technological capability
This supports the argument of the extant literature (Yang et al., 2018; Rungsithong et al., 2017) which maintained that relational capability in some cases is effective in enhancing performance with supportive capabilities. Fundamentos de mtodos de pesquisa em administrao. What is project alliance capability?. The dimensions (geographical access for distribution, technology, and the firm), barriers (lack of commercial viability, information, access to capital, and institutional models), internal factors (planning and control, market orientation; training; R&D investment, and manual labor), external factors (government support, purchasing or licensing of technology from other companies, and forming strategic alliances to acquire new technologies), and the order and importation of technology can influence the technological capability of the company and should be properly managed. Driving benefits from inter-firms relationship is a function of firms integrative capacity (Rafique, Hameed, & Agha, 2018). Research and Publications WP No. No reviewed study investigated the moderating effect of technological capabilities on company internationalization and NPS, making this research relevant to academia. From the editors: Common method variance in international business research. Recently, the Nigerian Government failed to assent the bilateral African continental free trade agreement due to pressure from Nigerian Labor Congress and the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, that the treaty would be disadvantageous to Nigerian firms which are mainly SMEs due to the lack of economic of scale and competitive advantage (Akeyewale, 2018). What is technology capability? Furthermore, the result indicated a significant positive effect of learning capability on SMEs performance. Leveraging informational and relational capabilities for performance: An empirical investigation. Visit to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here, 2019, Yakubu Salisu and Lily Julienti Abu Bakar, A review of technological capability and performance relationship in manufacturing companies, Developing model to analyze factors affecting firms agility and competitive capability: A case of a volatile market, An assessment of technological competencies on professional service firms business performance, International Journal of Social, Behavioral Educational, Economics and Industrial Engineering. Learning capability mediates the significant relationship between relational capability and SMEs performance. (2006) The relationships between resource configurations and launch strategies in Taiwans IC design industry: An exploratory study. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 6(3), 179187, Available from: Equally, H5 was supported as the statistical result reveals a significant positive relationship between learning capability and SMEs performance (=0.603; t=8.043; p=0.000). European Journal of Information Systems, 23 (3), 241-253. At the end of the survey, contributions from the following aspects are expected: importance of technological capacity as a moderating variable; technological capacity can be an important element for economic growth, facilitating company internationalization; it could contribute to NPS; technology transfer can help in the formation of technological capacity, particularly in relation to tacit knowledge, skills, and competencies of employees; generally, exporting companies prioritize technological capabilities in order to develop a competitive advantage over rivals. Salas-Vallina, A., Lpez-Cabrales, ., Alegre, J., & Fernndez, R. (2017). Bookman, Porto Alegre. Organizational learning capability and battlefield performance: The British army in World War II. Wang et al. A capacidade tecnolgica pode favorecer a internacionalizao da empresa, uma vez que possibilita a formao de parcerias estratgicas, investimento em P&D, compartilhamento de recursos, transferncia de tecnologia e economia de escala. Configurations of entrepreneurial- customer- and technology orientation: Differences in learning and performance of software companies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49 (1), p. 36-44. Rungsithong et al. Setor de Atuao, Empresas Listadas. Equally, relational capability significantly and positively relates to SMEs learning capability. They refer to applications and infrastructure concepts and are agnostic of any specific business activity. DOI: 10.1111/1540-5885.1250392, JABAR, J.; SOOSAY, C.; SANTA, R. (2011) Organisational learning as an antecedent of technology transfer and new product development: A study of manufacturing firms in Malaysia. Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). International Journal of Research in Marketing, 3 (3), p. 143-156. (2015). (2006). Are altruistic leaders worthy? Institutions and Economies, 4(1), 2146. Business Applications Integrate all your core business processes with cloud-based applications. Based on the idea that subjects develop technological capabilities, the technological capability literature could be classified into micro- and macro-level applications, and this study is an extension of the latter strand in terms of understanding the technological development and growth of nations. Technological Capability and Firm Performance. Therefore, the creation of strategic relationship encourages efficient communication by ensuring the accuracy and the speedy spread of information and knowledge (Santos-Vijande, Lpez-Snchez, & Trespalacios, 2012). Then we present the methodological procedures, especially in relation to the identification of research sources, application of search terms, and selection of researched articles. Strong technological capabilities and collaboration with universities and research institutes has a moderate, negative relationship with the innovation of successful products. (2018). Nevertheless, both technological capability and learning capability are contextually sensitive. Rethink how many full-time permanent technology professionals you really need: rent the others. Santos, J. A quantitative survey design was employed to collect the data from owner/manager of manufacturing SMEs in Nigeria. Technovation, 24, 979-993. Technology duplication as sometimes well see multiple products in one area. The Economic Journal, 99 (397) p. 569-596. DOI:10.1016/0167-8116(86)90020-0, LEMA, A.; LEMA, R. (2013) Technology transfer in the clean development mechanism: Insights from wind power. In order to enable this technology, enterprise-technology teams are tasked with creating strategic partnerships around the full digital and technology stack, including professional services, hardware, software, analytics, automation, and cloud. Biometrika, 61(1), 101107, Available from:, Ghane, S., & Akhavan, P. (2014). Learning has been established to influence other environmental factors to enhance performance (Escrig, Broch, Gmez, & Alcam, 2016; Malln, Chiva, Alegre, & Guinot, 2015; Hooi & Ngui, 2014; Alegre & Chiva, 2008; Akgn, Keskin, Byrne, & Aren, 2007; Keskin, 2006): Learning capability mediates the relationship between technological capability and SMEs performance. It is a well-established fact that no business can operate efficiently in this globalized business environment without modern technologies and collaborations with strategic partners. R & D Management, v. 36, n. 4, p. 421-438. Technovation, 24 (12), p. 979-993. It is critical in nurturing and promoting strategic orientation of SMEs firms (Hakala & Kohtamki, 2011). Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 7(2), 14-27. DOI:10.1016/j.indmarman.2006.01.002, HSIEH, M-H.; TSAI, K-H.; HULTINK, E. J. Transaction, New Jersey. Fang, C., Chang, S., & Chen, G. (2011). Research Method for Business, John Wiley, & Sons, Chichester. Journal of Business Venturing, 27 (2) p. 217-233. DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2006.04.004, GRANT, R. M. (1996) Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. A framework for determining and prioritizing relational capitals: The case of Iran e-business. British Food Journal, 118(6), 14221461, Available from:, Muddaha, G., Kheng, Y. K., & Sulaiman, Y. Mori, C. D., Batalha, M. O., & Alfranca, O. (1997). The impact of technological capability on firm performance in Taiwans electronics industry. A better understanding of company internationalization has attracted the attention of the academic community (Garcia, Avella & Fernndez, 2012). High-tech companies are seeking internationalization in order to obtain knowledge and resources aimed at NPS (Haeussler, Patzelt & Zahra, 2012). The higher the strategic flexibility of the company, the greater the technological capabilities associated with innovation will be (Zhou & Wu, 2010). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable and measurement error. European Journal of Operational Research, 170, 971-986. Does learning capability mediate the relationship between technological capability, learning capability and SMEs performance? The scoring was done jointly by economists and technologists familiar with the particular industry in Thailand and in general. here means the ability to use, produce, adapt and develop a new technology and is be discussed at both the sector and the firm level. Footwear industry innovation capability: Southern Brazilian evidence. Organizational learning capability and job satisfaction: An empirical assessment in the ceramic tile industry. Whilst some of these will be no brainers it is more than likely a few surprises will also be identified. Their . Thus, higher capability and the speed of innovation can influence the final cost of the product. Through technological capability SMEs firm can efficiently acquire, operate and upgrade technologies that can be used to provide product that meet up the changing market demands. Can the product list be rationalized to maximize license investment? (2006) opined that the positive impacts of technological capability on firms performance demonstrated the potential of this capability to stimulate mediating variables such as firms learning. A set of identified and defined Technical Capabilities is referred to as a Technical Capability model. The meticulous findings of this study offered managerial contribution for SMEs in Nigeria and developing economies that are compelling to invest in developing technological, relational and learning capabilities to advance their operating technologies for better competitiveness and performance. Specifically, all the variables have Cronbachs value higher than the acceptable 0.6 (Hair, Tomas, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2017). A., Paulraj, A., & Chen, I. J. Similarly, Technical Capabilities, also known as Technical Reference Architecture, define a company's ability to deliver business services but from a technical perspective. Similarly, technological capability negatively relates to SMEs learning capability (=0.437; t=8.170; p=0.000). Yu, Y., & Huo, B. 3. Journal of Business Research, 67 (7), p. 1360-1367. Similarly, efficient experimentations, dialogues, risk taking, external integration and participative decision making enable SMEs improve profitability, expand market, enhance customer and employees satisfaction and create better environmental and social responsiveness. DOI: 10.1108/02651339910300459, MADANMOHAN, T. R.; KUMAR, U.; KUMAR, V. (2004) Import-led technological capability: a comparative analysis of Indian and Indonesian manufacturing firms. Others have defined technological capability as the ability of firms to manage and generate technological changes (Bell 1984 ). Previous studies hold that technological capability increases firms efficiencies in developing innovative idea and knowledge from substantial investment in R&D, continuous training and applying innovative technology to problem solving process, which enable SMEs firms to achieve distinctive performance in reaction to the changing marketing environment (Mori et al., 2016). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Hailekiros, G. S., & Renyong, H. (2016). Research Policy, 33, 1123-1140. Technological capabilities can be defined as 'the ability to make effective use of technological knowledge in efforts to assimilate, use, adapt and change existing technologies' (Kim 1997, 4). The Company has product-testing facilities for the following product properties UNICAMP, Campinas. (1989) Innovation and learning: the two faces of R&D. Integrative capability for successful partnering: A critical dynamic capability. Technological capability refers to the capability, which provides to an organization technological strength and gives opportunity to create competitive advantage. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2006.00197.x, HULTINK, E. J.; ROBBEN, H. S. J. Teece, D., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. Precisely, as part of the procedural, the study ensures the elimination of ambiguity in wording through pretest on five top managers of SMEs, guaranteed the anonymity of the respondents (Chang, Van Witteloostuijn, & Eden, 2010; Podsakoff et al., 2003). Organizational learning measurement and the effect on firm innovation. (2017) advocated that relational capability at firms level is driven by employees emotion and feeling through inter-personal trust. With Microsoft case management technology, implemented by HSO, the department is meeting its goals: A modernized application to support future growth within the department; Data security for sensitive data; Ability to see the holistic history of services for a client; Reduction of redundant data entry across programs However, learning capability does not mediate the relationship of technological capability and SMEs performance. Gesto da Inovao: conceitos, mtricas e experincias de empresas no Brasil. Building on the absorptive capacity perspective and organizational inertia theory, the authors propose that technological capability has curvilinear and differential effects on exploitative and explorative innovations. Article on Technological capability, relational capability and firms' performance, published in Revista de Gesto 27 on 2019-09-06 by Yakubu Salisu+1. Cluster sampling is a probability sampling technique that is being used in a study that covers a wide geographical area (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013). The desire of SMEs firms to keep in pace with the development in the global technological business environment has been constrained by several factors which include inadequate commitment to acquire the new technologies, lack of technical and networking skills, inadequate human capital and improper choice of technology (MAN, 2017; Mefuna & Abe, 2015). The study contributed significantly to the body literature on technological and relational capabilities and performance. Journal of Business Research, 56(9), 735743, Available from: Therefore, the phenomena of TT. Other critical factors that can interfere with NPS are: processing market information (Ottum & Moore, 1997); product differentiation (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1993a); minor product cycle time (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1993c); product contribution margin; proximity to the new technologies of products and markets (Maidique & Zirger, 1984); frequency of communication with customers (Maidique & Zirger, 1985); new product introductions and; guidance for international projects (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1993b), among others. (1988). However, the company should be cautious with the decision to keep "mature products" and/or generate "new products", because performance portfolios influence companies financial results. Industrial Marketing Management, 31, 515-524. British Food Journal, 111(8), 794810, Available from:, Goh, S. C. (2003). (2006) and relational capability and performance sought by Sukoco et al. (2004) Corporate Culture and Commitment: Impact on Performance of International New Product Development Programs. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 20 (6), p. 444-467. The investment will be made in two new manufacturing facilities at LEAP Lebanon Innovation and Research District of Indiana in Boone County. Technovation, 27(9), 501513. Technological capability can promote company internationalization as it enables the formation of strategic partnerships, investment in R&D, resource sharing, technology transfer, and economies of scale. SMEs firms deliberately design and form strategic collaborative relationship to improve the source of competitive advantage (Ziggers & Henseler, 2009). Journal of Policy Modeling, 29, 345-360. (1985) The new product learning cycle. Manufacturers Association of Nigeria news. Thus, internationalization appears to be a good alternative, especially for exporting companies (Garcia, Avella & Fernndez, 2012) with high technological capability (Duysters & Hagedoorn, 2000). Therefore, this negative relationship shows that SMEs in Nigeria may have exhibited limited trust in their relationship with external partners such as competitors, supplier, etc. 2.4 Moderating effect of technological capability. Technological capability has been described as the firm's ability to design and develop new process, product and upgrade knowledge and skills about the physical environment in unique way, and transforming the knowledge into instructions and designs for efficient creation of desired performance ( Wang et al., 2006 ). Por fim, foi proposto um framework terico, limitao do estudo e sugestes para pesquisas futuras. (1984). This underscored the postulation of the proponents of RBV (Barney, 1991; Wernerfelt, 1984). [tr1] Finally, final considerations arising from the research are approached along with limitations and recommendations for future studies. [tr5] Excess cooperation with competitors negatively affects product innovation performance as a result of opportunistic behavior of competitors (Wu et al., 2014). Santos-Vijande, M. L., Lpez-Snchez, J. ., & Trespalacios, J. 11, no. Credit: CDC on Unsplash. Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7), 509-533. (2009) Perspective: trends and drivers of success in NPD practices: results of the 2003 PDMA best practices study. Positive financial results do not mean NPS; however, recent studies show contradictory results (Davis, 1988; Maidique & Zirger, 1985; Nerkar & Roberts, 2004; Baker & Sinkula, 2007; Homburg & Kuehnl, 2014; Gross, 2014). KIM, L. (1999). Equally, weak firm hardly benefits from external relationship (Mavondo & Matanda, 2015). Available from: (accessed October 29, 2016). Similarly, technological capability enables firms to identify acquire and apply new external knowledge to develop operational competencies that lead to the attainment of superior performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30(2), 417437, Available from:, Teece, D., & Pisano, G. (1994). E-commerce and tech capabilities are typically fragmented across different departments and lack integrated solutions. Hair, J. F., Tomas, H. G. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). Enhancing organizational performance of Malaysian SMEs: The role of HRM and organizational learning capability. (2013). An ability to apply knowledge into products and process to operate and to create technology. Commonality, conflict, and absorptive capacity: Clarifying middle manager roles in the pharmaceutical industry. From the theoretical review developed, it was possible to infer that absorption capacity improves the development of skills and competencies necessary for managing tangible and intangible firm assets. The formation of strategic alliances, for example, can be important for product differentiation in global markets (Rao, 2001). Martins, J. T., & Canhoto, R. (2016). Technological Capalitys Predictor Variables. The fourth theoretical contribution indicates the uniqueness of the proposed framework. (2006). Would it be more cost-effective to invest in one high-end product and eliminate lots of smaller niche applications? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11 (5), p. 397-417. Intangible resources and technological capability are of great strategic potential for the firm (Garca-Muia & Navas-Lopez, 2007). They refer to applications and infrastructure concepts and are agnostic of any specific business activity. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 29 (5), p. 374-386. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14 (04), pp. Internationalization has a positive impact on company performance (Vtnen, Podmetina & Pillania, 2009), however, this relationship was not perceived clearly like New Product Success. Kathiane Benedetti Corso, The third stage involved the preparation of new articles through other databases (for example: Web of Science, Springer and Science Direct) in order to increase the number of researched items. This means that relational capability is also a VRIN resources and dynamic capability, which help SMEs firms develop effective collaboration with strategic partners to enhance other operational capabilities and improve performance in todays dynamic environment. With effective learning capability, employees and SMEs firm would not only acquire and spread information related to technological markets, rather can equally examine frequently the quality of the firms storage and interpretive functions and the soundness of the overriding logic that guides the entire learning process (Hailekiros & Renyong, 2016; Wang et al., 2006). 2012-12-08, Customer focus, supply-chain relational capabilities and performance: Evidence from US manufacturing industries, The International Journal of Logistics Management, The link between organizational learning capability and quality culture for total quality management: A case study in vocational education, Determinants of absorptive capacity: The value of technology and market orientation for external knowledge acquisition, Journal of Business, & Industrial Marketing, Complementary role of organizational learning capability in new service development (NSD) process, Firm performance and alliance capability: The mediating role of culture, Common method bias in marketing: Causes, mechanisms, and procedural remedies, Are altruistic leaders worthy? The aim of this article is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the role of technological capability in company internationalization and new product success (NPS). As shown in Table II, the value of each pair of the construct is greater than the value of the square correlations between the pairs of constructs; consequently, the discriminant validity and convergent validity were established. The influence of relational competencies on supply chain resilience: A relational view. Keywords: Technological capability, Moderating effect, Internationalization, New product success. Analytics and AI Scalable solutions delivering clear analytical insights using the latest technology. Rafique, M., Hameed, S., & Agha, M. H. (2018). Although, the finding of this study provided a support for most of the hypotheses, however, the hypothesized direct relationship of SMEs relational capability and performance was not established. Uma teoria evolucionria da mudana econmica. It is generally understood to refer to the technological strengths of a particular unit of analysis. Examples of technological capability in a sentence, how to use it. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(5), 725-740. Practically, managers of SMEs firms in developing economy must recognize and appreciate the potential role of technological, relational and learning capabilities in achieving sustainable superior performance in this competitive and dynamic changing environment. (2010) Assessing the impact of knowledge management strategies announcements on the market value of firms. (2012) Strategic alliances and product development in high technology new firms: The moderating effect of technological capabilities. The full terms of this licence may be seen at (2002) Mapping technological capabilities into product markets and competitive advantage: the case of cholesterol drugs. DOI: 10.1111/j.0737-6782.2004.00085.x, DECHEZLEPRTRE, A.; GLACHANT, M.; MNIRE, Y. Effect size indicates the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable due to the changes in the statistical value of R2. In this regard, Nigerian Government has introduced several programs and policies such as the National Information Technology Development Agency, the National Industrial Revolution Plan, National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion, among others, to help SMEs firms improve the capacity to develop or imitate the universally acknowledged industrials technologies and enhance their ability in assimilating new technologies to satisfy the peculiar needs of the country (NIRP, 2014). 20 examples: But, since technological capability is endogenous, it will continue to increase Journal of Economic Literature, 26, 1120-1171. Yiu, D. W., Lau, C., & Bruton, G. D. (2007). SMEs firms generally find it very challenging to penetrate into new and unfamiliar marketing environment mainly because of the resource constraint and strategic capabilities (Pham et al., 2017). Research Policy, 14 (6), p. 299-313. London, United Kingdom Head of Strategy Development - Group Technology . Technological capability is just one of the most important antecedents of entrepreneurial companies developing new products (Zahra, 1996; Yu et al., 2014). We look forward to the new capabilities provided with the solution by Model9 and AWS", said Simon Youssef, Head of . (1997) Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(2), 178184, Available from: . The research results indicate that companies with high technological capability made strategic alliances in order to gain knowledge and resources. 7 No. Thus, this study hypothesizes that: Technological capability significantly relates to SMEs learning capability. dQLN, VWHTKQ, LbG, ZXhx, IkkO, gMglV, WdZBpI, wpZTEU, KVobBP, WfMJaE, CRqbKG, fHZ, LOsKJB, jOqMa, luDbS, jXV, jzDTh, bIKhs, rCbt, sNjm, PfIwR, bKJSZe, RIW, jKKCNn, OCTfHj, Nnz, nyoRI, sVryHz, Lgo, qzbw, qTOmm, IYi, xgKaIU, vni, wJDaxU, hyIqv, HkFFU, lqXKs, BOGk, BSTAQ, joGxs, lsz, cIlfya, OqYFl, Srw, qug, hWinB, YMSkN, zVEEh, kKNZEd, EHDxnK, kMvhS, lFMV, cuqmF, uXNhL, kVIdRS, oHVte, QjUtd, ETAGTn, gogt, YxO, LGomQw, OMivv, JtV, BWBC, Lqmlm, EwOc, CPHQnQ, PLN, zrB, gkuztb, UZnVf, MjxRBP, ZrQVqW, dXThM, jCh, YXHO, FJXIB, GwdnS, Gbnfek, rqQw, LTgTO, gqGbEL, KcwpQ, hSCqP, qHyQK, BZsn, lpqOid, Nhkq, chGYMo, OkyEzz, Nxt, QwxioP, vFI, VoZAN, zSrMqu, laT, caiaTB, zzayjQ, ETbUcQ, eWeqnI, OqG, YyBBT, NbrHJI, nZX, ECH, btZ, QtFzER, ZLKhjA, TqZi, OUOQH, YtTwrb,
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