing so. Soy foods contain isoflavones (phytoestrogens). As PCOS patients have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer, the finding that these plant estrogens may reduce the risk of breast cancer is noteworthy. As part of our mission to eliminate cancer, MD Anderson researchers conduct hundreds of clinical trials to test new treatments for both common and rare cancers. You May Like: Is Breast Cancer Curable In The 3 Stage. In fact, there is growing evidence that eating traditional soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, miso, and soymilk may lower the risk of breast cancer, especially among Asian women. Soy may have more of an impact on a postmenopausal woman whos not producing as much estrogen as a healthy 20-year-old, Millstine says. soy milk is a good way to get needed protein and . However, soy is not currently recommended as a way for breast cancer survivors to lower the risk of recurrence. Change the lives of cancer patients by giving your time and talent. The American Cancer Society offers programs and services to help you during and after cancer treatment. In addition, other forms of soy, such as tofu and edamame, are part of the traditional Chinese diet. The phytoestrogens in soybeans are thought to be responsible for their cancer-preventing effects. Dong JY, Qin LQ. But first, talk with your oncologist. Stay tuned to see if that proves to be helpful across the board, whether you eat tofu regularly, pour soy milk on your breakfast cereal, or snack on edamame. Women with a history of hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast or ovarian cancer, may also choose to avoid soy products because of their content of isoflavones, which mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. Myth: All types of soy have the same effect on the body. A moderate amount is one to two servings a day of whole-soy foods, such as tofu, soy milk and edamame. Become a volunteer, make a tax-deductible donation, or participate in a fundraising event to help us save lives. A study of nearly 3,000 breast cancer patients and 5,000 women without the disease suggested that higher consumption of these seeds, as well as soybeans, reduced the risk of breast cancer after menopause. In one study of more than 73,000 Chinese women, researchers found that those who ate at least 13 grams of soy protein a day, roughly one to two servings, were 11% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who got less than 5 grams. 4. However, some cancer patients may find that soy milk is a beneficial part of their diet. American Cancer Society news stories are copyrighted material and are not intended to be used as press releases. Most breast cancers are sensitive to estrogen (or, as doctors say, estrogen-receptor-positive or ER-positive,) which means that estrogen fuels their growth. study published in the October 2004 issue of "The New England Journal of Medicine," there is a link between height and breast cancer. 2011;20:854-58. Wu, A. British Journal of Cancer, January 2008. Is soy safe for cancer patients? Why was there a concern about the relationship between consuming soy and developing breast cancer? Learn what the symptoms are and when to call your doctor. April 5, 2011 For years, breast cancer survivors were often counseled to avoid soy foods and supplements because of estrogen -like effects that might theoretically cause breast tumors to grow. The Lyda Hill Cancer Prevention Center provides cancer risk assessment, screening and diagnostic services. Interpreting the data Lets take a closer look at the scientific research to date. However, eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase risk of breast cancer or other types of cancer. Japanese women typically consume soy beginning in childhood, which may be a key to prevention of breast cancer. Your body may process the natural soy in tofu, miso, and soy milk differently than the kind thats added to processed foods. Phytoestrogens, such as those in soy, have similar features to human estrogen. Soy protein powder and isoflavone supplements were not found to have an effect on markers of breast cancer risk. When it comes to eating soy foods, there are a lot of myths about whats safe for cancer survivors and patients in cancer treatment. Below are some of the resources we provide. Just as eating a moderate amount of whole soy doesn't make you more likely to get breast cancer, it also doesn't seem to. In fact, research in patients with breast cancer patients suggests possible benefit to overall survival with consuming moderate amounts of soy foods, or 1-2 servings per day. Knowing the real deal is important, especially now that soy is more common in the American diet. Learn about our graduate medical education residency and fellowship opportunities. Soybeans are a good source of protein and contain a variety of nutrients that are essential for good health. Find out whos most at risk for breast cancer and why. 2022 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Tofu, miso paste and other soybean-based foods are high-quality sources . Breast Cancer Res Treat. Thats why I try to eat soy every day, says Siebel, who carries the BRCA gene. This may be because the isoflavones can actually block the more potent natural estrogens in the blood. This is the equivalent of drinking 4-5 cups of whole milk daily. However, eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase risk of breast cancer or other types of cancer. They didnt find the same risk factors with cheese or yogurt. Experts at the American Cancer Society say soy foods are safe and healthy for people to eat. Theres no reason to avoid eating soy.. The original question and answer were generously donated by Diana Dyer, MS, RD a cancer survivor, registered dietitian, organic garlic farmer, and the author of "A Dietitian's Cancer Story: Information & Inspiration for Recovery & Healing from a 3-time Cancer Survivor. Talk with your care team about your needs. Soya. Cooking methods, however, may also deplete isoflavone content by up to 80-90%. United States Department of Agriculture: USDA Database for the Isoflavone Content of Selected Foods.. First, mice process the soy differently than humans do. Researchers arent certain how large amounts of soy affect breast cancer risk. Cancer Information, Answers, and Hope. On one hand, consuming soy foods like edamame, tofu and unsweetened soy milk have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and gastric cancer. Available Every Minute of Every Day. Soy protein isolate is not recommended for breast cancer Soy protein isolate is produced by removing most of the fats and carbohydrates from defatted soy flour (which is made by grinding soybeans into a powder). To eat soy or not: That's the question many U.S. women have been asking. Its also a more concentrated form of soy, Millstine says. Examples of soy foods include edamame (soybeans), tofu, soymilk, soybean sprouts, miso and tempeh (fermented soybeans). We need to look at if having soy later in life has the same effect.. By clicking Agree below, you consent to use cookies if you continue to our website. The results are promising, but theres still not enough information, Meyers says. "In fact, higher amounts of soy were linked to a lower risk of breast cancer recurrence or death. These bacteria boost the health of our microbiome, which can improve our heart health, brain health, and regulate weight. In some animal studies, rodents that were exposed to high doses of compounds found in soy called isoflavones showed an increased risk of breast cancer. Log in to our secure, personalized website to manage your care (formerly myMDAnderson). In tissues with breast cancer cells, estrogen stimulates the multiplication of cancer cells. A 2020 meta-analysis evaluated the results of 18 separate studies. Even for health-savvy people, telling fact from fiction can be tricky. Caan BJ, Natarajan L, Parker B, Gold EB, Thomson C, Newman V, Rock CL, Pu M, Al-Delaimy W, Pierce JP. The recent study (2020) suggests drinking dairy milk increases the risk of breast cancer. Though the estrogen-like properties of soy seem like they could increase the risk of breast cancer recurrence or mortality (death), current studies suggest that eating moderate amounts of soy foods is safe for breast cancer survivors. There's some debate over whether oat milk is good for cancer patients. 1 min read. As a breast cancer survivor and senior clinical dietitian at MD Anderson, Christie Siebel is passionate about debunking misinformation so patients get the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Researchers noted that it may be necessary to consume the isoflavones for a year or longer to see the most benefit. They may exercise more and maintain a healthier body weight. These forms of soy do NOT contain isoflavones. Soy contains phytoestrogens, or plant-based estrogens, which has raised concerns regarding soy's role in the development of breast cancer; however, whole soy products, such as tofu, edamame or soy milk, have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer, including ER-positive cancers. Soy protein powder (soy protein isolate) and isoflavone supplements were not found to have an effect on markers of breast cancer risk. One serving includes: 3. As you might expect, the Chinese women ate far more of it than those in the U.S. In April of 2008, a Japanese study was published on soy consumption and rates of breast cancer. The soy protein isolate found in supplements, protein powders, and meat substitutes is usually stripped of nutrients, such as fiber. In addition to the isoflavones which may act like estrogens in the body, soy has many anticancer properties, antioxidants, nutrients, micronutrients, or vitamins that may contribute to its beneficial effect on health, Shu says. New Study Suggests Soy Will Not Increase Risk of Return of Breast Cancer. 5 foods high in estrogenRed wine. Soy is one of the only plant-based food sources of complete protein. In some tissues and in some people, they may block the action of estrogen. It was once thought that soy foods increase the risk of breast cancer. After. April 5, 2011 For years, breast cancer survivors were often counseled to avoid soy foods and supplements because of estrogen -like effects that might theoretically cause breast tumors to grow. You can also find soy in tofu, soy milk, soy sauce, miso, tempeh, and other foods. Work with your dietitian and care team to make the best decisions for you, Siebel says. Affected people should opt for unflavored varieties of oat milk. But a steady stream of studies showed that a diet high in soy didnt increase the chances of developing breast cancer and may even reduce that risk. They point toward a protective effect of soy on breast health, regardless of other lifestyle and diet choices. Processed meats. In Asian cultures, where people eat a lot of soy from a young age, there are lower rates of breast cancer, Meyers says. Still, Id recommend that breast cancer patients avoid soy supplements, Millstine says. The soy protein isolate found in supplements, protein powders, and meat substitutes is usually stripped of nutrients, such as fiber. Breast Cancer. If youre drinking a lot of soy milk and eating processed foods that contain soy, this can increase your risk of developing nutritional deficiencies. On the other hand, questions about the potential estrogenic activity of soy can lead to confusion about the safety of eating soy foods, . Guha N, Kwan ML, Quesenberry CP Jr, Weltzien EK, Castillo AL, Caan BJ. More recently, processed soy protein has been added to a variety of foods, such as frozen meals, soups, protein powder drinks, and snack bars. According to Marji McCullough, ScD, RD, strategic director of nutritional epidemiology for the American Cancer Society, soy foods are healthy and safe. Though they sound similar, these hormones arent the same, and eating phytoestrogens doesnt affect the estrogen found naturally in your body. As humans, our bodies have a different . Soy food consumption and breast cancer prognosis. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. There are still some open questions about these findings because the studies were looking at many different types of soy, and because women who regularly eat soy simply tend to be healthier than those who don't. 9 They caution, however, that more research needs to be done to see whether taking isoflavone supplements is equally safe, since these supplements may have higher concentrations of isoflavones than there are in soy foods. Question and Answer updated by Suzanne Dixon, MPH, MS, RD on behalf of the ON DPG. Soy and isoflavone consumption does not seem to affect the endometrium in premenopausal women, although there have been weak estrogenic effects reported in the breast. Soy foods are made from soybeansa crop that, until the 1980s, has been used in America primarily as livestock feed, but has been a part of the Asian diet for many generations. Until we do, well be funding and conducting research, sharing expert information, supporting patients, and spreading the word about prevention. Despite the interest in the role of soy in reducing breast cancer risk concerns have arisen that soy foods, because they contain isoflavones, may increase the likelihood of high-risk women developing breast cancer and worsen the prognosis of breast cancer patients. . Soy contains phytoestrogens the plant form of hormone estrogen. While its true that soy isoflavones play a bigger role in estrogen-receptor positive breast cancers, early research links it to a lower risk of other types of breast cancer. What are soy foods? Research. Newspaper coverage this week focused on whether soy could cause breast cancer to spread and the report by New York researchers found that high levels of soy protein genistein (found in soy milk and tofu) could accelerate the progression of breast cancer cells.. Scientists Untangle the Soy-Breast Cancer Paradox. And in those societies, people still eat soy in its traditional forms. Emerging research suggests that soy foods may decrease the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence in women with a history of the disease. For those who do include soy in their diet, additional questions about genetic modification (GMO) and conventional versus organic options sometimes arise. Examples of serving sizes for soy foods are cup of edamame, 1 cup of soy milk or cup of tofu. 2010;182:1857-62. Its also important to follow recommended screening guidelines, which can help detect certain cancers early. If you have questions about MD Andersons appointment process, our information page may be the best place to start. In fact, soy has been proven to block the action of estrogen in tissues. Its thought that isoflavones found in soy may restore tumor suppression in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. A breast milk donation program is at full, operational capacity at Naval Hospital Jacksonville, according to chief nurse officer Capt. A similar association was also observed in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The simplest answer is to think whole -- as in, as close to nature as possible -- so you dont get too much. This similarity to estrogen is why people mistakenly believe eating soy is related to breast cancer risk. Denise Millstine, MD, director of integrative medicine, Mayo Clinic; consultant, womens health, Mayo Clinic Breast Clinic. Leif Ellisen, MD, PhD, of the Gillette Center for Breast Cancer at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center in Boston, says women often ask him whether soy is safe after breast cancer. Any one of these other things could be the reason why soy-eating women have lower breast cancer risk. Experts recommend sticking with a moderate amount, or about one to two servings, of whole soy a day. Physician Relations Continuing Education Program, Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) Grants, Prevention & Personalized Risk Assessment, MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School, Comparative Effectiveness Training (CERTaIN), Cancer Survivorship Professional Education, Post Graduate Fellowship in Oncology Nursing, Argyros Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Oncology Nursing, Professional Student Nurse Extern Programs. And if its OK to eat, why do some people say it isnt? When soy protein isolate is one of many ingredients, it often does not offer as much isoflavone content as a standard serving of less processed soy. Soy might lower the risk of other cancers Soybeans, soy nuts and edamame all contain fiber. As you might expect, the Chinese women ate far more of it than those in the U.S. We couldnt do what we do without our volunteers and donors. Soy is one of the only plant-based food sources of complete protein. Studies show that a lifelong diet rich in soy foods reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. Should you avoid these foods or eat more of them? Are soy foods safe for breast cancer survivors, including women who were treated for estrogen receptor positive breast cancer? Frequent consumption of soy milk was associated with a whopping 70 percent reduction of the risk of prostate cancer, as you can see at 1:33 in my video. Some studies have suggested a link between soy or isoflavone supplements and an increased risk of breast cancer in women who have a family or personal history of breast cancer or thyroid problems. The myth that soy increases breast cancer risk comes from the discovery that soy contains. But they did say that soy should be eaten in moderation. Breast Cancer Res Treat. Each one has a different impact on your health, Siebel says. Donate now to help end cancer as we know it, for everyone. The bottom line is that soy foods like edamame, tofu and unsweetened soy milk can safely be included as an alternative protein or dairy source, even for those going through cancer treatment. Soy foods may reduce your risk of cancer Research suggests eating soy foods may reduce risk of cancer recurrence - even in patients with estrogen receptor-positive cancer. This is thought to be because the isoflavones in soy can act like estrogen in the body, and increased estrogen has been linked to certain types of breast cancer. Some of the misunderstandings come from the fact that studies in people and studies in animals may show different results. Confusion about soy arises from the term "phytoestrogens." A serving could be half a cup of edamame, or an eight-ounce cup of soy milk, she says. Background: Associations between soy, dairy intakes and breast cancer risk are inconsistent. However, the high estrogen content in most cow's milk may be an incentive for breast cancer patients to drink only organic milk. "Soy isn't bad for you, and it may actually be beneficial for cancer prevention," Siebel says. Soybeans have a protein content of approximately 40%, whereas soy protein isolate has a protein content of 90% or higher. It was once thought that soy foods increase the risk of breast cancer. All rights reserved. Processed meats like bacon and sausage may raise your risk of breast cancer. The link was clearest with milk calorie intake, with a 50 percent increased risk of women among the top 10 percent of milk drinkers compared to those among the bottom 10 percent. Fruits (fresh and dry) Nuts. The study at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York examined women already diagnosed and being treated for . Our personalized portal helps you refer your patients and communicate with their MD Anderson care team. Choose from 12 allied health programs at School of Health Professions. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer or are a survivor, you may be wondering whether you should be cautious about consuming soy. Gynecomastia: In a 60-year-old man following 6 months of soy milk consumption . The bottom line is that soy foods like edamame, tofu and unsweetened soy milk can safely be included as an alternative protein or dairy source, even for those going through cancer treatment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They are truly GOOD for you! In this study, Dr. Iwasaki and his team recruited 24,226 Japanese women aged 40 to 69. Nonetheless, non-evidence based sources make claims about soy that can create unnecessary fear amongst cancer patients. When soy blocks this stronger form of estrogen, it is playing an active role in reducing the risk of breast cancer. There is growing evidence that eating traditional soy foods such as tofu may lower the risk of cancers of the breast, prostate, or endometrium (lining of the uterus), and there is some evidence it may lower the risk of certain other cancers. Myth: If you have or had breast cancer, avoid all soy foods. This is important because soy has long been a part of many Asian cuisines, but it is a relatively new introduction to the American diet. Those who said they ate more soy were less likely to have any type of breast cancer, compared to those who ate the least. In an observational study, it is always possible that the true connection with better breast health is not soy, but something else that is related to eating soy. No studies exist with large numbers of dairy consumers and soy consumers to assess mutual confounding. According to the study authored by Zhang, eating soy did not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of Tamoxifen. The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team. Your gift will help make a tremendous difference. Researchers aren't certain how large amounts of soy affect breast cancer risk. 1. It was once thought that soy foods increase the risk of breast cancer. More research also needs to be done on how much soy you get at different ages. Other data suggest . The growing body of evidence is indicating that consumption of soy and soy products is associated with reduced risk of breast cancer incidence, recurrence, and mortality. whether eating soy would have any effect on women who don't have breast cancer or who have non-cancerous breast lesions Advertisement Advertisement The researchers didn't recommend that women avoid soy. Learn about clinical trials at MD Anderson and search our database for open studies. Your gift will help support our mission to end cancer and make a difference in the lives of our patients. However, soy foods do appear to be safe, and possibly beneficial for female breast cancer survivors. You can help reduce your risk of cancer by making healthy choices like eating right, staying activeand not smoking. Soy Foods Are More Than Just Tofu and Soy Sauce. The take home message regarding soy and cancer is that eating tofu stir-fry, an edamame appetizer or having unsweetened soy milk as a replacement for dairy is safe for cancer survivors. 1 Induce apoptosis (death of unhealthy cells). Shike, M. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, September 2014. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These traditional soy foods have been used in many cultures as reliable sources of protein for thousands of years. Help us end cancer as we know it, for everyone. However, soy foods do appear to be safe, and possibly beneficial for female breast cancer survivors. Myth: Soy only affects breast cancers that are sensitive to estrogen. Find information and resources for current and returning patients. 1 Soy isoflavones can act like weak estrogens and may block estrogen receptors, similar to the way that tamoxifen works to prevent a recurrence of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. 5. In one early study, soy supplements were shown to switch on genes that encourage cancer growth in women with early-stage breast cancer. More research still needs to be done, Meyers says. 2 Aid in DNA repair. These studies have been conducted in both Asian and US populations. That may influence the way their body processes soy, she says. Although it may help prevent breast cancer or recurrence , or reduce mortality , soy intake or supplementation did not modulate risk , decrease overall risk , or affect mammographic density . Theres a lot of conflicting information going around about soy: Is it healthy? These traditional soy foods have been used in many cultures as reliable sources of protein for thousands of years. There are a lot of health benefits in soy, but there has been some theoretical concern that soy has molecules that resemble estrogen which may increase risk . The bottom line, Siebel says, is to have good communication with your care team for any questions you may have about your diet and cancer risk. Whether you or someone you love has cancer, knowing what to expect can help you cope. Weve invested more than $5 billion in cancer research since 1946, all to find more and better treatments, uncover factors that may cause cancer, and improve cancer patients quality of life. This discrepancy comes from animal studies that found that when rodents consumed high doses of isoflavones, they were more likely to develop breast cancer. The soy foods that the study included were tofu, soy milk, and fresh soybeans. This means researchers collect diet information from women, then follow them for many years to see who gets breast cancer. This is where the term phytoestrogen originated. For reprint requests, please see our ContentUsage Policy. This may be especially true for patients who carry a BRCA mutation. Research shows that a diet high in fried foods may significantly increase your risk of breast cancer. . A new study suggests that drinking dairy milk daily, even in small amounts, can increase your risk of getting breast cancer as much as 80 percent. In fact, limited evidence shows the potential for greater overall survival and perhaps decreased recurrence, among women a year or more after diagnosis who include moderate amounts of soy. This means observational studies can't conclusively prove that soy protects against breast cancer. Nechuta, S. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2012. Some of these studies also suggest that breast cancer survivors who consume soy foods have a lower risk of breast cancer recurrence compared with survivors who avoid soy. This is where the term phytoestrogen originated. Indeed, in a study in 620 Iranian women, fried food intake was the largest risk factor for breast cancer development ( 41 ). We also share information with our analytics and website partners, who may use it to inform decisions about current or future services. This might be because the isoflavones can actually block the more potent natural estrogens in the blood. If you are ready to make an appointment, select a button on the right. However, eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase risk of breast cancer or other types of cancer. Soy or isoflavone supplements, on the other hand, generally contain higher levels of isoflavones. In one early study, soy supplements were shown to switch on genes that encourage cancer growth in women with early-stage breast cancer. The results still held when the researchers considered that fact. American Institute for Cancer Research: AICRs Foods That Fight Cancer., University of Idaho Extension: Whats On Your Plate Today?. There is no definitive answer to this question as each person's situation is unique. Soy Confusion Confusion about soy arises from the term "phytoestrogens." Some soy nutrientsthe isoflavoneshave chemical structures that look a bit like the estrogen found in a woman's body. Marleen Meyers, MD, assistant professor of medicine, NYU School of Medicine; director of survivorship, Perlmutter Cancer Center Survivorship Program, NYU Langone Medical Center. For more clarity, get the truth behind these five common myths. Prostate cells carry beta type estrogen receptors, which appear to act as a . But the same study showed that soy also protected against recurrence in patients who took tamoxifen. ACS Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention, American Institute for Cancer Research, Soy Update. Women in the study who reported eating higher amounts of soy products experienced a lower risk of breast cancer. So there was a fear that soy could act as estrogen in the body and stimulate cancer cells, Meyers says. Most health experts agree that the evidence is not strong enough to recommend that all women with a history of breast cancer eat more soy. One serving includes: While eating a moderate amount of soy is fine, its too soon to suggest eating more to protect your breasts. It contains lower levels of avenanthramides than whole oat products. Soy foods have been linked to lower rates of heart disease and may even help lower cholesterol. For many breast cancer patients, treatment involves blocking estrogen to prevent cancer cells from forming. There are three main types of foods that come from soy. Findings from some case-control studies have suggested soy products may be linked to a lower risk of breast cancer. The research on soy and breast health has looked at soy foods, not dietary supplements. Fact: Soy foods such as soy milk and tofu contain natural compounds called phytoestrogens. What does it take to outsmart cancer? A product can be labeled as an excellent source of a nutrient if it contains 20% or more of the recommended daily intake for that nutrient. After youve completed a full course of estrogen suppressors (usually 5 years, but some oncologists are recommending 10 years or more) you can start including soy in your diet again, in modest amounts. We can also help you find other free orlow-cost resources available. For example, women who eat soy foods also may eat less fried food and more vegetables. Soy is often used as a food additive (soy lecithin, soy oil) and can be found in processed food, such as salad dressing and baked goods. The soy isoflavone genistein may counteract estrogen suppressorsand that would make your post-treatment medication less effective. These genes are responsible for DNA repair. Some soy nutrientsthe isoflavoneshave chemical structures that look a bit like the estrogen found in a woman's body. Instead evidence suggests that pre and post menopausal women with breast cancer can safely consume one or two servings of soya foods daily (one serving being the same as one glass of soya milk). Experts recommend sticking with a moderate amount, or about one to two servings, of whole soy a day. Because the names sound similar, Siebel says there has been hesitation around eating phytoestrogen, especially among patients with breast cancer and other types of cancer that are hormone-sensitive. Is soy bad for breast cancer patients It was once thought that soy foods increase the risk of breast cancer. Depending on your other dietary needs, Siebel says two servings of soy foods a day can be part of a healthy diet. Undeniably, soy is a crop that undergoes genetic modification in U.S. agriculture. That finding comes from a study of 756 Chinese women who had breast cancer and about 1,000 others who didnt have the disease. Soy foods are excellent sources of protein, especially when they replace other, less healthy foods such as animal fats and red or processed meats. This topic is under study. Soy foods are safe for patients with cancer, Siebel stresses that soy is generally safe to eat. Soy foods, such as edamame, tofu, and unsweetened soy milk, have been shown to lower the risk of certain cancers, such as breast cancer . To understand how, a little background is necessary. Soy contains estrogen-like chemicals called isoflavones. In fact, for some women, soy consumption was tied to longer life. These include green tea, vegetables such as onions and broccoli, and fruits such as apples and citrus fruits. Research suggests eating soy foods may reduce risk of cancer recurrence even in patients with estrogen receptor-positive cancer. All so you can live longer and better. They are called phytoestrogens because they come from plants. Researchers arent certain how large amounts of soy affect breast cancer risk. Myth: All soy foods raise your risk for breast cancer. Soy foods that have undergone minimal processing may be the best choice, as they offer more total isoflavones (around 25 mg of isoflavone per single serving of traditional soy food) along with dietary fiber and phytochemicals. Consuming phytoestrogen-rich foods and drinks like red wine in moderation (up to 5 ounces/148 milliliters a day for women of all ages) has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. 2005-2022 WebMD LLC. Soy is a great alternative to animal protein to include in your daily diet, she says. And a diet high in fiber may lower your risks for several cancers, including colorectal cancer. In some animal studies, rodents that were exposed to high doses of compounds found in soy called isoflavones showed an increased risk of breast cancer. Soy milk is a good source of protein and antioxidants, and it has been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. Methods: The study cohort contains 52 795 North American women, initially free of cancer, followed for 7.9 years (29.7% were Black). Now, a new study of more than 18,312 women shows that eating soy foods did not increase risk of breast cancer recurrence. They also didnt determine why milk might cause an increased risk. Soy foods do not contain estrogen. Soy contains several kinds of phytoestrogens (isoflavones). Learn how this blood test helps doctors better understand breast cancer. Phytoestrogens are plant-based substances that act like estrogen in the body. Soy in natural food form such as tofu, edamame and soy milk is safe for consumption, even for people with a cancer diagnosis. 5 And if youve had estrogen-sensitive breast cancer, and are taking a selective estrogen receptor modulator, such as tamoxifen, or an aromatase inhibitors, such as exemestane, its a good idea to refrain from soy. Pros of soy milk It's a good source of potassium and can be . It can be labeled as a good source if it contains 10-19% of the recommended daily intake. . Some experts worried that soy might interfere with breast cancer drugs that lower estrogen levels, such as tamoxifen. Myth: If you have or had breast cancer, avoid all soy foods. All rights reserved. Meyers notes that many of the hallmark studies are done in Asian countries, where people grow up eating soy in its traditional forms. Fiction can be tricky by calling 1-877-632-6789 increase your risk of breast cancer recurrence in patients who took.... 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