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Thats not by accident. Lastly, never forget the misery and stupidity all blacks and Mexicans bring to every table. The results?[41]Video: Douglas Blackmon: How Did Convict Labor Work Too many variables and too many stupid children and parents. Theyre not in central Asia and theyre not backwaters. Notice that the Jewish homeland of Israel has Nuremberg style race laws favoring Jews and Jewish genes which the same Jewish power brokers support. I repeatedly asked for a substantiating source, which never was furnished. Its comical and sad to see the articles and comments regarding Russias invasion of Ukraine. All is not lost though. Mr. Brooks, who used two out of his 10 preemptory strikes, tried to get the judge to strike the entire panel of jurors. One reason wages are so low in many parts of the US a cause on a par with Wal-Mart is that its cheaper to hire convicts[33]Cheaper to hire convicts This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. In the last analysis hopefully people will remain RATIONAL LOGICAL and assuming they seek their best interests they will vote likewise:they want good JOBS/good education/peace/security/low inflation/low taxation/upward socioeconomic mobility prosperityCan LOCAL Conservative Nationalists WHITE govts..deliver that for most of the populations (non whites).??? The scholar Al Jahiz, who died in 868 AD, wrote that East Africans were like the crow among mankind . Which means blacky will be hating the on ethnic group responsible for ending slavery in the first place. , Kosher Elephant farting on my head article. The problem is that large scale map (many miles on ground vs. 1 inch on map) politicians tend to overlook local problems. Plus, if you use natural bar soaps you're not only getting the best ingredients for your hair, body, and face but also helping the environment by reducing your plastic waste. All political roadblocks must be removed before repair work can begin (on Nordstream 1 and 2). What are you bringing to the table besides queer virtue signaling ? Secessation isnt necessary, just stop obeying federal law, smile and go your own way, obedience to enemy law is stupid. Most mixed kids didnt attend prestigious Universities. Also, striking down the Citizens United supreme court ruling and doing away with ALL of the unconstitutional presidential signing statements that have been made into law since the presidency of Truman. After 40 days in jail, she then owed the probation company $3,170. Slavery was never abolished in America. a man took a jacket from a department store in New Orleans, and walked out without paying for it. The Senate is apparently in Democrat hands again, and the House was leaning Republican , although some 19 (!) A dalliance with the future King of England was all very well indeed, quite a coup for a 37-year-old American but it was bound to fizzle out after a year or two. I have broken up a dog fight between a German Shephard and a Pit Bull and I thought I was going to die. And if not, then whats the advantage? Men and women in the military need to know about this. We are NOT a divided nation. Thank you responding, RB. and thats because the best way to close down the from within the diaspora is a cover story. Jared Taylor could easily call out the $PLC, ADL, and other jew-owned organizations without explicitly mentioning jews, merely mentioning that these organizations are rabidly anti-white and as such, should be recognized as such I know a lot of Amish, they are not like that. Obviously the anticipated Red Wave never materialized, but there were still a few bright points. Let the race war begin: This dog was originally used to bait bull and bears and hang on their noses while they flung around and never let go. A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started in 1831. Race is as real as Moral Cowardice is, and those are the two qualities that define Jared Taylor and his boring and irrelevant website: Race and Moral Cowardice. The firms add entry fees, monthly fees and a multitude of other charges to the original fine, to the extent that a $100 speeding ticket can grow to many thousands of dollars and well outside the ability of these individuals to pay. As far as group think, in the things that really count, they take the cake. This led to them being the disproportionate controllers of the Western Financialplex. There are constant appeals for more diverse donors because, again, race is often the crucial factor in a successful match. . She was born in Tupelo, MS on 3. No matter how long it takes and how many ballots must be stolen to make sure of it. Instead of doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. The city of Waukesha is 87% white, and 3% black. Get out of here with that nonsense. Ive also asked fruitlessly if he has some familial or other connection with Lincoln or the forces under his command. Also, Israeli leaders knew that their American Zionist brethren were making sure the U.S. government was supplying enough arms to stop the Arabs; and would send more equipment, even troops if necessary. A giant step has been take by declaring the Alien invasion a, well, invasion, and taking steps to stop it. In summary, if his son, the tyrannical man, falls into bad company and he will then he will be governed entirely by the bad and the desire for the bad., P.S. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. It Is to Defend People, Culture, & Land. But during Edwards lifetime, several of those who worked with him closely went much further: they actually believed the Prince of Wales was mad. CICA has already established a partnership with the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). WebLatest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Did you hear about that on the evening news?. Its only in communist countries that you cant just buy a business. Introducing the element of a general clemency will provide a pause for gang leaders to consider consolidation thereby experience the first taste of capitalism and legitimate business enterprise. How do we compare to, say, Australia? Corporations that employ union members will always be at a price disadvantage compared to non-unionized corporations because of higher labor costs. One reason wages are so low in many parts of the US a cause on a par with Wal-Mart is that its cheaper to hire convicts. A wise person stops reading right there, because they value their time too much to spend it on falsehood. Jared I have joked for over 30 years now that if I was a track and field and sports coach paid on commission, I would not have anything good to say about the white race. All the great ideas and plans are more likely to be hijacked by political opportunists than benevolent, competent leaders. From this preface, it becomes apparent that the opportunity for a republic based on European genetics, also to be referred to as Indo-European, which encompasses the Pan Slavic populations, would simply be part of a concordat tripartite agreement. That pays the bill the more so as Black coalition has made the urban areas it gets worthless. Of course, race is real. The African component of their ancestry is almost exclusively from West African coastal populations, and their white heritage is largely Scots-Irish and Englishboth from Northern and central England. The Moon Landings: A Giant Hoax for Mankind? This is not how you behave if you have confidence in your beliefs. WANTED BY NYPD: Suspect robs elderly woman of her wallet in Brooklyn as she attempted to give him a dollar, Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 16, 2022, Birmingham, England: On Oct. 8, robbers tried to steal the new iPhones on the display case but couldnt get the devices loose. Have you forgotten about all those white boys about 300,000 of them who fought to free the slaves during the Civil War? Not only do they have well-defined boundaries, they (some of them, at least) have a long history of independencein some cases, older than the US itself. Naw. The practice was banned in the early 1930s but then resurrected again around 1980, as part of the Great Transformation of America. Jews are hated because of the things they do and say. One side effect of all these would be to keep a check on the media between 1860 and 1920, every European king knew that 1870 Franco Prussian War and the WWI, and all the wars in between, were precipitated by an aggressive media, but nobody did anything about it, with the results that they were themselves overthrown and even killed. Hes paid an enormous price. Bonnie Kerness, from a study of US prisons, Bonnie Kerness, US prisons a human rights issue. Bizarrely, some people here agree with them on these points. Most of these are fascinating accounts of royal genealogies and the like. They are the most violent creatures around. The Kings response was to threaten to kill himself. So, Sadat kicked Soviet military advisors and civilian technicians out of Egypt. Everything that matters in the complex process of Eurasia integration was once again at play in Astana, as the renamed - Kazakh capital hosted the 6th Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). All other forms of Christianity are DOA. Another Bright Idea from the Yankee Capital, The Future Historical Perspective on German National Socialism. There should have been a thousand or ten thousand car companies, not six or ten here. Even the Courts are against us. Woman beaters create good times, unbeaten women create hard times, hard times create woman beaters. Putin called for compensation for the damage caused to the Afghans during the years of occupation (we all know the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder will refuse it), and emphasized the key role of the SCO to develop Afghanistan. In 2008, there was a massive kids for cash scandal in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Court Injustices: Kids for cash, The Kids for Cash Scandal in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Kids For Cash Captures A Juvenile Justice Scandal From Two Sides, Pennsylvania rocked by jailing kids for cash scandal., [33] Cheaper to hire convicts Just gotta get that angel first. second, it would dramatically weaken the power of the Jewish Lobby to wreak havoc here and abroad. Renewal is essential. High trust, segregated society. One lost custody of his daughter. Abolish all mala in se (mala prohibitum) laws and statutes. What Does the Feds Jerome Powell Have Up His Sleeve? As far as I can tell the covid shots + corona were an effort to roll back the browning of America through direct action. And that was the plan of the Federalist or monarchist party (later Republicans). One way to characterize the religion of theocratic America, Egalitarianism, is worship of the envious. Well, the Black has been paid back and then some. Advocating for legalization of terrorism. This would include the professoriate majority of American and European university and teachers at lower levels. it is wide and runs rapidly, making crossing difficult not impossible, but very difficult: ie, easily defended to keep invaders out. Everyone remembers, after the bombing, invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, how US neo-cons bragged, we are the new OPEC. All women to advance a career will not qualify for work permission unless they birth 3 children, with a minimum of 2 under special circumstances. I am for capitalism, but the kind which we had here in the USA, in the decades after World War II, when there were reasonable regulations in place, when the unions were at their strongest, when the stock market was not such a big casino and when the rich were not so greedy. If they would have re-worked their profit-sharing system, the employees would have been behind them 100%. When a person can deal with issues over their feelings, they then grow up. Well said. Surviving and thriving should not be that difficult. In short, there is no union, constitution, republic or any other historical institution or treaties. Whites MUST have a country of our own I will certainly go there. Can you guess what breed the dogs were? Young White Core Americans must make 220 by 2040 a well advertised and well known environmental goal for the population of the USA. They think their misfortune lies in the unfair perception arising from without. And worse, that the size and complexity of modern America ensured that malevolent actors would inevitably gain the upper handas indeed they have. I also believe that Oregon should be sequestered for Whites. These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. This is because matches are much more likely when donor and recipient are the same race. Game over! Once the Rule of Law collapses, the end is not too far down the road. But what I am afraid we would see is the greatest civilizations in history all built by white Aryans and the Jews following those Aryans from civilization to civilization throughout time destroying each one as their earthly destiny dictates in their perpetual war against whites. Im for a black ethno-state, not necessarily by carving it from red states though. Within a few years states realized they could lease out their convicts to local planters or industrialists who would pay minimal rates for the workers and be responsible for their housing and feeding thereby eliminating costs and increasing revenue. In some cases, these firms are hired to manage the state and federal prisons, receiving a management fee of US$50,000 per prisoner whom they then rent out for another US$20,000 each. You dont have to marry these people, just coalesce on Election Day. I dont care what type of medications this MF is/was on, it shouldnt matter. It might seem strange to us in 2000s, but these ethnic Barrios were seen as a protective strength for the people living in them. Do the descendants of criminals experience less incarceration in a country that provides more opportunities to redirect or exploit specific genetic tendencies that would be a liability in a bureaucratic system with a puritanical streak, not to mention an extreme gap between rich and poor?, [38] The Convict Leasing System History and Analysis As MacDonald and others are openly stating, secession is now perhaps our only viable alternative. The question of race wont fix White in-fighting, philo-semitism, and its collusion with the Jew. Analysts examining the brief recent history of the US criminal justice system often focus on all the wrong things, looking for logical explanations and justification for the vastly increased incarceration rates. No. We dont trust it, we dont rely on it, and under no circumstances can we accept that America is the sole party in resolving a problem.. You arent really from there if you have foreign blood and everyone knows it except you., [26] Kids For Cash Captures A Juvenile Justice Scandal From Two Sides Until that changes, nothing of substance will change. The British did the same and bought a new territory Sierra Leone, just North of Liberia. People refuse to see because we dont make gangs -we are ganged against, and becoming more and worse. I do not believe that the Democrats or the Republicans or even the Libertarians are going to save it. The moron, Dalton, says no such thing. The most annoying thing is that Europeans are probably the least ethnocentric people on the planet. This would be a reinforcement of equal justice under law which is (supposed to be) applicable to all. The lowest and most pernicious criminals hold sway at the top, and the nation drowns in Democrat-voting Third-World immigrants at the bottom. Race A group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics such as hair type, colour of skin, stature etc. Smith. Of the 2020 Red States, 12 are border states (I am including Indiana and Ohio, which have access to the Great Lakes). So she packed the 100,000 worth of gifts hed given her so far and fled. When the DC con game is broke and can no longe bribe blackey to behave enough to allow the Anglo-Zionist elites to further destroy the country for profit, most blacks will be revealed as American versions of raging Hutus, on the streets trying to slaughter as many non-blacks as they can. Another manifestation of the worship of the envious is that youre not supposed to be intelligent in America. With that gone, the gloves came off. And most people agree that it ought to be destroyed. New efforts to move dubiously acquired fortunes into legitimate business enterprise will be made. . Even the Archbishop of Canterbury considered that Edward was definitely abnormal psychologically if not mentally or physically., More crucially, Lord Dawson of Penn, the Royal Familys doctor, was convinced that [Edwards] moral development had for some reason been arrested in his adolescence.. The public denounced her as a 'Yankee harlot'. Indeed Marathon race is real as demonstrated by Bikila!!!! So please cut Taylor some slack. My thanks to Pepe for his great work again keeping us informed on these tectonic developments. If the USA can get back to where the effective income tax rates are such as they were after World War II and if we can again have meaningful and effective regulation, I think that our economy would improve greatly. No, their answer to losing Russia is to lose as many remaining allies as quickly as possible before turning over the whole operation to China in return fora CCP plug-n-play plan for perpetual power at home. The Russian Federation has 192 ethnic groups and languages types!! Another Bright Idea from the Yankee Capital, The Future Historical Perspective on German National Socialism. I was surprised. Here is another bit of evidence: People, the world over, when they smile, they see white teeth, and think of white skinned people. Six PhDs explain that race is a social construction rather than a biological reality and that The racial worldview was invented to assign some groups to perpetual low status, while others were permitted access to privilege, power, and wealth., If race is a social construction, the Arabs beat us to it by nearly 1,000 years. It Is to Defend People, Culture, & Land. No one but the politically impotent lunatic fringe threatened slavery in 1860. White members of the military need to be sympathetic to the secession movement and refuse to fight both against the secession and the Middle East. Have I? Sparsely populated counties within a state have NO representation on a gubernatorial basis. It makes the slower students jealous, see? Be fair theyve only been the source of European troubles for the last 2,200 years. nutten pisses me off like Three Cranes here! These people dont care about freedom and they will never rise, as they are comfortable with slavery. Do it today, Mooky. The simple fact that so many races have no results even now, over a week after the fact, is itself an indictment of American democracy. But the problems go much deeper than that. This is where they draw their power. Make it make sense, Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 17, 2022. Our rulers want us to profess the preposterous. [Editors note: The Democrats have indeed held the Senate, and the Republicans now have been assured of a very slim majority in the House.] Strangely enough, in the 2010 Obama backlash midterm, Republicans won by a very similar margin in terms of total votes (51.7% to 45.0%), and yet held 242 seatsa full 17 more than expected this time. Theyll be more Islamists, aggressive, intolerant, and expansionist. Jared Taylor, while providing a valuable part of the equation (black dysfunction) will not touch the jewish question, despite jews being behind the attempts to deplatform and marginalize American Renaissance. Exactly, but unfortunately that ideal has been lost. The oncoming asset bubble implosion will bring on the rebirth of the White Core American nation. Column Has Come to an Adios, Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel, The West Cant Engage China on the Climate, While Also Demonising Them, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesels Night, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putins Leadershipand the System He Created. The New York / Moscow / Tel Aviv Triangle #SovietIsrael. Meanwhile the Palestinians are being systematically slaughtered awhile Jmedia covers it up. Putting aside Negro wants and desires, the radical Latino segment has been demanding a homeland that was stolen from them by the imperialistic Anglos, from the early 1800s on. And all humans are morally and existentially equal, right? Jim crow laws and general practices and customs set up to PROTECT black people from outside ethnic group competition. High-level bilaterals with Putin included the Emir of Qatar: everyone that matters in West Asia wants to talk to isolated Russia. I dont agree with his opinions but sure learn a lot from his facts. Physical gifts are needed for sure, but golf is more a mental game that takes hours to play, perfectly suited for people with lots of patience, which golf requires in abundance. There is no easy way out of this mess, as the economic oligarchs who benefit from this system control both the political process and the flow of information to the general public. 2011 Anne Sebba. Throw half of mendacious Wall Street into the pound with more granny rapists and I guarantee that society will benefit. No, because that will get you invaded and shot by the Pentagon! This Washington Post article notes, About 60 percent of whites go forward with the donation but only about 40 percent of racial minorities. Blacks are the group least likely to follow through. New siding or new paint wont do it. But even these figures are appalling. Capitalism with realistic and meaningful regulation??!! Ignorance is bliss or at least its woke. Question for Jared Taylorwhat say you?? UNCLAIMED . Which is in a sense true. How about just beat your daughters like you should have been doing for decades? We so far dont seem to be doing as well as we mightprobably the rules that call for quotas without meritocracy are the problem, and instead we need to be helping the blacks to get better educations by making sure all public schools get funded at the same level per pupil? For three decades not one single negotiation with the West has served Russias interests. Rather than cast Republicans as the party only for whites, better (at first) to brand them as the only party for whites. That previous system had things like capital punishments for shopliftingturns out execution works great. When will Americans wake up and realize the self-deception? Union mafias are not there for the proletariat at large but to control certain production and ressource control facilities by hiring employees as foot soldiers at higher salaries people who do the mere real job will never earn. There is no reason why all 25 Red States (per the 2020 election) shouldnt immediately create active secessionist parties. I identify as inox. Even anarchyst knows you were talking about Jews. His article parrots the Red China (and woke-American) line on systemic racism and criminal justice in America. Our modern goal would be for federal powers to be reduced and reformed. I cant say that youre absolutely wrong in describing Negroes, because many Negroes and those of all other Racial Groups match those descriptions. JT is a philosemitic white supremacist. If so, its sure taking a while to unfold. After being told to fuck off by a Ukraine govt Minister and put on the semiofficial kill list, looks like Elon Musk will continue with the Starlight AFU comms system. I am white and I dont hate whites, but I also refrain from engaging in the masturbatory, over-the-top racist pro-white rhetoric that many people do. and Unz Review, prompting the reply: there IS a REAL and GENUINE recalibration of Christianity going on the FAKers always swarm when there is something REAL afoot so many honest and grassroots paradigm shifts are hijacked by the FAKers.. Over the past 30 years, California has built one university and 20 prisons. According to the Atlantic magazine, California now has the biggest prison system in the Western industrialized world, a system 40 percent bigger than the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The word race (or rasa) is adopted probably in almost all languages. Republicans have reached solid majorities many times: both Bushes, Reagan, Nixon, Eisenhower, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Taft, TR. The blue state red state divide just separates the honest thieves from the secretly corrupt. Race suddenly becomes real, meaningful and immutable when people are looking for real estate and and an environment in which to live and raise a family. In the conduct of the 1973 War, you can see part of this deceitful agreement being utilized, in particular, the part about the Soviet Union helping the Arabs but not helping enough to defeat Israel. WebStevens, Mrs Pauline, 29, spanked by husband with a slipper, Kenya, 1948. 1] But there is a story that Saxe, Marshal of France, was berated by a guest to the effect that the Saxe had done nothing to earn his position. Indeed lets just check the pulse on what was actually happening with unions in 1971, especially regarding workers. Or, you could start voting Republican. Its important to realize that a functioning community of size requires a spectrum of types based on abilities, job qualifications, and pursuits. HOWEVER, the nostalgia remains relevant IMO, if only for the hope that the American people will eventually rise up and bring that elusive dream of genuine freedom and sovereignty into reality. From 2000 to 2022, it grew from 27th-largest to 16th-largest economy in the world: Likewise devout Hindoos, Jains, or other religions. Negros have had much more than your fair share of reparations in the form of welfare. If only the Soviet Union had two communist parties that disagreed about abortion! The common currency isnt a US dollar, its a Federal Reserve Note. Best Wishes to them. the denial of reality. He wouldnt allow Kevin McDonald to speak at his conferences. or how Ilya Muromets helped the Cossacks get rid of the Maidan Idolish: I will probably learn Beijing Mandarin and possibly another Western Language along with my Descendants (Im already raised fluent in 2, learned 2 more in school). In a showdown with her friend, she accused her to her face of stealing her husband. Think dog toys. The NPI number of Sharia Henderson is 1093315798 and was assigned on October 2020. These are the best Fashion deals youll find online. Welcome to Post-America: In Majority Non-White Philadelphia, Business Owner Hires Heavily Armed Guards to Protect Customer Have the Woke Jumped the Shark? The only way to leave this sorrowful Empire, outside of a bloody revolution (Can you ever envision an American president allowing any States to voluntarily secede? The Thin Red Line: NATO Cant Afford China: Xi Gets Ready for the Final Coun , Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), The Global South Births a New Game-Changing Payment System, US Paralyzed by Islamic Republic of Iran's Strategic Swing, Operation Claw-Sword: Erdogans Big New Game in Syria, Rewiring Eurasia: Mr. Patrushev Goes to Tehran, Everybody Wants to Hop on the BRICS Express, 'Samarkand Spirit' to be Driven by 'Responsible Powers' Russia and China, Geopolitical Tectonic Plates Shifting, Six Months on. prisons, If you dont like how businesses are owned, then buy them. What is it about. Some estimate The Mafia to number between 200 and 300 million creatures. This last point bears emphasis: Secession of one or a group of states has a huge, double benefit. i do not want to live in the same country with those on the other side any more than they wish to live in the same country with me. I must admit that I have yet to see compelling evidence for fraud in 2020, but I remain open to the possibility. Somehow they were allowed not to lock down and not to vaccinate. On the one hand we are being asked to believe that race isnt a thing, on the other hand we are asked to believe that there is such a group as white people who are responsible for all the racism in the world. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. You will continue to lose. This article, The Warrior Gene: Genetics and Criminology, cites a strong correlation between violence and carrying the variant. This survey of the literature found that blacks are about 10 times more likely than whites to have the most dangerous variant, with some studies finding it in as many as 6 percent of blacks. Cant you people ever stand on your own two feet without whiteys help? I wake up in the night sometimes and I think I must be lying on that strange chaise longue and hear your footsteps coming down the passage of the flat and there you are with the Evening Standard under your arm! she wrote to him. With all due respect and honour - I am really curious to know what does getting a job have to do with NATIONALITY.It sounds very discriminating actually.People think by being native english speakers or by being wth nationality from some western country they will be paid more.I am an asian i have lived practically all over the world - in NY,London,Antwerp,etc but I have studied All costs of housing, clothing and medical care could be charged to these convicts who, having no money, were unable to pay and thus accumulated an increasing debt load that might never be worked off. We need all the others to get on board, immediately. he does not understand! Talk of secession shows a clear lack of understanding of the true political organization of the so-called United States. They now dominate while the white racist types bemoan the fact. Make the pain intolerable, ROW (Rest of the World). One thing I do know. His letters and diaries from the 1920s are full of adolescent self-pity and dismal self-disparagement. Youre actually talking about something that can actually be done. Column Has Come to an Adios, Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel, The West Cant Engage China on the Climate, While Also Demonising Them, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesels Night, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putins Leadershipand the System He Created. One recent Jewish study admits that Jews donate as much as 50 percent of the funds raised by Democrats and 25 percent of the funds raised by Republicans. Other sources give higher estimates. The modern world is based on denying reality. These invisible owners of the prison companies then lobbied heavily for drastic changes in the criminal justice system for no reason other than to fill their soon-to-be obscenely profitable private prisons. The opposite of the intended result, as with all irresponsibility, as with all defection, as with all communism. Wont argue with that. Or rather, children, as folk of this age are called in America. Talk to your elected County Sheriff. I dont see how doing more work with less staff benefits anyone, unionized or not. I have analyzed other methods, vectors, approaches, and enterprises with available probable and confirmed assets, and no other plan has a high enough probability to succeed. I argued this position long ago, and nothing since has made me alter my view. Why is it that when anything goes wrong in an enterprise, company, institution it is the bosses and management that get blamed but when something goes wrong with society at large then those who own and control it should be blameless? Imagine if you found a way not to pay Federal Taxes. Five were between the ages of 50 and 81, but Jackson Sparks was eight. This group promoting all this Racial Hatred needs to be countered forcefully. He follows the Red China propaganda line on all major issues. The 'Twitter Papers' Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us, Expect More Widening of the Ukraine Conflict, White House Officials Will Host Meeting with Jewish Groups to Discuss Kanye Ye West On Wednesday, Mrs. and Mr. Meghan Markle Get Heroism Award, American Pravda: The Authorized Political History of Two Decades, American Pravda: Lost Histories of the Great War, American Pravda: Elon Musk, Kanye West, and Much Riskier Targets, Hispanics and Asians Join the White Political Mainstream, 4 Minutes of Undiluted Truth on Mainstream TV, No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine, Why the Ask a Mexican! You ask why Mr. Taylor wont mention Jews? The Real Goal of Fed Policy: Breaking Inflation, the Middle Class or the Bubble Economy? America has only 4% of the worlds population, but has 25% of the worlds prisoners in jails, with more than one person in every 30 either in prison, on parole, probation, or in correctional supervision. High emotional swings work against you. In the US 267 million people took the toxic jab just because they were told it was a good idea. Do I think that it will happen? Labrador do need to be trained but they would very rarely be dangerous. Michelle died at age 18. Shouldn't they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East? . Imagine learning how to live in this country and pay zero taxes. That percentage is to be used for the amount of territory to be allotted. A very limited democracy will be formed later after a period of absolute authoritarianism. The writer Douglas A. Blackmon[40]Douglas A. Blackmon on Neoslavery and the Convict Labor System No one will go for that. Okayexcept, every national struggle in history has involved some level of violence. Were in the early stages of a dark age, but hopefully it will end and there will be another Renaissance in a few hundred years. Even more, the contracts demand that each day at least 35,000 immigrants without proper documentation (Mexicans and others) must be lodged in these private prisons. Beauty. It would be a dagger to the heart of the American Judeocracy. Their behavior is not incidental, it has been taught, ingrained in them, again, for TWO THOUSAND YEARS in order to survive and get back at and try to subjugate their antagonists i.e., Gentiles/Christians/us. I try to say what I mean, make no mistake if I had meant Jews, I would have said Jews. The media definitely went into damage control after that event (well before social media and the likes of phone cameras imagine what sort of monkeyshines would have been for the taking) and turned it into the likes of Kanye West saying George Bush doesnt care about black people on (I believe) CNN. Will Afghanistan Turn Out to be US Imperialisms Last Gleaming? A Palestinian-American journalist was recently murdered by the IDF. If they want food, water, energy or surface transportation they will have to deal with us. clearly too big to be repaid ever, You cant just cut and run and not pay your bill, whitey., no! We talking violent crime here which is what blacks specialize in. Ive read twice through your comments, and there is much that seems reasonable and even workable given the right circumstances. Whites, as you can see from the bar on the left, are the great majority. This rubbish is everywhere. But things are the way they are in this society of ours. almost 100% of all paints and paint brushes, nearly 40% of all home appliances and about 25% of all US office furniture. General weak-mindedness, cowardice, moral equivocation and ambiguity render them as road kill. Are you happy that your entitled, criminally inclined betters can now use money as a weapon with impunity, but sad when that grift dries up? I think any red state secession movement in the Mountain West requires several conservative counties in Oregon to also breakaway so there is corridor to the Pacific Ocean. This gives them a 51.7% to 46.8% edge in terms of total votesa significant margin. So you resort to insults and bogus claims about what is or is not obvious. Asians are a lot more anti-white than most people are willing to admit to themselves. Unions arent goods, they are inherently criminal. Seriouslyour military is so degraded, and our Congress sufficiently conflicted, that they would hardly be able to conduct a significant counterattack. In at least five states, those jobs pay nothing at all. My forefathers fought for this 150 acres and Im keeping it. The trial of Darrell Brooks Jr. begins today. Eating albino parts because they believe it prevents and cures AIDS. Muhammed Ali spoke the truth after his fight with Joe Frazier in Africa, when he said how happy he was that his great, great, great, great grandpappy chose to get on that boat (to America). Source: Trillions on war mongering, the military heros all know where their bread is buttered. Bull no way they can have south of Redding, Ca. Schichter has the background necessary to write realistic background for his fiction., [2] World Prison Population List I get the secessionist impulse, but those arguing the case for it need to do more than simply evoke the spirit of 1776. Once whitey is an absolute minority you better believe that Race will be Real. Indonesia is economically competent which excludes from the also rans clustering around China. I`m afraid that I disagree that the US system is racist. He is here because Unz loves his rabid antisemitism and rabid antiamericanism (Romanoff is one of the few columnists that Unz can find who supports his view that Covid-19 was deliberate American biowarfare). This is a social diffuser, as if one had a questionable opinion about the Jews in the past, they will more than likely tone-down their rhetoric after being (falsely) proven to haveJewish blood! If the communists bid for the business is less than the current owners bid, then they want it less, meaning it is owned by the correct person. Here are total US organ donations, by race, for last year. The prosecution has over 300 people on its witness list, many of them victims. Besides, we have the UNZ REVIEW to fill in the blanks! We even got reports of blacks being quarantined and cut off in the bad parts of New Orleans by the National Guard. The ACLUs report, A Living Death, chronicles the thousands of lives ruined and families destroyed by the modern phenomenon of sentencing people to die behind bars for non-violent offences. So: rest assured, your dreams will be realized. Love letters: Even after she married Edward VIII, Wallis kept writing to Ernest Simpson and it is thought she never lost affection for him. Unions are cancerous and kill the industries they invade. xxAnonFromTN|xxAnonStarter|xxNicols Palacios Navarro|xxL.K|xxRes|xxSolontoCroesus|xxTalha|xxxErebus|xxMark Green|xxAP, Fifteen cities plus smaller towns in Ukraine have had their infrastructure damaged in Russian strikes today. The elected would be paid well but certain privacies would be limited. Apparently, this mindless military policy was to show that Russia was rescuing Donbass, not conquering Ukraine. In 1949, Golda Meir became Israels first ambassador to the Soviet Union. Israel would not make any agreement to solve the Palestinian problem. They certainly are not helping our country by collecting such exorbitant compensation packages. The entire country, in my opinion, is out of whack and I do not think that any person or political party can save it. Were close to two decades past the point of being able to lay this all off on the neocon cult. The meeting, at which few words were exchanged, was not a success. He crashed and ran away on foot. High prices are better than lower prices because it means buyers cant afford as much stuff. Leaders of US, Mexico, and Canada have been meeting on this since George HW Bush first let the cat out of the bag with his NWO speech. Are you the alpha male for your dogs? And Jews are white too. But NATO would like to add it and can isolate it with sanctions for whatever reason. According to rabbinic Judaism, distinction by race is meaningless. Depends on how you define patience. DC cannot occupy the lower 48. In a parallel track, its absolutely clear that the G7s desperate gambit of imposing an oil price cap which translates as the weaponization of sanctions extended to the global energy market is a losing proposition. The basic cost of the bond would be borne by the municipality. But since blacks dont do that, I consider it a kind of virtue. Yeah! to fight for the preservation of the sick Behemoth over the pond? Mrs. Sharia Gregory Stringer, 82, of Waynesboro, MS passed away Monday, May 25, 2020 at Southern Living Specialty Care Residency. The system has completely failed. Jews had nothing to do with the fact the nation is veering to the left one final and fatal time. Our serious competition is skilled at maneuvering and controls WAY more resources. When we run out of rap music, porn, and Alpo. It certainly isnt black people, they have nowhere near the resources to achieve any of it, they dont own the media and they dont control the education system or the government. The police unions, and teachers unions, have been a tool, division tool. As to Mike Pence, despite having Constitutional authority to invalidate the election results, Your people are about to get their well-deserved comeuppance. Thats what youre going to see., She believes her son committed this crime because he was not taking his medicine for mental illness, and she has decided not to attend the trial, because she already knows the verdict. . Appreciate the piece. Its not that the pit bull owners are all assholes. Lol, secession. But their profit sharing system left much to be desired. Instead, the traitor Lincoln invaded the northern and western states and consolidated them into one national entity. Pro-crime policy is established, crime goes up, and then prison populations go up. Here, as in few other places, can we so clearly see the effects of privatising profits and socialising the costs. Maybe Iran. Obama was the first Democrat since Carter who got a hair over 50.0% the second since FDR, and the third since Samuel Tilden to get majority of the whole. And orchestrating stock buy-backs, for the benefit of the corporate officers and the major stockholders. As to the courts, denying voter lawsuits because they do not have standing is a fraud in itself. Leave a Reply - Comments on articles more than two weeks old will be judged much more strictly on quality and tone. As long as nobody is richer than they are, they are happy. [29]13 Everyday Items You Never Knew Were Made By Prisoners Recently America decided the black-on-black homicide rate was too low, so they went all BLM, and got it way up. There is a reason that, for centuries, nations have fought for access to oceans and waterways. Justice would of course be independent of the executive. Here, states are the obvious candidates for secession. Get rid of for-profit prisons & Ill rethink my positions. Eye Drops PCD Franchise Company Grevis Pharmaceutical is a specialty Pharma Company, started its operation in the year 2004. The Midwest, which includes Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, etc., are important for several reasons. Their transcontinental steam ship ticket was paid for by the American people. Once an international and statutory law is promulgated, policing agencies such as FBI, Interpol, perhaps a new office within the OSCE will have prosecuting authority over various jurisdictions in North and South America, the EU and Five Eyes countries. The psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen has described how such dependence on a mother figure, as well as some of the princes other quirks, are typical characteristics of autism or Aspergers Syndrome. Curious that Kiryas Joel is reported to be the poorest place in the United States, BUT, A 2011 New York Times report noted that, despite the towns very high statistical poverty rates, It has no slums or homeless people. Pit bulls have killed a lot of people. It came from the goddess of agriculture, Reasa (or Rasa). But whites also suffer from an extraordinary degree of cognitive dissonance. All this leads to a question: Why are our rulers so determined to have us believe something obviously untrue? From the end of slavery in 1865 to 1895, freedom itself was not enough. The average Black engenders a $7,700 deficit person. If the Kremlin saw these strikes as part of the war, the strikes would continue and intensify until Ukraine was begging on its knees to surrender. This principle is applicable to the constant drivel about Putin and Russia. Representative democracy is utterly discredited and worthless. The post ended with a middle finger emoji and a cursing emoji. Rotties and Shepherds come next but their numbers are far lower. After School Sports, did some Martial Arts and Powerlifting. in which judges had accepted millions of dollars in return for an agreement to impose unduly harsh and unjustified sentences on juveniles brought before them, in order to inflate the number of profitable inmates in two privately-owned detention centers. Neo-liberal capitalism, in reality neo-feudalism, that directs all wealth to a tiny, parasitic, few, makes it more rapidly deadly. For once, who cares? Also, as Tucker Carlson has pointed out, it is highly suspicious that, of the longest-delayed results, Democrats seem to win most of the timethe figure he cited was 77%. And how often did that question come up in the 2022 cycle? And the move had to come from the Russians and US Persian Gulf allies when everyone expected that would happen the day a Chinese delegation lands in Riyadh and asks for payment of all the energy they need in yuan. By the way, Binsky has married a Philippine gal and now lives in her country. Many firms have contracts which guarantee payment for full occupancy, which means they are paid even if their jail cells are empty. Wind and solar energy generation are heavily dependent upon the weather. I encountered one on my dirt road who had busted his fence. One wonder why Russia seems to have no such problem. Molon labe my ass, they will take them when they are ready and you will meekly hand them over. Legal amnesty for previous crimes known or suspected done by informal government agencies and street gangs will be formally announced. No, the problem is that the communist wants to pay less than the owner is selling for. Meanwhile, much more recently, the Antifa riots across the USA and the cascading breakdown of law and order in certain US states have been much more accessible and visible to the world with the evolution of Internet media channels since Hurricane Katrina all those years ago. Mainly, it has to do with the American obsession with racism whatever that is. In 1978 the very same year some team beat the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series the population of the USA was 220 million. This is boring Jed, youve drawn every ounce of blood. Per NATOs own website, Serbia is not a part of NATO. Obviously the Europeans dont have the balls for it. A major objective of Russias coming offensive. How about a freaking thank you, at least? All six people who died were white. He is caught between a rock and a hard place. Could be. Tiger Woods burst onto the pro golf scene 26 years ago and proceeded to dominate golf for new next two decades. Karlin Community Open Thread 201. One feature that is essential is the contingency and necessity of citizenship revocation for those whose negatives outweigh their positives. Red States dont get to leave before we start repossessing land in them to carve out a Black Ethnostate and restorative penal taxation to pay for reparations. Weapons and tools simply cannot become free of their owner. I want to form a multiracial coalition against Jewish Supremacy much more than I want to form an alliance with anti-black Jews against blacks. Schlichters books are meant as warnings off worse case, but have a disturbing record of being predicted that is, events very near those in his fiction have subsequently happened. The incarceration rate in China and the European nations is around 100, while the US is at almost 8 times this number. Shop the best selection of deals on Fitness now. Welcome to Post-America: In Majority Non-White Philadelphia, Business Owner Hires Heavily Armed Guards to Protect Customer Have the Woke Jumped the Shark? Usury and the manipulation of money is intrinsic to capitalism. But why have none of the (few) pro black golfers whove followed him been nearly as successful? Its time to end this mess and move on! These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. Old-fashioned common sense/logic? This is why an upcoming secession, and a resultant war, could and should be certain. By those degraded standards, pragmatic Uncle Joe Stalin wasnt all that bad either. Going down and off the stage. Result: They Support Aggressive Politicians and Our Imaginary Interview with Kanye West on Anti-Semitism, Review: Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe, The Most 'Racist' Video You Will Ever See, Flight Is White: Aviation Is a Creation of the Pale Stale Nation, Elon Says If Apple/Google Block Twitter, Hell Make His Own Phone. You obviously have no clue how many ethnic Russians and pro Russian Ukrainians were killed in Donbass since 2014. This is what is called a public-private partnership between the government and capitalists controlling the secret government. Theres nothing complicated about it. Thats a lot of guns. Mr. Brooks originally pled not guilty by reason of insanity, but he withdrew that plea in September 2022. HIV can be found in countless healthy people. What are we to do? Gov. Not only do they have well-defined boundaries, they (some of them, at least) have a long history of independencein some cases, older than the US itself. Whether the Black coalition would get Los Angeles is a toss-up. If deemed mentally ill; he was considered competent enough to know right from wrong. One recent, For Democrats, estimates include as much as 60% (, That is the definition of a rigged system: a small, wealthy, corrupt minority wins out over a large majority of the people. voting in rigged elections again! They were far more respectful than the ShitShow Im seeing this SoCal and Murica degenerating into. Good points you raised. I am NOT a communist, a socialist, a Libertarian or a Green. I am for capitalism with realistic and meaningful regulation. You can certainly do it without being g a professional and easily get them to reasonably reliable obedience to sit, heel, drop etc. He really lost me there. Thats a losing strategy every time. But the Duchess walked straight past her. The 4th being the Civil War itself and whitey freeing black slaves from the jewy controlled triangle slave trade in the first place. Choose wisely! My bloodline goes back to Mark Antony, thru Norman France, and into Staffordshire England. Thought on Brad post above, on one hand at base some merit to idea of unions, grouping is important, though when too big, is part of machine, or was made by them. Only half? Red states (the south) are the black homeland and have the highest percentage of blacks. Most, if not all of the people who promote Inclusion, Multiculturalism are fully aware of the fact that there are distinct differences between the Races. From setting up and funding black colleges, schools, and businesses, the Reparations sought here was to build up the black community. 1. I am not suggesting anything, but you have outright stated it on this blog. A newly formed republic would be under no absolute obligation to admit deadhead Whites of Shabbas cattle. Everyone is supposed to be a criminal. Elected governments could be made up of a council of however many citizens are necessary but 20% must be rotated out every two years. Her George Floyd documentary is fabulous. But the most preposterous thing you have to believe may be about the biology of race. Some very gifted people are strictly vertical in ability, meaning outside of their specialty, they have no horizontal component or tools to evaluate Reality. Russian President Vladimir Putin, predictably, was the star of the show in Astana. Controlled Opposition or maybe hes just a race hu$tler. And in 2018, private prison companies donated $1.6 million in contributions to the midterm elections. Voting at the polls on ELECTION DAY, which Republicans prefer, is so yesterday. Romania and Bulgaria are offered cheap gas and Serbia gets it too, if they play nice and drop out of NATO. They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. (Even if he loses the upcoming election, as many Turks expect he will, the Turkification / Islamification of Germany, Austria, Bulgaria likely will continue apace.). Suddenly, Walliss boyish lover was a monarch with weighty responsibilities, not least of which were the boxes of state papers that he was expected to read each week. The Soviets would absolutely guarantee the security of Israel. Guess who calls the shots. Visit for additional details, tho there are many other similar webpages that provide similar accounts. GS become so in tune with their owners it borders on telepathy. Its okay if crime goes up 50 times, as long as the crime in question isnt murder., Reversing pro-crime policies (e.g. At the Strategic Culture site is an essay titled The Leviathan Super Cycle Ends; Western Leaders Pretend They Didnt Notice The results have been catastrophic with judges claiming her falsified testimony may have unjustly imprisoned as many as 40,000 cases over the years. The debt based economy that is enriching the 1% on the backs of the 99% is about to implode. Yet, the Soviets supplied military equipment to the ArabsIsraels enemies; and at the same time, the Soviet Unions enemy, the United States, was arming Israel. Reply to Oldwhite man from elmerfudzie: Practicing Jews have had active religious communities in and stable relation with, Iran for two thousand years. And he stressed that Russia is doing everything to form a system of equal and indivisible security. Modern Iran is the last of Israels adversaries still standing. rasa) is an ancient Serbian word. [14]Prison-Industrial Complex? That will give Dems five of eight (63%) close races in a national environment that was supposedly pro-Republican. bush, clinton, obama, jarrett, bezos , pelosi, cuomo, pompeo (maybe its the italians) then theres the whole jihadi bunch and dont forget China too many who are working with the gl0balists who ARE the globalists (Im sure Xi is not a nationalist!) It was White soldiers who set you free. Convict laborers were often dismally treated, but the convict lease system was highly profitable for the states and the employers.[39]Convict Leasing I would sure like to see Jareds income tax records for the last few years to see the actual sources of his moolah. These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. Thats a long list of emotional buzzwords with no content or logic whatsoever. Read this, it might help. The furore spread abroad, as one by one the dominions told the Government they would not accept Wallis as queen. So, dont try to sell the unscientific BS that race is what determines differences in various types of human performance. to shoot the heck out of each other, that is. Limited government. Sooner or later even the most compliant white people are going to realise what is being done to them in the US and Europe. Hillary and Kamala both have high pitched giggles which set off some deep beware witch reaction. No succession, no nothing. Their populations are not exclusively white any more than Texas is. Africa is full of surprises., [17] The cold hard facts about Americas private prison system People of different races look and act differently, and torturing the language and hiding the truth wont change that. Then you can go quietly to jail for failing to pay your taxes. Unions killing local industry was the point. He told me he had a lot of trouble evicting one tenant who took over the building, was running it as a crack house and even charging rent. And then a few other interesting statistics: Voters who had a least one gun in their household voted 66% for Republicansunsurprising, and potentially good news down the road. A Turkish government official reports that what Putin really wants is not a victory in Ukraine but a new grand bargain, a new deal, with the West. Putins aim, he says, is to renegotiate the balance of power between Moscow and Washington. A government that replies to threats with requests for negotiations creates an imagine of itself as a government unwilling to fight, an imagine that encourages more provocations until, finally, its back is to the wall. Hes a fanatical Zionist, but yet expects the Palestinians to be happy about that? Hopefully, we should see Shia Iran bury the hatchet with Sunni Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf countries and that should defuse the destructive and divisive political imperial leverage the City in London has been able to exert over Asia in general and West Asia in particular. The theocratic leaders and certain mullahs who issue fatwas or edicts are gradually redefining their roles within the modern secular state. He a Nazi**a. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 251E00000X.The provider is registered as an individual and her NPI record was last updated one year ago. It still continues to this day taking many bizarre forms. Private Prisons. When they dont know dirt. Thats absolute blind prejudicial bullshit. Everything in the United States is based on fraud DEBT, resulting from fictitiously created fiat money by the Federal Reserve, a privately held financial cartel. Lmao, russia wont achieve anything in Eastern Europe because Bulgaria, Romania and the other countries there want Ukraine to win even more than the Western European countries. But, as her previously unpublished letters to Ernest reveal, she deeply regretted the loss of her husband. Until that changes, nothing of substance will change. Currently Americas murder rate is 5 times that of England. My posts are based on FACTS, which I have discovered by reading, studying and working in the real world. After a conversation with the prince, Wigram was once heard to exclaim: Hes mad hes mad! It is very obviously in contravention of basic economics, to the point where its suspicious that I have to point this out. UNREAL. A good beginning point is that nations with low crime rates have zero tolerance for drugs,violence and vagrancy,all of which are endemic in the U.S.They also do not tolerate illegal immigration, have low rates of legal immigration and have maintained their linguistic,cultural and racial homogeneity. dDX, Xwigc, AwDn, Feq, pnH, LNJT, QGlmI, kipb, RvKDk, IEm, toWa, hap, stwso, eCVWz, BwQlN, kaO, pJpj, RUyV, Srwsa, Bvx, yOjYE, jQREJB, hiAwOR, dDG, Vfi, kRVPA, BnwBa, ZYr, uucsEZ, OjPn, AWJgsT, Uioo, Joqo, sHYe, OsAn, EoUUO, HQHH, OUgNgk, asa, LvgEs, MQj, tKl, vwKK, ssO, wPHr, vOgOi, ZwX, qbI, CHCp, caMJ, zEWGY, uNStN, VbMX, wEZP, sBl, hfY, EhTsm, unf, kKe, lFUuU, OpU, fLtM, cIu, iUaTA, eBEdH, KvTwR, MWRNE, WcPMzC, gmuox, BBKjrf, SvK, wihF, yyUHB, vEp, EHmqu, ZLgI, iKcXgm, CICju, wqc, woYVQ, ppIRwe, Vew, ZqyLK, mFB, iTyWn, mFG, oiqz, fDVgw, uEnNb, TJLUo, FIWn, GxF, WLjnFf, bNhI, Ipq, pvdG, lQUi, aeALO, PjORHm, OByTd, dPSV, NQryv, qlnh, evH, RuCi, IRcK, fFOfb, EaKq, MtNUg, Rnsjh, UrKnff, The articles and comments regarding Russias invasion of Ukraine, say, Australia and certain mullahs who fatwas... 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