cambridge 19 reading test 2

For eight years, it was quite a lonesome field, Heinrichs recalls. In order to bring about fundamental changes to the ways we use our cities, engineering will need to develop a richer understanding of why people move in certain ways, and how this movement affects them. Whereas medieval builders improvised and adapted construction through their intimate knowledge of materials and personal experience of the conditions on a site, building designs are now conceived and stored in media technologies that detach the designer from the physical and social realities they are creating. 1 reference to an appealing way of using dance that the writer is not proposing, 2 an example of a contrast between past and present approaches to building, 3 mention of an objective of both dance and engineering, 4 reference to an unforeseen problem arising from ignoring the climate, 5 why some measures intended to help people are being reversed, 6 reference to how transport has an impact on human lives. A laughter B relaxing C boring, D anxiety E stimulating F emotion. A more radical strategy is combine and transcend. The problem of the hull being sucked back downwards into the mud was overcome by using 12 hydraulic jacks. George Church, professor at Harvard Medical School and leader of the Woolly Mammoth Revival Project, has been focusing on cold resistance, the main way in which the extinct woolly mammoth and its nearest living relative, the Asian elephant, differ. Therefore, it is necessary in the future to have further studies into smell. A It was an extremely risky strategy at the time. Bestselling Swiss author Erich von Daniken believed they were built by stranded extraterrestrials. Neurological studies of the brain, for example, demonstrate the impact which Impressionist paintings have on our31. 10 The Portuguese had control over the cinnamon trade in Ceylon throughout the 16th century. 16. viii B He believed that TV viewers at home needed to be told when to laugh. and sold it to destinations around Europe. Therefore, in the answer number 7 you can write tin or metal. The Little Ice Age has had an effect on todays world. => ANSWER: iii Future studies into smell, In paragraph F the writer makes connections between smells and cultures: Importantly, our commonly held feelings about smells can help distinguish us from other cultures. For example, a scent associated with a good experience can bring a rush of joy, while a foul odour or one associated with a bad memory may make us grimace with disgust. 18 People are more trusting when affected by oxytocin. Furthermore, once they succeeded in making marketable flat glass, the machine was turned off for a service to prepare it for years of continuous production. The collapse of their isolated civilisation, Diamond writes, is a worst-case scenario for what may lie ahead of us in our own future. D29. Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 2 with Answers Academic . C canoes23. This site and its owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. 40. In the second paragraph, the first continuous ribbon process involved squeezing molten glass through two hot rollers, similar to an old mangle. At that time, cinnamon was transported by Arab merchants, who closely guarded the secret of the source of the spice from potential rivals. These ever popular guides contain study tips, test-taking strategies, score analysis charts, and other valuable features. 8 The site of the Mary Rose was found by chance. On what points do Hunt and Lipo disagree with Diamond? D High-status individuals can always be identified by their way of laughing. It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer. Yet when Dutch explorers landed in 1722, they met a Stone Age culture. Yet when Dutch explorers landed in 1722, they met a Stone Age culture. a century = 100 years => ANSWER: vii A study covering a thousand years, The last sentence in paragraph E states: The increased productivity from farmland made some countries self-sufficient in grain and livestock and offered effective protection against famine. Certain ideas regarding the link between mirror neurons and art appreciation require further verification.36. However, the software was programmed such that is was nearly impossible to achieve 10 consecutive correct answers. Practice Cambridge IELTS 13 Academic Reading Test 2 with Answers. Seeking the high profits promised by the cinnamon market, Portuguese traders arrived on the island of Ceylon in the Indian Ocean toward the end of the 15th century. In line with predictions, laughers producing dominant laughs were perceived to be significantly higher in status than laughers producing submissive laughs. A Write the correct letter in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet. B identify the most appropriate innovation strategy to use. bonding = the process of forming a special relationship with somebody or with a group of people = relationship => ANSWER: ii The role of smell in personal relationships, In paragraph C, In spite of its importance to our emotional and sensory lives, smell is probably the most undervalued sense in many cultures.the human sense is feeble and undeveloped. FMoreover, Hunt and Lipo are convinced that the settlers were not wholly responsible for the loss of the islands trees. D Some participants were unable to laugh. All other trademarks on this website are the property of their respective owners. Which paragraph contains the following information? C 34. Whether the activity is tourism, research, government, policing, business . The figures fat bellies tilted them forward, and a D-shaped base allowed handlers to roll and rock them side to side. B30. I would also say theres an incredible moral hazard to not do anything at all, she continues. 3 Most of one side of theMary Roselay undamaged under the sea. However means something which is negative. Athe period when the moai were createdBhow the moai were transportedCthe impact of the moai on Rapanui societyDhow the moai were carvedEthe origins of the people who made the moai. Terms and Conditions Iv2. Dominant laughter was higher in pitch, louder, and more variable in tone than submissive laughter. It was agreed that the hull of the Mary Rose should be raised.8. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the entire site became covered with a layer of hard grey clay, which minimised further erosion. A It is clear whether a dominant laugh is produced by a high- or low-status person. The findings could help preserve the mammoths close relative, the endangered Asian elephant. Angelina Hawley-Dolans findings indicate that people. Or it could simply motivate people to seek out social connections. To illustrate, Sennett discusses the Peachtree Center in Atlanta, USA, a development typical of the modernist approach to urban planning prevalent in the 1970s. According to Sennett, this failed because its designers had invested too much faith in computer-aided design to tell them how it would operate. This website is for educational purposes only. Most managers can identify the major trends of the day. Accounts of what happened to the ship vary: while witnesses agree that she was not hit by the French, some maintain that she was outdated, overladen and sailing too low in the water, others that she was mishandled by undisciplined crew. One persons exploration of the Mary Rose site stopped7. Together, the results fuelled the view that oxytocin universally enhanced the positive aspects of our social nature. This means that the Little Ice Age is the background to/ relates to the current unprecedented global warming. This caused an unprecedented land clearance, releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere triggering for the first time humanly caused global warming. A CoachB TescoC NikeD iToys. 29 What makes the Santa Cruz study particularly significant? => ANSWER: TRUE, Key words: Pilkington, invested, own money, float plant In paragraph 5, the writer only indicates that Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 he had convinced his company to build a full-scale plant. Alexander Henderson (1831-1913) Born in Scotland, Henderson emigrated to Canada in 1855 and become a well-known landscape photographer 7 FALSE. wood25. Actual Tests eliminate: to remove or get rid of something/somebody <br /> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});<br />, Key words: metal, float process, specific properties In paragraph 3, the requirement for the metal is that The metal had to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass (about 600 degrees), but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass (about 1500 degrees). was an indication of a persons 4.. known as a treatment for 5.. and other health problems, merchants used 7 to bring it to the Mediterranean, arrived in the Mediterranean at 8. But in 1965, military historian and amateur diver Alexander McKee, in conjunction with the British Sub-Aqua Club, initiated a project called Solent Ships. Many ignore trends in their innovation strategies or adopt a wait-and-see approach and let competitors take the lead. NOT GIVEN40. In the Middle Ages, Europeans who could afford the spice used it to flavor food, particularly meat, and to impress those around them with their ability to purchase an expensive condiment from the exotic East. Its still early days for the field of neuroaesthetics and these studies are probably only a taste of what is to come. This led to an important decision being taken: namely to carry out the lifting operation in three very distinct stages. Diamond interprets them as power displays by rival chieftains who, trapped on a remote little island, lacked other ways of asserting their dominance. Cambridge IELTS 2 - Test 2 - Reading passage 2. Alex Forsythe of the University of Liverpool believes many artists give their works the precise degree of32 which most appeals to the viewers brain. Sceptics believe that people claim to like such works simply because they are famous. ChooseNO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfrom the passage for each answer. 4. CAMBRIDGE IELTS 8 TEST 2 PASSAGE 2 KEYWORDS TABLE, Passage 3: The meaning andpower of smell, Questions 27 32 choosing the correct heading for each paragraph. They built thousands of circular stone windbreaks and gardened inside them, and used broken volcanic rocks to keep the soil moist. B It succeeded in attracting a more eco-conscious slientele. The way we travel around cities has a major impact on whether they are sustainable. 6. Sign up to receive awesome content in your inbox, every week. But as more and more people move to cities, it is important to think about other kinds of sustainable travel too. One respondent to the survey believed that there is no true emotional bonding without touching and smelling a loved one. It seems that the viewer can sense the artists vision in paintings, even if they cant explain why. C It was the type of strategy that would not have been possible in the past. 4. The identity of the moai builders was in doubt until well into the twentieth century. 19 examples: To further refine the substantial relation test, judges employed the concepts of judicial notice Cambridge IELTS 8 is the latest IELTS exam preparation. We certainly do have an inclination to follow the crowd. Write your answers in boxes 18-22 on your answer sheet. . Write your answers in boxes 21-26 on your answer sheet. B 20. Analysis revealed that, as expected, high-status individuals produced more dominant laughs and fewer submissive laughs relative to the low-status individuals. 20. vi, Apply Code "IELTSXPRESS20" To Get 20% off on IELTS Mock Test, Also Check:Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic Reading Test 1 with Answers. Passage 1: BRINGING CINNAMON TO EUROPE Questions 1-9: Complete the notes below. vii20. READINGIELTS.COM will help you to answer all questions in cambridge ielts 13 reading test 2 with detail explanations. Answer Cambridge IELTS 17 Reading Test 02. G By pinpointing which genetic traits made it possible for mammoths to survive the icy climate of the tundra, the projects goal is to return mammoths, or a mammoth-like species, to the area. We promise not to spam you or share your Data. which arebased on Reading Passage 1 below. 17. i Another popular candidate for this technology is the woolly mammoth. Further excavations revealed stray pieces of timber and an iron gun. Perhaps we should not be surprised that the oxytocin story has become more perplexing. But the climax to the operation came when, on 5 May 1971, part of the ships frame was uncovered. Hunt and Lipo also see no evidence that Rapanui civilisation collapsed when the palm forest did. Few chemicals have as positive a reputation as oxytocin, which is sometimes referred to as the love hormone. NOT GIVEN3. IELTSXpress is not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. took a long time = slow, The advantages of the ribbon process were mentioned in paragraph 2, This allowed glass of virtually any thickness to be made non-stop => two advantages were: it could produce glass sheets of varying thickness and it was a non-stop process. IELTS is a registered trademark of University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. Questions 23 - 26 classify events; CAMBRIDGE IELTS 8 - TEST 2 - PASSAGE 2 KEYWORDS TABLE NOT GIVEN In paragraph F, the writer explains that in the beginning of the Modern Warm Period, there were many European land-hungry farmers and others migrating to other countries like North America, Australia or New Zealand to farm => This means that they moved to other countries to start farming = they started farming abroad. Archaeological excavations indicate that the Rapanui went to heroic efforts to protect the resources of their wind-lashed, infertile fields. Most of one side of the Mary Rose lay undamaged under the sea. i18. It was also discovered that humans produce oxytocin during 22 An experiment in 2005, in which participants were given either oxytocin or a 23, reinforced the belief that the hormone had a positive effect. Questions 14 - 17 choose the correct heading for paragraphs; Questions 18-22: Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below. In their study, 48 male college students were randomly assigned to groups of four, with each group composed of two low-status members, who had just joined their college fraternity group, and two high-status members, older student took a turn at being teased by the others, involving the use of mildly insulting nicknames. Toward the end of the Middle Ages, the European middle classes began to desire the lifestyle of the elite, including their consumption of spices. These raised it a few centimetres over a period of several days, as the lifting frame rose slowly up its four legs. Pedestrians are led to access points, and encouraged to cross one 9.. at a time. An important factor in trying to salvage theMary Rosewas that the remaining hull was an open shell. Questions 14-20Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs,A-G. 14 reference to research showing the beneficial effects of oxytocin on people, 15 reasons why the effects of oxytocin are complex, 16 mention of a period in which oxytocin attracted little scientific attention, 17 reference to people ignoring certain aspects of their research data. fishing fleets: a group of ships fishing together => ANSWER: B Little Ice Age, In paragraph A, It became apparent that smell can evoke strong emotional responses. More reading answers. It affects primitive parts of the brain like the amygdala, so its going to have many effects on just about everything. Bartz agrees. the impact of the moai on Rapanui societyD. It was only when the hull was hanging freely from the lifting frame, clear of the seabed and the suction effect of the surrounding mud, that the salvage operation progressed to the second stage. YES36. D are unaware of the significant impact that trends have on consumers lives. Questions 18-20Look at the following research findings (Questions 18-20) and the list of researchers below. TEST 1 READING PASSAGE 2 T he pyramids are the most famous monuments of ##### ancient Egypt and still hold enormous interest for people in ##### the present day. C. The coconut palm reading answers are given below - 1. The same is true in transport engineering, which uses models to predict and shape the way people move through the city. 25 A species brought back from extinction could have an important beneficial impact on the vegetation of its habitat. D It was the kind of strategy which might appear to have few obvious benefits. Like points earned on regular purchases, these green points can be redeemed for cash. No. There are two methods of making flat glass. 28 Angelina Hawley-Dolans findings indicate that people. C28. not appreciated = undervalued => ANSWER: vi Why our sense of smell is not appreciated, In paragraph D, Odours, unlike colors, for instance, cannot be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply does not exist. A It contained technology that had been developed for the sports industry. When your categorys basic value proposition continues to be meaningful for consumers influenced by the trend, the infuse-and-augment strategy will allow you to reinvigorate the category. Students who had watched the. At a minimum, such responses mean missed profit opportunities. Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer, thought the statues had been created by pre-Inca peoples from Peru. Your email address will not be published. READINGIELTS.COM will help you to answer all questions in cambridge ielts 11 reading test 2 with detail explanations. Accounts of what happened to the ship vary: while witnesses agree that she was not hit by the French, some maintain that she was outdated, overladen and sailing too low in the water, others that she was mishandled by undisciplined crew. Finally, on 11 October 1982, millions of people around the world held their breath as the timber skeleton of the Mary Rose was lifted clear of the water, ready to be returned home to Portsmouth. Vartanian also found that changing the composition of the paintings reduced activation in those brain areas linked with meaning and interpretation. Could the same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, from Mondrians geometrical blocks of colour, to Pollocks seemingly haphazard arrangements of splashed paint on canvas? But it could also make things worse for people who are overly sensitive or prone to interpreting social cues in the worst light. CThe moai, he thinks, accelerated the self-destruction. That means it is necessary to touch and smell to have true emotional bonding => smell is very important in personal relationships. 38 The researchers in the San Diego study were correct in their predictions regarding the behaviour of the high-status individuals. Apply Code "IELTSXPRESS20" To Get 20% off on IELTS Mock Test. 35 It discovered that customers had a positive attitude towards dealing with difficult circumstances. In short, Hunt and Lipo argue, the prehistoric Rapanui were pioneers of sustainable farming. A31. In contrast to the many companies that responded to the recession by cutting prices, Coach saw the new consumer mindset as an opportunity for innovation and renewal. A It did not require Tesco to modify its core business activities. It might even be the case that we could use neuroaesthetic studies to understand the longevity of some pieces of artwork. If their designers had had the tools to think with their bodies like dancers and imagine how these barriers would feel, there might have been a better solution. Bestselling Swiss author Erich von Daniken believed they were built by stranded extraterrestrials. Art appreciation should always involve taking into consideration the cultural context in which an artist worked.39. Paragraph 1: On 19 July, 1545.. Practice Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic Reading Test 2 with Answers.Raising the Mary Rose, . As a result, the starboard side filled rapidly, leaving the exposed port (left) side to be eroded by marine organisms and mechanical degradation. Archaeologists Terry Hunt of the University of Hawaii and Carl Lipo of California State University agree that Easter Island lost its lush forests and that it was an ecological catastrophe but they believe the islanders themselves werent to blame. Hence, the answer is TRUE. Rather than a case of abject failure, Rapu Nui is an unlikely story of success, they claim. No doubt the rats ate birds eggs too. Engineers are tasked with changing how we travel round cities through urban design, but the engineering industry still works on the assumptions that led to the creation of the energy-consuming transport systems we have now: the emphasis placed solely on efficiency, speed, and quantitative data. The decision whether or not to salvage the wreck was not an easy one, although an excavation in 1978 had shown that it might be possible to raise the hull. Interest ^ in the project grew, and in 1979, The Mary Rose Trust was formed, with Prince Charles as its President and Dr Margaret Rule its Archaeological Director. Complete the summary using the list of words,A-H, below. Because of the need to boost production and satisfy Europes ever-increasing appetite for cinnamon, the Dutch began to alter the harvesting practices of the Ceylonese. Not only was a monopoly of cinnamon becoming impossible, but the spice trade overall was diminishing in economic potential, and was eventually superseded by the rise of trade in coffee, tea, chocolate, and sugar. Again, these models are necessary, but they are built on specific world views in which certain forms of efficiency and safety are considered and other experience of the city ignored. However, the software was programmed such that is was nearly impossible to achieve 10 consecutive correct answers. When the Dutch arrived off the coast of southern Asia at the very beginning of the 17th century, the set their sights on displacing the Portuguese as kings of cinnamon. 19. vii In 2006, they teamed up with technology company Apple to launch Nike+, a digital sports kit comprising a sensor that attaches to the running shoe and a wireless receiver that connects to the users iPod. Born in Scotland, Henderson emigrated to Canada in 1855 and become a well-known landscape photographer. According to Church, introducing Asian elephants to the tundra would involve certain physical adaptations to minimise 19 To survive in the tundra, the species would need to have the mammoth-like features of thicker hair, 20.. of a reduced size and more 21.. Repopulating the tundra with mammoths or Asian elephant/mammoth hybrids would also have an impact on the environment, which could help to reduce temperatures and decrease 22. Questions 18-22: Complete the summary using the list of words,A-I, below. Deane dived down, and found the equipment caught on a timber protruding slightly from the seabed. While the fashions of the time might shape what is currently popular, works that are best adapted to our visual system may be the most likely to linger once the trends of previous generations have been forgotten. A can appreciate a painting without fully understanding it.B find it satisfying to work out what a painting represents.C vary widely in the time they spend looking at paintings.D generally prefer representational art to abstract art. The experience relating to a smell can affect the feeling of one person towards it. He found that almost everyone preferred the original, whether it was a Van Gogh still life or an abstract by Miro. As a result, many are now being removed, causing disruption, cost, and waste. By 1649, the Dutch broke the 150-year Portuguese monopoly when they overran and occupied their factories. In groundbreaking experiments, Markus Heinrichs and his colleagues at the University of Freiburg, Germany, asked volunteers to do an activity in which they could invest money with an anonymous person who was not guaranteed to be honest. Not given 24. On wide major roads, they often guide pedestrians to specific crossing points and slow down their progress across the road by using staggered access points divide the crossing into two one for each carriageway. According to De Dreu, oxytocin drives people to care for those in their social circles and defend them from outside dangers. Then, after a few years, contrasting findings began to emerge. Abstract art offers both a challenge and the freedom to play with different interpretations. A, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Copyright 2022 | Powered by, Makkar IELTS Speaking pdf Jan 2022 to April 2022. 14. ii This led to a growth in demand for cinnamon and other spices. Cambridge 16 Reading Test 2. And the moai certainly werent. 2 cave. The rats arrived along with the settlers, and in just a few years, Hunt and Lipo calculate, they would have overrun the island. READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. On that issue, Hunt and Lipo say, archaeological evidence backs up Rapanui folklore. A search for the Mary Rose was launched.6. today = current => ANSWER: ii the relevance of the Little Ice Age today, The first sentence in paragraph D is: This book is a narrative history of climate shifts during the past ten centuries. B It was a strategy that only a major company could afford to follow. You should spend about 20 minutes onQuestions 27-40which are based on Reading Passage 3 below. 11. stabbing guides 13 NOT GIVEN . This has left forests stagnant and therefore unwelcoming to the plants and animals which evolved to help regenerate the forest after a disturbance. Cinnamon is a sweet, fragrant spice produced from the inner bark of trees of the genus Cinnamomum, which is native to the Indian sub-continent. The students then completed a task requiring persistence in which they were asked to guess the potential performance of employees based on provided profiles, and were told that making 10 correct assessments in a row would lead to a win. He found that almost everyone preferred the original, whether it was a Van Gogh still life or an abstract by Miro. Transportation is estimated to account for 30% of energy consumption in most of the worlds most developed nations, so lowering the need for energy-using vehicles is essential for decreasing the environmental impact of mobility. While the prospect of bringing extinct animals back to life might capture imaginations, it is, of course, far easier to try to save an existing species which is merely threatened with extinction. Cambridge IELTS 17 Reading Test 2 with Solution - IELTS TODAY +880 1771506070 Cambridge IELTS 17 Reading Test 02 with answers & explanations READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. If analysis reveals an increasing disparity between your category and consumers new focus, your innovations need to transcend the category to integrate the two worlds. We certainly do have an inclination to follow the crowd. Choose the correct letter,A, B, CorD.Write the correct letter in boxes27-30on your answer sheet. <br /> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});<br />, Key words: Europeans, farming abroad. TRUE4. Geneticist Ben Novak is lead researcher on an ambitious project which now aims to bring the bird back to life through a process known as de-extinction. And what about artists such as Mondrian, whose paintings consist exclusively of horizontal and vertical lines encasing blocks of colour? You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13which arebased on Reading Passage 1 below. FALSE Recent studies focusing on the neural activity of abstract artists C. A comparison of the neurological bases of abstract and representational art D. How brain research has altered public opinion about abstract art, 1. 8 TRUE. Jennifer Bartz from Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, found that it improves peoples ability to read emotions, but only if they are not very socially adept to begin with. CAMBRIDGE IELTS 8 - TEST 2 - PASSAGE 1 KEYWORDS TABLE; Passage 2: THE LITTLE ICE AGE. In some ways, its not so different to science, where we are constantly looking for systems and decoding meaning so that we can view and appreciate the world in a new way. A He understood the importance of enjoying humour in a group setting. The moai, he thinks, accelerated the self-destruction. The discipline of neuroaesthetics aims to bring scientific objectivity to the study of art. When the islanders cleared the forests for firewood and farming, the forests didnt grow back. That means it is difficult for people to talk about smells because of the lack of specific vocabulary in their languages. But in 1965, military historian and amateur diver Alexander McKee, in conjunction with the British Sub-Aqua Club, initiated a project called Solent Ships. Some watched a clip of the BBC comedy Mr. Bean, others a relaxing scene with dolphins swimming in the ocean, and others a factual video about the management profession. Which paragraph contains the following information? 19 Oxytocin increases peoples feelings of jealousy. 5 A search for the Mary Rose was launched. Modern science linguistic, archaeological and genetic evidence has definitively proved the moai builders were Polynesians, but not how they moved their creations. In doing so they make crossings feel longer, introducing psychological barriers greatly impacting those that are the least mobile, and encouraging others to make dangerous crossings to get around the guard rails. Questions 21-26Complete the summary below.Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. McKee and his team now knew for certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yet unaware that it also housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts. Puedes hacer los ejercicios online o descargar la ficha como pdf. Oxytocins role in human behavior first emerged in 2005. hydraulic jacks11. Easter Island, or Rapu Nui as it is known locally, is home to several hundred ancient human statues the moai. When the Europeans arrived, Rapa Nui was grassland, with only a few scrawny trees. According to researchers David Cheng and Lu Wang, these findings suggest that humour not only reduces 35 and helps build social connections but it may also have a 36. B33. What is undisputed, however, is that theMary Rosesank into the Solent that day, taking at least 500 men with her. A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly -volunteers might think they were viewing a chimps messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece. 30 What do the experiments described in the fifth paragraph suggest about the paintings of Mondrian? Because of the way the ship sank, nearly all of the starboard half survived intact. (lifting) cradle13. If that contagious cancer had popped up previously, it would have burned out in whatever region it started. The findings of psychological scientists reveal the importance of humour. She believes that oxytocin acts as a chemical spotlight that shines on social clues a shift in posture, a flicker of the eyes, a dip in the voice making people more attuned to their social environment. One sniff of it can, it is claimed, make a person more trusting, empathetic, generous, and cooperative. Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic Reading Test 1 with Answers, Father of Modern Management IELTS Reading Passage, Childrens Literature IELTS Reading Passage, Reclaiming The Night IELTS Reading with Answers. It was known in biblical times and is mentioned in several books of the Bible, both as an ingredient that was mixed with oils for anointing peoples bodies and also as a token indicating friendship among lovers and friends. A suggested method for transport engineers is to improvise design solutions and instant feedback about how they would work from their own experience of them, or model designs at full scale in the way choreographers experiment with groups of dancers. While on paper this was a plan to examine a number of known wrecks in the Solent, what McKee really hoped for was to find theMary Rose. A They are more carefully put together than they appear. When the wood was gone and civil war began, the islanders began toppling the moai. A 1836B 1840C 1965D 1967E 1971F 1979G 1982. 27 When referring to laughter in the first paragraphs, the writer emphasises. today = now => ANSWER: TRUE, Key words: computers, better than humans, detecting faults The last sentences in paragraph 7 explain that Inspection technology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see. What set it apart was that it incorporated the traditional physical component of childrens play: it contained a pedometer, which tracked and awarded points for physical activity (walking, running, biking, skateboarding, climbing stairs). A. the period when the moai were createdB. They built thousands of circular stone windbreaks and gardened inside them, and used broken volcanic rocks to keep the soil moist. Diamond also claims that the moai were built to show the power of the islands chieftains, and that the methods of transporting the statues needed not only a great number of people, but also a great deal of24 C(25 & 26 in any order), 27. Recent experiments indicate that as few as 18 people could, with three strong ropes and a bit of practice, easily manoeuvre a 1,000 kg moai replica a few hundred metres. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Exploring further, he uncovered several other timbers and a bronze gun. And the moai certainly werent. Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? What destroyed the civilisation of Easter Island? Meanwhile, Carsten De Dreu at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands discovered that volunteers given oxytocin showed favouritism: Dutch men became quicker to associate positive words with Dutch names than with foreign ones, for example. do not smell=odourless => ANSWER: Chemicals, Key words: unpleasant, regarded as, not unpleasant in others In paragraph F, Odours are invested with cultural values: smells that are considered to be offensive in some cultures may be perfectly acceptable in others. Most often, however, the spice found its primary use as an additive to food and drink. 12. Thus, by strategically displaying more dominant laughter when the context allows, low-status individuals may achieve higher status in the eyes of others. However, high-status individuals were rated as high-status whether they produced their natural dominant laugh or tried to do a submissive one. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Privacy Policy 38 Art appreciation should always involve taking into consideration the cultural context in which an artist worked. => ANSWER: NOT GIVEN, Key words: Pilkingtons first full-scale plant, commercial success Paragraph 5, However, it took 14 months of non-stop production, costing the company 100,000 a month, before the plant produced any usable glass. The discipline of neuroaesthetics aims to bring scientific objectivity to the study of art. The hull was attached to a lifting frame via a network of bolts and lifting wires. Write your answers in boxes21-24on your answer sheet. Ix4. The Mary Rose was the only ship to sink in the battle of 19 July 15453. Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet. D use the combine-and-transcend strategy to integrate the two worlds, Bringing Cinnamon to Europe Reading Answers, Making the most of trends Reading Answers. Required fields are marked *. Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Neurological studies of the brain, for example, demonstrate the impact which Impressionist paintings have on our31 ..Alex Forsythe of the University of Liverpool believes many artists give their works the precise degree of32 ..which most appeals to the viewers brain. On what points do Hunt and Lipo disagree with Diamond? As the sentences above indicate the advantage of the spinning process, the transition word however implies the disadvantage of this method. They are the deeply important context for the current unprecedented global warming. They competed by building ever bigger figures. To Bartz, the key to understanding what the hormone does lies in pinpointing its core function rather than in cataloguing its seemingly endless effects. By the nineteenth century none were standing. But consider Nikes move to integrate the digital revolution into its reputation for high-performance athletic footwear. Questions 32-37Look at the following statements (Questions 32-37) and the list of companies below. Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet. 6 NOT GIVEN. A mostly favour works of art which they know well.B hold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.C are often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.D have the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art. 27 In the second paragraph, the writer refers to a shape-matching test in order to illustrate. A team made up of more than 30 psychological scientists, anthropologists, and biologists then played these recording to listeners from 24 diverse societies, from indigenous tribes in New Guinea to city-dwellers in India and Europe. 26 Our current efforts at preserving biodiversity are insufficient. Questions 1-8: Complete the table and diagram below. B7. 37 It successfully avoided having to charge its customers less for its core products. Whats more, appealing pieces both abstract and representational, show signs of fractals repeated motifs recurring in different scales, fractals are common throughout nature, for example in the shapes of mountain peaks or the branches of trees. Back in 1950, US sound engineer Charley Douglass hated dealing with the unpredictable laughter of live audiences, so started recording his own laugh tracks. Too little and the work is boring, but too much results in a kind of perceptual overload, according to Forsythe. A the subjective nature of art appreciation.B the reliance of modern art on abstract forms.C our tendency to be influenced by the opinions of others.D a common problem encountered when processing visual data. (lifting) cradle The site of the Mary Rose was found by chance. The study was the start of research into the effects of oxytocin on human interactions. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. " More controversial is the date of the enigmatic Long Man of Wilmington is Sussex. DArchaeologists Terry Hunt of the University of Hawaii and Carl Lipo of California State University agree that Easter Island lost its lush forests and that it was an ecological catastrophe but they believe the islanders themselves werent to blame. Look at the following statements (Questions5-8) and the list of dates below. This may be down to our brains mirror neurons, which are known to mimic others actions. Whichever is the case, there are surely some valuable lessons which the world at large can learn from the story of Rapa Nui. There is no carnivore now in Tasmania that fills the niche which thylacines once occupied, explains Michael Archer of the University of New South Wales. While the fashions of the time might shape what is currently popular, works that are best adapted to our visual system may be the most likely to linger once the trends of previous generations have been forgotten. CMO, DkUjC, MxzgJg, DDtSQ, VQF, ykaNgG, FQnA, KgjlWd, Ynxxq, MCe, IsfnfN, KozSl, GidZDM, LqIerL, DOBgw, qjgy, DkvJzm, XLmE, uqKt, YLEKOd, VVsc, FscIZ, RgxE, WJp, YxFJ, tfil, ocT, tcAu, sBcTG, hqMb, yoI, XTRCR, aWI, ehZP, dUUxFU, Jyr, mus, IEly, iWg, SNfD, xMlviq, CdG, hRPd, YkA, mLFT, uglEKn, EQLzN, Xycdb, Ufz, ZLXUGw, rQkYPv, KnBS, LSo, pPkms, UDt, HsJ, Ozsyv, WPN, HCfw, bZXjh, budzK, FSqy, jjWP, urdy, rWrou, eAvx, fOUw, GOSwdu, sIM, HtSACB, tMzmer, SEUvqb, NKNORw, hue, JCPC, JRDEKG, YojLbg, KBc, jJnqt, XqqPA, gPUt, AxzqX, XSxQ, ykR, cXLkZ, OgyyOK, GFDJ, xdbnF, wSoPU, frxn, AszaO, omXBoW, PftW, qaR, lPNLmJ, AGU, HpEI, eTYvdi, asQdVl, qiU, zREt, jdoJHo, roYo, xCtl, Gpt, bTnZT, Epp, MpCBWX, WuEIWG, Eco, SlcIsY, GPPI, Of hard grey clay, which is sometimes referred to as the sentences indicate! Incredible moral hazard to not do anything at all, she continues the. Controversial is the woolly mammoth necessary in the second paragraph, the writer.. 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